So......what are Sony and Yamauchi waiting for?

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Key difference - Sony have confirmed the PSP Go. The PS3 Slim doesn't exist yet and the photos that were circulated didn't originate from Sony.

So I'd love to know where the news that this non-existant console is going on sale within 4 months has come from.

Some guy claimed he did it however the cover for the PS3 Slim was exactly the same as PSP Go. No one knew about the Go box until a couple weeks ago so yeah the PS3 Slim is coming. On top of that 2 'moles' said it would be releasing the Slim around September time and they have been correct so many times before.

In conclusion the PS3 Slim is releasing this year and I'm sure Yamauchi will be twiddling his thumbs until he gets the green light for a release date. GT Portable is being treated as a system seller so that should give everyone an idea about what Sony wants GT5 to accomplish in terms of sales.
I'll refrain from commenting on that and the PS3 being more superior in hardware capability. What I will do is get back on topic...Gamespot still has 3 TBA slots left...wonder if one of them could be GT5? :sly:

But Gran Turismo 5 was already announced. :odd:
But Gran Turismo 5 was already announced. :odd:

Either you're not watching the Gamespot feed, or you're just taking it too literally.

It's referring to spots that have yet to be filled.

Furthermore, unless you're referring to the actual acknowledgment of GT5, I'd hardly consider that video an announcement.
Furthermore, unless you're referring to the actual acknowledgment of GT5, I'd hardly consider that video an announcement.
That was the announcement for it, presented in a trailer. If it was not, why do the interviews with Kaz. have him acknowledging it as such?
Eurogamer: One of the things that stood out in Microsoft's press conference was the Forza team saying it was the definitive simulation racer. How do you feel about that?

Kazunori Yamauchi: I don't exactly know what their announcement was about, but we've evolved over 10 years through our history, towards GT5, and I don't know if it's something that can be compared.

I like how KY didn't throw a cheap shot back towards turn10/Forza.

I wouldn't expect anything less from the man. Complete class in everything he deals with.
For those saying that "sony is waiting for PS3 slim or PS3 with new price"...
I think it's wrong, if they release GT5 now they will sold same amount of ps3...(at full price)

GT fans are waiting GT5 to buy ps3, and not ps3 slim or cheapest ps3 to buy GT5... am i wrong?

First GT5 with full priced PS3 and latter on (chrismas?) bundle with new price or slim PS3 to convince last customers

If at all possible games publishers like to release their biggest titles in time for Christmas

Previously it was believed GT5 could miss this date as the game was not complete, now we know it's more or less finished, Sony and PD can now spend another couple of months polishing the game and preparing the marketing campaign, ready to hit the market at the best possible time for the PS3 system.
GT5 is go, KY is just working on all the reverse lights for the 600 + cars. You guys all wanted it, and now hes gonna take the next 9 months doing it!


Maybe we should watch what we wish for! lol
True. I didn't say Forza 3 was a horrible game - I only think that GT5 is better between the two games and to be honest, it irritates me that Turn 10 is touting their game the way they are. You don't hear Kazunori Yamauchi saying boastful things about his game or casting negative slams at the competition, do you?

LOL! I apologize if I come off that way - yes, defending your favorite game against it's competitors even for the right reasons, can come off a bit fan-boyish, I agree.

We all just want the perfect racing game and I feel that Gran Turismo 5 will deliver that to us. Forza 3 will be good in it's own way, but it is more "arcadey" and less simulation, which GT5 is the exact opposite and with an arcade mode thrown in just for completeness sake.

Downplaying the competition has been Microsoft's tradition.
Apple, Sony, Nintendo and now Google.

They downplay their competitors to make their products look superior.
While I understand this is real world business marketing strategy, it shows what kind of company they are.

I have yet to hear Google or Nintendo trash talking their competitors.
I'm starting to think fanboys should have their own special section. This is just ridiculous. Can't go 2-3 pages without some random fanboy acknowledgment. :banghead:
Key difference - Sony have confirmed the PSP Go. The PS3 Slim doesn't exist yet and the photos that were circulated didn't originate from Sony.

So I'd love to know where the news that this non-existant console is going on sale within 4 months has come from.
It is believed that the leak for the PSP Go and the rumor for the PS3 Slim came from the same source. If so, that source has been proven as having inside access. But whether it be a slim or just a price drop I believe that GT5 is being placed with it in a way to maximize sales..

I'm starting to think fanboys should have their own special section. This is just ridiculous. Can't go 2-3 pages without some random fanboy acknowledgment. :banghead:
Yeah, they should go find their own Gran Turismo themed site.
Key difference - Sony have confirmed the PSP Go. The PS3 Slim doesn't exist yet and the photos that were circulated didn't originate from Sony.

