Does anyone else seem to think, though, that protective this and that and all these little programs to protect kids might be over-doing it?
It seems like every day in the news you hear about some parent being charged or warned or something about "beating" or "abusing" their children, spanking them, using a ruler or a belt, or something. But did you ever hear all this 50 years ago? Hell nah, it was just discipline, and people turned out quite a bit better because of it.
All the 18-25 year olds now are causing (or so it seems) much more trouble and doing much more (harmful) illegal activity than they did back in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and even 70's. All the older people I talk to now say they wouldn't dare do half the stuff these kids are doing today, because they know they'd get punished for it. And it works, eveidentally. If they're not going to do it again, then obviously the discipline is working.
These children/kids/adolscents aren't going to learn how to control themselves in the workplace or in public by getting slaps on the wrists all their lives, and it's going to be much worse when they wake up to the harsh reality that you'll be charged if you steal, lie, cheat, assault, etc.
IMO, it's getting completely ridiculous and parents are becomming too proud of their children; "oh I never hit my little Johnny he's just an angel, even when he lights the cat on fire and attacks other children"it's just stupid.
And then it all changes around at hockey games, baseball games, etc. whenever another kid touches their child. They get super defensive and want to take the little SOB off the feild for a good ass-woopin'well guess what, parents? Maybe you all put your own kids in their place, maybe they wouldn't touch other kids or harass people.
The only thing not doing it does, is create a race of super-sensitive whiny little cry-baby emo kids who can't fight or defend themselves, because they either rely on their parents (who never punish them, and thus give them no tolerance for pain) or just hope that the rest of the world will be super nice.
When looked at from a logical perspective, kids are, and have steadily been since the 70's, getting weaker/less inclined to be able to fight. It must have to do with a generation of hippie parents or something, I don't know. But from what I've noticed, people are in general becomming less inclined to have a good, clean, one-on-one scrap. What they're doing now is ganging up on kids, swarming them, and kicking the living hell out of them when they're down. But you know what? If parents properly disciplined them and they had people to teach them how to defend themselves/fight honourably, this would be much less of a problem.
Anyway, I have to leave soon so I'll finish this rant some time later. I look forward to some comments/afterthought/review of this