You're joking, right? YOu can't "reason" with children. That's insane! As Danoff said, you draw a line. When they cross it, immediate consequences. It's not evil, it's not "planned" it's promised. Young children are smart enough to be able to reason with their parents and wear them down. This is only teaching them that when they mess up, all you have to do is manipulate the authority and you can get out of it.
Well, it is hard work, but it works. As you say, children are smarter than one might think. It doesn't always show immediately, but it has a longterm function. My parents told me that they explained everything to me, things I didn't understand, and why certain things are wrong. I assume it worked.
I said that taling revenge on your children is a planned evil action, I think we agree on that one...
I understand your argument and to a certain point I agree. But there is no need to use physical methods.
When they cross the line as you said, explain why you think it is wrong. they will listen. If they don't then do what you have to do ( no ice cream, no visit of your his/her friend that day/ not watching TV etc). I don't say that you have to watch you children do what they want. But there is no need to spank.
Does your boss reason with you when you mess up? Nope, not if they are a good boss. They let you know what's up and to fix the situation ASAP or your out of there.
Well in medicine your boss will explain, in MacDonalds that might be different. But that is not the question, or do you want to compare the relationship to your boss to the one to your beloved parents?
Anyone that uses their fists on their children is abusing them. I will only ever spank my childrens butt. That's it. I know you didn't mean punching children but I just wanted to clearify. Also, this education you speak of, how is it possible to educate without disipline?
Yes I should have been more precise here.
So then they learn that if they're good for a day or whatever that they deserve a present? Sounds like social dependance to me. Granted, there are times when you can say, "If you good all the way to and from grandma's house we'll get some pizza" or something like that. But not on a regular everyday basis.
Again, how can you have education without disipline?
Well of course it is a little more complex. This discussion is theory. Imo you always have to talk about a specific situation. Show me a situation when somebody uses spanking as education method and I show you a better alternative. "Better" doesn't mean more effective, but better for the kid's personality and still solving the problem. Might take more time, might not work as good. But I never said it is easy.
A certain level of discipline is necessary, no doubt about it. Maybe it is just the German word "Disziplin" that was in my way, it has a slightly differnet meaning, is very much associated with negative aspects in my language.
So, discipline : yes, to a certain degree ( as little as necessariy though ),
spanking still no imo.
You should also consider, that we live in different societies. I assume that you also teach your children to believe in god, imo that is manipulation. And I do realize that spanking has a huge variety, ranging from symbolic actions to abuse...So I wouldn't say, that parents who use that method are criminals or stupid etc, I just think that there are better options...
Bad system. You set the rules and you live by the rules. If you want to reward children for their good behavior they have to know exactly what good behavior triggers a reward and exactly what reward it triggers. Random rewards for behavior here and there aren't incentive because they can't be counted on.
Sometimes one could get the impression you talk about educating a dog
Children will challenge your authority at some point. It's a natural stage in early human development and everyone crosses it. They'll test out the rules until they cross the line. It's that way with everything. When they see flames, they'll put their hand on it to figure out that it hurts. They'll cut themselves before they figure out to be careful with sharp objects. They'll challenge the rules and your authority fairly often when they're young. The best response to those challenges is a quick concrete reinforcement of your dominance in the relationship.
I agree. But why spanking ? Not necessariy, because of the bad side effects.
You can't go on a relationship of love and respect with a 4 year old. It's best not to try to pretend they're adults like that.
Oldfashioned point of view, you should have a look at new studies, Freud is not everything... Of course a 4year old is different than a 14 year old, but as I said my parents explained me stuff at that age. And even if it wouldn't work, there are other ways to show that you are the dominant part than spanking. Talk in a loud voice to them, that might often be enough.
Not all children are equal. Genetic differences do play a role at early ages. Spanking can be necessary for a child that refuses to accept his parent's authority.
I have to disagree here. The genetic effects are minmal compared to the faults parents (can) make. Spanking is never necessary. It works, it's fast and efficient, but never a must.
Maybe you are talking about children with certain syndromes, some children can hardly concentrate and parents think that they are not following their rules. In that case spanking is even more wrong.