So I'd love to know where the news that this non-existant console is going on sale within 4 months has come from.

I'm guessing that GT5 is being delayed because PD can't figure out how to keep my cars weight from constantly re-setting to a default setting every time I exit and come back in :dopey:


I also have to laugh about all the concern for the announced hype around the Forza3 presentation ..... I guess none of you have worked in sales :)
This is a good example of an American business culture in comparison to a rather polite Japanese culture.

I worked for a Japanese company for 25 years selling products that competed in the market place with American made products. The US brands continuously ran advertising taking cheap shots at our products while we continuously ran advertising touting only the merits of our products without ever mentioning the competitive brands or their weak points.

I can hear it now ...... "Please enjoy this exciting trailer of our new game Forza3. It's really quite good, but possibly not as good as another game which not only hasn't been released, but hasn't even had a release date set for it yet" :dopey:

Yes, this is sarchasm ........ my apologies :)

I could'nt agree with you more, I dont have the first concern that GT5 will blow us GT die hards away as usual.
And I love the line about the weight of the car re setting LOL
after the dust has settled...somewhat, let's see this as a positive turn of event. All we had at e3 was a more info on GT5, but now e know it's pretty much entered a stage where it is great is that? instead of crying shouldn't we rejoice? I mean every week they work on GT5 is making sure everything is going to be triple-A. So lets be happy guys, I mean it seems to me that when we get GT5 it is going to be an awesome experience. So come on, give PD some slack eh?
after the dust has settled...somewhat, let's see this as a positive turn of event. All we had at e3 was a more info on GT5, but now e know it's pretty much entered a stage where it is great is that? instead of crying shouldn't we rejoice? I mean every week they work on GT5 is making sure everything is going to be triple-A. So lets be happy guys, I mean it seems to me that when we get GT5 it is going to be an awesome experience. So come on, give PD some slack eh?

quote, if they keep it to release only for polishing, every week passed it's nearly every feature they add on it...
we will have really an incredible game...
I hope it is by the end of this year. It would please the fan but it is also understandable that they are polishing it to perfection.
Maybe they wanted to wait so it can be presented with the new logitech wheel. It's just a pure guess (as the wheel is only a rumor) but I could see that happening. I'm looking forward to TGS. Logitech has done something big for CES, and now E3, so I expect something good at TGS as well.
no more info on GT5, but now we know it's pretty much entered a stage where it is great is that? instead of crying shouldn't we rejoice? I mean every week they work on GT5 is making sure everything is going to be triple-A. So lets be happy guys, I mean it seems to me that when we get GT5 it is going to be an awesome experience. So come on, give PD some slack eh?

This, times 10000!

I cant believe people actually see this as a negative thing.. Kazunori Yamauchi states TWICE in two different interviews that it is as good as done and they are polishing it/working on the final touches and can release it anytime they want now.

So all of our wishes have been granted.. all those people wanting damage (i was not one of them btw, i dont like damage in a GT game lol) your wish has been granted, all those tracks, all those cars, all those leagues and classes, plus some of the slickest visuals we have ever seen, or should i say, never seen before because it is miles ahead of most games current gen.
And Yamauchi says it's almost done..

here, let me get through to you:

almost done...almost done...almost done...
almost done...almost done...almost done...
almost done...almost done...almost done...
almost done...almost done...almost done...


So maybe only a few more months and we are finally going to play the king of race games.. nascar, WRC, F1, and who the hell knows what more?!? Le mans 24 hours at night? maybe a day/night cycle? weather effects? decent online? decals? customization?

all very, very likely gentlemen.. and all this is confirmed to be done and in it's finishing stage.. we are so close to a release, it's not even funny anymore.
I've gotta be honest after the whole announcement died down, I came to terms with it.

I won't pardon my complaining because it happened, and it was just frustration...particularly because that was primary reason I watched E3.

I'm still not waiting till 2011 though. :sly:
I believe the game is finished.

All they are doing right now is dotting the " I's " and crossing all the " T's " and polishing out any rough edges.

Polish all you want to PD .......... I have patience.
They're probably making the translations for all the different versions, for a single-date global release.
Or whatever it is that video game developers do in "post-production". What do they do after the game is "made", anyway? Testing, quality assurance? Smoke pot? Sleep? Play World of Warcraft? That seems to be what they do at the Art Institute. LMAO
I believe they will announce the release date in TGS 2009.
But firstly we gonna wait Game Convetion 2009..
I must see online features.
With Forza 3 coming in Oct I can wait at least 6 months till GT5 comes out. I know Forza won't be as good but it's good enough to hold me over. I would be fine with a release date sometime before summer of 2010

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