"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
It doesn't matter if the word "view" is in plural or singular form.

"Standard cars do not support interior views" means it does not have any sort of view from the interior & last I checked, this

is one of the many interior views in the game.

You tell us to learn English? How about learning it yourself first& try not to play that, "It was translated poorly" game. That argument held ground 4-5 months ago.

Seriously, I'm amazed that the letter "s" suddenly means a big conspiracy & that PD is really giving us interior views.

The letter "s" means the feature of several view points from a car interior and as far as I know several are more than a single, besides if they wanted to say cockpits wont be feature is already a Japanese word for cockpit and there is always the English site,so if there was no cockpit view they can say that straight away but they didn't and what they tried to mention with this is:

1. Premium cars are several interior points of view supported.

2. Standard cars are not capable of holding several interior points of view.

And finally in any site has been mention anything about no cockpits,the only thing that was mention " interior views " has an "s", it also means plural not singular which is really a huge difference between having one point of view from several,if they say "none interior point of view"is plausible to think that the cars will not have cockpits,but if the plural means that several are not possible,it also means that a single is possible.
And finally in any site has been mention anything about no cockpits,the only thing that was mention " interior views " has an "s", it also means plural not singular which is really a huge difference between having one point of view from several,if they say "none interior point of view"is plausible to think that the cars will not have cockpits,but if the plural means that several are not possible,it also means that a single is possible.

The site does not say, "Standard cars do not support interior views except for 1 possible view". It says, in plain English, they do not support interior views & by that, it means any & every interior view in a Premium model. The cockpit view is an interior view & standard cars do not support it.

There is no, it may have 1 possible view or any of this nonsense. I put $50 down you'll be one of the people at release crying about how there's not even a black outline.

The site does not say, "Standard cars do not support interior views except for 1 possible view". It says, in plain English, they do not support interior views & by that, it means any & every interior view in a Premium model. The cockpit view is an interior view & standard cars do not support it.

There is no, it may have 1 possible view or any of this nonsense. I put $50 down you'll be one of the people at release crying about how there's not even a black outline.

since you are in the other side of the pacific is hard to bet,but I know what interior view means and what cockpit view means,while cockpit view for video games means the design of the dashboard,instruments and driving point of view objects ,the internal point of view means a total design of the whole car,engine bay,suspension,back seats and so on,if they say interior view they don't say cockpits,as far as I know cockpits doesn't mean internal view,still everyone is preparing for the worst including me ,but the thing that got me wondering is the avoiding mention of no cockpits as such.

If I want to put a bet I will bet 100 bucks on having you outrage of being wrong about this whole topic,still black frame cockpit count as an interior view and is also a possibility.
since you are in the other side of the pacific is hard to bet,but I know what interior view means and what cockpit view means,while cockpit view for video games means the design of the dashboard,instruments and driving point of view objects ,the internal point of view means a total design of the whole car,engine bay,suspension,back seats and so on,if they say interior view they don't say cockpits,as far as I know cockpits doesn't mean internal view,still everyone is preparing for the worst including me ,but the thing that got me wondering is the avoiding mention of no cockpits as such.
Again, wrong. You do not know what either mean.

The interior of a car is this; the inside of a car.

A cockpit is the area where a person controls a vehicle. That area is in the interior of the vehicle, hence why the website does not say, "Does not support cockpit view".

I'm sorry again, but you have no argument here. You obviously do not have any understanding of what a cockpit or an interior is because an engine & a suspension system are not interior objects. They do not reside in the interior of a car.

You know the other reason why "cockpit" isn't mentioned? Because you & a bunch of other people in this forum don't realize that the word "cockpit" is an aviation term for an airplane. No car has a cockpit view.
Hi Jordan *waves*

I just... I don't get it. CeeJay said what I'm thinking; the wording on the site tells me that no interior views will be supported. Not a driver's seat view, not a handbrake-looking-up-at-driver-view, not a oh-hey-the-backseat-stitching-was-totally-worth-the-wait view. I read it as we won't be seeing anything from the inside of a Standard car.

To read it as anything other than that, is to purposely ignore anything my English teachers taught me throughout my journey through school. If you guys are game for that, great, but I'm reading it how I've always been told to.
I'm sorry again, but you have no argument here. You obviously do not have any understanding of what a cockpit or an interior is because an engine & a suspension system are not interior objects.They do not reside in the interior of a car.

