Much better.
Very true, although, faster you get up to speed the less fuel you use.
I'm going to assume that it should be done with S2's thats what mine was run on.
I'm curious as to how we're going to choose a winner. because you wasted alot of battery, and I wasted a bit more fuel than you. Should be interesting.
It doesn't matter how much battery is used. It's just a time and mpg challenge. And yes, any S tires go.
I think I can shave some time (Well, quite a bit...) and still knock fuel consumption down. Battery usage shouldn't be regarded, as the '03 swaps to recharge on its own... Might give the older one a try, but as I recall from fooling about with these before, it's got a worse system for the transmission/power flow.
Ah a FF race.How about we make the race a 200hp or less race.I wanna see how my '83 Civic goes against other tuner's ff cars.Tuskuba (sp?) good?
Off- topic edit:I also found my favorite 1999 PSX rally game:V-Rally2:Need For Speed.