Spot Race Challenge Discussion Thread!!

  • Thread starter mafia_boy
Whens the deadline for this? I may give it one more go, but 6:43's is probably out of the question.
Deadline for this challenge was end of today... I ran a 6'41.996 with my 'Mad Merc', and i'll leave it at that. Whoever beats that basically wins ;).
I lost my settings and my car in a screwed-up backup (saved my backup onto my main game :dunce:), so I couldn't improve on my time. Congrats mcsqueegy. 👍
So guys, how about this:

Hypermilers Challenge!​

There are 2 Hybrids in GT4 with MPG monitors. They are both Priuses. My challenge to anyone who wants to participate is to:

1) Complete 1 lap at the Nurb in reasonable time.
2) Record the highest possible MPG.

All mods allowed EXCEPT a new tranny.

All times due in 1 week, July 16.

Any takers?
I'm going to set the bar right now.
Prius G Touring Selection (J) '03
Two electric bars used.
0.831 gallons of fuel used.

Thats just a preliminary test to see how fast I could get around with throttle fully applied.

Now to go test the competition out.
Vehicle: Prius G Touring '03
Time: 11:34.867
Fuel Consumed: 0.472 gallons (Approx. average of 27 mpg)
Battery Depletion: 3 bars at finish line.


However, I have a question: Stock tires, or are any legal? This run was done on S2 tires.
I'm going to assume that it should be done with S2's thats what mine was run on.

I'm curious as to how we're going to choose a winner. because you wasted alot of battery, and I wasted a bit more fuel than you. Should be interesting.
It doesn't matter how much battery is used. It's just a time and mpg challenge. And yes, any S tires go.
I'm going to assume that it should be done with S2's thats what mine was run on.

I'm curious as to how we're going to choose a winner. because you wasted alot of battery, and I wasted a bit more fuel than you. Should be interesting.

You were recharging earlier in the run, I was a bit in and it swapped to recharge, came up, went back to draining. I used very little throttle all the way through, but also spared the brakes (bad move). The idea was to keep as much speed up as long as possible.

I backed off as much as possible during the recharge cycle as well, to save fuel. You were, as you said, flat-out when possible. Therefore, you most likely had 2-3 or more recharge cycles.

I think I can shave some time (Well, quite a bit...) and still knock fuel consumption down. Battery usage shouldn't be regarded, as the '03 swaps to recharge on its own... Might give the older one a try, but as I recall from fooling about with these before, it's got a worse system for the transmission/power flow.
It doesn't matter how much battery is used. It's just a time and mpg challenge. And yes, any S tires go.

Ahh. Ok, that works.

I think I can shave some time (Well, quite a bit...) and still knock fuel consumption down. Battery usage shouldn't be regarded, as the '03 swaps to recharge on its own... Might give the older one a try, but as I recall from fooling about with these before, it's got a worse system for the transmission/power flow.

You're absolutely right about the power on the first model. I started a run with it and I had barely gotten off the start line and it had used 25% of the gas I used in the second model run. It doesn't sound as cool electric-wise either.
So I'm guessing we're gauging this by taking the time, converting it to seconds, and then multiplying by fuel burned, lowest wins?
Ok, I just set a 9:34.867 and used 3491cc of petrol I suppose (sorry but I live in Aus, that means I have it set to metric).
interesting. Find some way to convert the fuel consumption us silly ntsc users can understand. I'm sure its a ton more than what me and RJ used though.
Hey who won the race? I was thinking about a FF race? what does anybody think about that? I would love to see some tuner's in this one too
Ah a FF race.How about we make the race a 200hp or less race.I wanna see how my '83 Civic goes against other tuner's ff cars.Tuskuba (sp?) good?

Off- topic edit:I also found my favorite 1999 PSX rally game:V-Rally2:Need For Speed.
Ah a FF race.How about we make the race a 200hp or less race.I wanna see how my '83 Civic goes against other tuner's ff cars.Tuskuba (sp?) good?

Off- topic edit:I also found my favorite 1999 PSX rally game:V-Rally2:Need For Speed.

sounds good I want to test out my xA in this race. It's not the fastest, but I think it could keep up with most on the right track! We'll wait to see if we get any takers on this race or not?

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