I'm sorry so the engine is not inside the car,Wow that is pretty clever :dunce: ,anyway you don't get the point either,if you look an airplane like this:

cockpit(controls and information dials)


interior: (another elements inside the aircraft )


Don't get me wrong and make the experiment on google see what you get
the same experiment with cars:




I'm sorry so the engine is not inside the car,Wow that is pretty clever :dunce: ,anyway you don't get the point either,if you look an airplane like this:

Here, I'll put it to you this way: When someone asks you how much interior space your car has, do you pop the hood?
@ Akira- Exactly, all we have here is naysayers who don't know what plurals are. And the translation is directly from the japanese. No INTERIOR, it didn't say NO COCKPIT or no DRIVERS SEAT or NO DASHBOARD.

Until those are said, I'm going to believe that standard cars could possibly support a 'cockpit' view.

@Slipstream- do you speak Japanese? I don't. But I know they have wordings for things that are quite different in English. Which is why I said the translation on the English GT site is a direct copy of what it says on the Japanese site. They say interior, we say innard. You say cockpit, they say 'dashboard'.
Still wrong as usual.

1. An engine is not in a car, & certainly not in the interior of car. If you look underneath a car, you can actually see the engine of most cars between all the piping.

2. A cockpit is in the interior of an airplane.

3. Cars do not have cockpits.

You can't compare a plane & a car because planes have aviation terms and cars don't.
@ Akira- Exactly, all we have here is naysayers who don't know what plurals are. And the translation is directly from the japanese. No INTERIOR, it didn't say NO COCKPIT or no DRIVERS SEAT or NO DASHBOARD.

Until those are said, I'm going to believe that standard cars could possibly support a 'cockpit' view.
Hey genius, all those things are in the interior of a car.

The only naysayers are you guys making up terms that do not apply to cars & not understanding common sense.
@ Akira- Exactly, all we have here is naysayers who don't know what plurals are. And the translation is directly from the japanese. No INTERIOR, it didn't say NO COCKPIT or no DRIVERS SEAT or NO DASHBOARD.

Until those are said, I'm going to believe that standard cars could possibly support a 'cockpit' view.

Hmmm, you're right. It didn't say any of those things. Is "interior" a blanket term though, that actually covers all three of those?


Still wrong as usual.

1. An engine is not in a car, & certainly not in the interior of car. If you look underneath a car, you can actually see the engine of most cars between all the piping.

2. A cockpit is in the interior of an airplane.

3. Cars do not have cockpits.

You can't compare a plane & a car because planes have aviation terms and cars don't.

Hey genius, all those things are in the interior of a car.

The only naysayers are you guys making up terms that do not apply to cars & not understanding common sense.

No one is making things up except you and your imaginary 'no cockpit' view. That wasn't said. When Kaz said 'INTERIORS' before he didn't mean cockpit. His wording wasn't meant to be the dashboard driving postion, or camera. He never said that. Until he does say that, it's unconfirmed.
No one is making things up except you and your imaginary 'no cockpit' view. That wasn't said. When Kaz said 'INTERIORS' before he didn't mean cockpit. His wording wasn't meant to be the dashboard driving postion, or camera. He never said that. Until he does say that, it's unconfirmed.
A cockpit is in the interior of the vehicle. You can not say, "The standard cars don't have any interior views but they do have a cockpit view".

Sorry, you guys can't argue this fact.
Still wrong as usual.

1. An engine is not in a car, & certainly not in the interior of car. If you look underneath a car, you can actually see the engine of most cars between all the piping.

2. A cockpit is in the interior of an airplane.

3. Cars do not have cockpits.

You can't compare a plane & a car because planes have aviation terms and cars don't.

Hey genius, all those things are in the interior of a car.

The only naysayers are you guys making up terms that do not apply to cars & not understanding common sense.

By universal terms cant be compared either,well you can believe what you want about this whole stuff,yes the cars engine goes in the engine bay(but some times they go in the interior of the cars like the F40 or the Lamborghini,in general terms all the mid engine cars )and the interior is different from the cockpit, you cannot drive a car from the back seat can you?
Hmmm, you're right. It didn't say any of those things. Is "interior" a blanket term though, that actually covers all three of those?



I repeat my question. Go on Akira, answer.
@McLaren- That's not a fact, only by you and a few others is it 'fact'. By Kaz's words interior isn't referring to the drivers position. Interior was referring to the parts of the car such as engine, wheel wells etc. Maybe you should look back at the previous stories and interviews with Kaz. He doesn't speak english, so when he says something and it gets translated it's words from Japanese to english. His translator isn't the best either. He could say interior and mean underneeth body cladding. We can say interior and mean the cockpit driving postion. Japanese is not english, which is what I'm trying to point out to you. This is a direct translation from the Japanese site that was put on the english site. What's hard to understand about that?

@Slipstream, like I said, I don't speak Japanese but a word in Japanese can be a different meaning to English, this happens a lot in Manga, which I read constantly.
By universal terms cant be compared either,well you can believe what you want about this whole stuff,yes the cars engine goes in the engine bay(but some times they go in the interior of the cars like the F40 or the Lamborghini,
The engine bay isn't in the interior of the car. That's why it's called the engine bay.

And btw, you can see the engine in a F40 from underneath.
in general terms all the mid engine cars )and the interior is different from the cockpit, you cannot drive a car from the back seat can you?
LMAO at you attempting to turn the terms around. :lol:

In case your brain hasn't grasped it yet, the cockpit is an area of the interior.

In a car, the interior includes a driver's seat, passenger seat, & generally rear seats. So, yeah, you do drive a car from the interior, ala the driver's seat in the interior.
That's not a fact, only by you and a few others is it 'fact'. By Kaz's words interior isn't referring to the drivers position. Interior was referring to the parts of the car such as engine, wheel wells etc. Maybe you should look back at the previous stories and interviews with Kaz. He doesn't speak english, so when he says something and it gets translated it's words from Japanese to english. His translator isn't the best either. He could say interior and mean underneeth body cladding. We can say interior and mean the cockpit driving postion. Japanese is not english, which is what I'm trying to point out to you. This is a direct translation from the Japanese site that was put on the english site. What's hard to understand about that?
Again, the "Blame the translation" game doesn't work anymore when the official website has everything in plain English telling us interior views are not in the standard cars.
The engine bay isn't in the interior of the car. That's why it's called the engine bay.

And btw, you can see the engine in a F40 from underneath.

LMAO at you attempting to turn the terms around. :lol:

In case your brain hasn't grasped it yet, the cockpit is an area of the interior.

In a car, the interior includes a driver's seat, passenger seat, & generally rear seats. So, yeah, you do drive a car from the interior, ala the driver's seat in the interior.

Again, the "Blame the translation" game doesn't work anymore when the official website has everything in plain English telling us interior views are not in the standard cars.

Ok lets put it into another way:

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"

don't say the following:

-Interior of standard cars were not model
-Cockpit view is not possible
-none interior camera is supported(that is the "s" what we are talking about )

When you say "the cockpit is an area of the interior"you are right but yet again can you drive a car from the back seat?,if you can congratulations but if you don't welcome to the real world and to why my arguing is all about,first they say interior viewS are not support,they don't say absent or none of them are supported they mean several are not supported,third if they wanted to say "cockpits are not supported" that is more clear,concise and grammatically valid,but as I said before they didn't, you keep arguing about something that you made in your mind:

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"
is equal to
"Standard cars interiors were not modelled"

If you have that thinking in your mind it means that you don't have any understanding of English at all(and you suppose to live in the US)or you have a terrible misunderstand of words,I am not saying that cockpits are not in the interior they are,but what I am trying to say is that they aren't the same thing,once said this I hope you get my point,is not irrational or mental,is true and plausible.
Ok lets put it into another way:

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"

don't say the following:

-Interior of standard cars were not model
-Cockpit view is not possible
-none interior camera is supported(that is the "s" what we are talking about )

When you say "the cockpit is an area of the interior"you are right but yet again can you drive a car from the back seat?,if you can congratulations but if you don't welcome to the real world and to why my arguing is all about,first they say interior viewS are not support,they don't say absent or none of them are supported they mean several are not supported,third if they wanted to say "cockpits are not supported" that is more clear,concise and grammatically valid,but as I said before they didn't, you keep arguing about something that you made in your mind:

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"
is equal to
"Standard cars interiors were not modelled"

If you have that thinking in your mind it means that you don't have any understanding of English at all(and you suppose to live in the US)or you have a terrible misunderstand of words,I am not saying that cockpits are not in the interior they are,but what I am trying to say is that they aren't the same thing,once said this I hope you get my point,is not irrational or mental,is true and plausible.

Talk about grabbing at straws xfd
Ok lets put it into another way:

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"

don't say the following:

-Interior of standard cars were not model
-Cockpit view is not possible
-none interior camera is supported(that is the "s" what we are talking about )

Well actually, in basic English, it definitely does touch on your second point. If interior camera views are not supported on Standard cars, then a "cockpit" view is impossible. Because it is one form of an interior view. And the statement right there says they are not supported. If it said "Standard cars do not support some vehicle interior camera views", then your doubt would be valid, and they would've been leaving the possibility open for certain ones. But the current statement on the website, in plain English, is a blanket statement covering any permutation of an interior camera.

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"
is equal to
"Standard cars interiors were not modelled"

It doesn't matter if they're modelled or not, since we will only ever see them from outside of the car, going by the line on the site.

So if you have that thinking in your mind it means that you don't have an understanding of English at all(and you suppose to live in the US)or you have a terrible misunderstand of words,I am not saying that cockpits are not in the interior they are,but what I am trying to say is that they aren't the same thing,once said this I hope you get my point,is not irrational or mental,is true and plausible.

Akira, I feel it's safe to say English isn't your first language. That's perfectly acceptable. But you can't really accuse McLaren of a poor grasp on English with a paragraph as riddled with errors as this.

Let's see if I can clear it up in a different way: interior -> driver's seat -> steering wheel. If they said "there will be no wheel view", then that means there's still the chance of a view from the driver's seat, or anywhere else in the interior, for that matter. If they say "no interior views at all"... then they don't need to state seperately that there's no driver's seat or wheel cam; interior covers that.
If it was some other game then no interior views would mean no cockpit.

But in GT5 since the premium cars have so much detail like real cars. There is a confusion that you will not be able to see those interior details on standard models and thus no interior views applies to those instead of cockpit, dashboard view while playing
Ok lets put it into another way:

"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"

don't say the following:

-Interior of standard cars were not model
It actually does. Why else are the views not supported (rhetorical question, don't answer).
-Cockpit view is not possible
Says that, too. If it does not support an interior view, it does not support a view from the driver's seat.
-none interior camera is supported(that is the "s" what we are talking about )
Says that as well. Any kind of camera in the interior is not supported. You're, once again, not understanding that views covers any sort of view.
When you say "the cockpit is an area of the interior"you are right but yet again can you drive a car from the back seat?
You can not turn that term around.
if you can congratulations but if you don't welcome to the real world and to why my arguing is all about,first they say interior viewS are not support,they don't say absent or none of them are supported they mean several are not supported,
Wrong as always.

It means all views are not supported. It's incredibly basic English that you seem unable to comprehend. If it said, some or several, it would say those words.

third if they wanted to say "cockpits are not supported" that is more clear,concise and grammatically valid,but as I said before they didn't, you keep arguing about something that you made in your mind:
You are the only person who makes up BS because you grasp at retarded arguments.

It will not say cockpits because a car does not have a cockpit. And even if it did, you would still say, "LOL, it says cockpits!"
"Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views"
is equal to
"Standard cars interiors were not modelled"
They aren't. There wouldn't be black windows if they were.

Common. Sense. You have none.
If you have that thinking in your mind it means that you don't have any understanding of English at all(and you suppose to live in the US)or you have a terrible misunderstand of words,I am not saying that cockpits are not in the interior they are,but what I am trying to say is that they aren't the same thing,once said this I hope you get my point,is not irrational or mental,is true and plausible.
I understand English perfectly fine. You don't. You think the word interior & cockpit are 2 completely different areas.

A Cockpit resides in an Interior. An Interior does not reside in a Cockpit.
You DO drive a car from the interior because the driver's seat resides there.

If you actually type up another paragraph of silly arguments & made up points, then please call your grammar teacher & tell him that he failed you.
If it was some other game then no interior views would mean no cockpit.
It means the same here. There is no "GT has t3h special treatement".
But in GT5 since the premium cars have so much detail like real cars. There is a confusion that you will not be able to see those interior details on standard models and thus no interior views applies to those instead of cockpit, dashboard view while playing
Prove it. Or better yet, read the last 3 posts I have made because I have debunked this stupid argument close to 3 times now. A "cockpit" is in the interior. If you can not see any views from the interior, you can not see any views from the "cockpit".
The engine bay isn't in the interior of the car. That's why it's called the engine bay.

And btw, you can see the engine in a F40 from underneath.

LMAO at you attempting to turn the terms around. :lol:

In case your brain hasn't grasped it yet, the cockpit is an area of the interior.

In a car, the interior includes a driver's seat, passenger seat, & generally rear seats. So, yeah, you do drive a car from the interior, ala the driver's seat in the interior.

Again, the "Blame the translation" game doesn't work anymore when the official website has everything in plain English telling us interior views are not in the standard cars.

Again, there is no "Blame the translation" game being played. Like I said, show me where Kaz says INTERIOR=COCKPIT driving point. He doesn't. You nor anyone else can prove that. So far INTERIOR (which is translated to english from Japanese on the american site) from Kaz has meant exactly what me and Akira are saying. When you read the Japanese site and translate it directly it says INTERIOR. You can't translate Japanese to english word for word because that's not how Japanese is spoken. So I don't think you understand exactly what Kaz means. He isn't implying COCKPIT, he's implying INTERIOR, such as innards, wheel wells, underbodies, suspension components etc.
Again, there is no "Blame the translation" game being played. Like I said, show me where Kaz says INTERIOR=COCKPIT driving point. He doesn't. You nor anyone else can prove that. So far INTERIOR (which is translated to english from Japanese on the american site) from Kaz has meant exactly what me and Akira are saying.
No, it doesn't. Esp. not what Akira is saying because he doesn't understand simple English thinking a driver's seat doesn't rest in the interior.
When you read the Japanese site and translate it directly it says INTERIOR. You can't translate Japanese to english word for word because that's not how Japanese is spoken. So I don't think you understand exactly what Kaz means. He isn't implying COCKPIT, he's implying INTERIOR, such as innards, wheel wells, underbodies, suspension components etc.
Except unless Kaz. is stupid, which I know he isn't, those parts are not in the interior of a car.

You're grasping at straws as desperately as Akira right now.
Not that I put it past PD, but when you say something like interior views are not supported, if you really mean SOME interior views are not supported, then that's basically a lie of omission.

"I don't have sexually transmitted diseases" (note plural) does not also mean "Therea are multipel diseases I don't have but also one that I do".

So what it says is internal views are not supported. If the view you are thinking of is internal, it's not supported. There you go.

Want to argue it's a miss translation? Well nothing to stop you, but what it says is what it says.
No, it doesn't. Esp. not what Akira is saying because he doesn't understand simple English thinking a driver's seat doesn't rest in the interior.

Except unless Kaz. is stupid, which I know he isn't, those parts are not in the interior of a car.

You're grasping at straws as desperately as Akira right now.

You're playing that **** out guy, grasping at straws? Come up with a new punch-line, that one's played out. Akira is telling you something that you aren't paying attention to, If anyone is 'grasping at straws' it's you. Because you keep reiterating the same point when weve told you time and time again that the translation isn't meant as AMERICAN 'interiors'. When asked about the interior driving position Kaz tweeted on Honda twitter something entirely different than what you believe. There was no confirmation from him that there was no 'driver position' 'cockpit' camera view for standard cars.

Sorry buddy, maybe try again harder next time.
Ok, everyone calm down.

Personally, I interpret this all as meaning super detail for the premium cars, and a generic cockpit for standards. But if I'm wrong, whatever. At the end of the day, I'm buying the game regardless.
Still wrong as usual.

1. An engine is not in a car, & certainly not in the interior of car. If you look underneath a car, you can actually see the engine of most cars between all the piping.

2. A cockpit is in the interior of an airplane.

3. Cars do not have cockpits.

You can't compare a plane & a car because planes have aviation terms and cars don't.

Hey genius, all those things are in the interior of a car.

The only naysayers are you guys making up terms that do not apply to cars & not understanding common sense.

No, it's not inside the passenger compartment but it sure isn't in front of your car pulling you or under it. If it's between the sheet metal or has shielding or protection from all 4 sides, then it's inside the car.
Yes, cars do have cockpits as do boats and planes.