The Crew 2 Official Game Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter dice1998
...on PS4 accidentally hitting left D pad button so many times in error then for it to take a while to upload to photo mode is a little frustrating :boggled: ...
This, the manual shift buttons on L1/R1, and the lack of a button to use the manual landing gear (Pro Settings menu) are why I hope we'll eventually be allowed to remap the buttons on consoles.

...I had well over 600k now I'm down to 100K. I want to by a new Power boat next, there is one I have my eye on. Luckily you seem to make money pretty fast in this game. Really loving this game so far, can't seem to put it down.
Same here. Unpopular opinion: I don't think the game is grindy. I haven't repeated any event that I've beaten before, and I have a little under 1/3 of them left to do. I admit I had the benefit of the loyalty rewards cars, but by now I've got most of the cars I really want, with $500k in the bank toward a McLaren F1. I have a vehicle for every discipline, and I'm in good shape for recommended performance levels.

Between events I collect perf parts from Live crates while driving and flying around, opening the crates with different disciplines as needed. They pop up all the time, sometimes so soon after opening the last one that I consider just leaving it. I see no point in grinding events to meet the next recommended level when you can sideline that vehicle and upgrade it while doing other things. Using fast-travel in moderation is the key.

My only complaints so far are not being able to fast travel to certain road/places on the map like you could in the first game...
FYI, you can fast travel to highlights (speed/jump/drift star icons), giving you a bit more granularity than just events and skills.
The game is grindy. And a lot... in this state.
The Money Grind: Even if you can win a lot of money in the events pretty quick, to collect all the vehicles you will need a lot of it.
The Parts Grind: This is the least time consumig and you can be icon100 with maxed out in all classes.
The Follower Grind: Here you will find yourself grinding to get that Ferrari.. and it will be an achivement. I feel kind of sorry for those guys that reached icon600 allready because I can't belive they have much love to play this game anymore... ok, freeroaming is still fun.
I don't think I'm rushing it since I'm only icon150, but I do understand for many this is an issue. I'm sure the game will improve in time. Just like the last one. Some Faction Missions would be nice... for a start.
I can't really mention grinding yet as I'm still getting through the game. With that said, I am now in the ICON phase, I've just reached Icon lvl 2 actually.
I also just realized that I'm an idiot when it comes to the boat controls, I was struggling with the speed boat events as for some reason my boat was too slow. However, I just figured out why; I didn't know that I could pull back my joystick to make it go faster. *facepalm* To be fair, I don't recall being given a tutorial on how to control the boat.

So yeah, I guess now I can try completing the boat events. This is good news to be though as now I don't have to buy a better boat and can just buy something I want.
I don't like the Proto Offshore 1 boat they give you. It just sucks in handling. So I bought the gigantic Frauscher Demon instead for my boating needs, and I was much more satisfied.
I don't like the Proto Offshore 1 boat they give you. It just sucks in handling. So I bought the gigantic Frauscher Demon instead for my boating needs, and I was much more satisfied.
True and I now have noticed that it's still kinda slow as I couldn't catch up with a couple of the AI boats on the straights even after using a full bar of boost. I may actually get a new boat later on, not now as I still have other disciplines to try.

Now for other things to share. I like the drifting events, they kinda make me think of drift events in NFS underground. I did a few of them while listening to eurobeat. The unskippable cutscenes for things like those "Xtreme" races are annoying, especially when I have to restart a race due to crashing near the end of the race. So, I had to watch the same introduction everytime I restarted the race. Which lead me to ranting and swearing about the game. It's also a bit annoying that the game sends you back to the title screen if you're inactive for 10 minutes or so.
True and I now have noticed that it's still kinda slow as I couldn't catch up with a couple of the AI boats on the straights even after using a full bar of boost. I may actually get a new boat later on, not now as I still have other disciplines to try.

Now for other things to share. I like the drifting events, they kinda make me think of drift events in NFS underground. I did a few of them while listening to eurobeat. The unskippable cutscenes for things like those "Xtreme" races are annoying, especially when I have to restart a race due to crashing near the end of the race. So, I had to watch the same introduction everytime I restarted the race. Which lead me to ranting and swearing about the game. It's also a bit annoying that the game sends you back to the title screen if you're inactive for 10 minutes or so.

Ahh that Xtreme race with the tight roads with cars and big dinosaurs, boat race and then off road across the water lakes that I kept hitting the bridges right at the end!..I did finish first in that one after about 3 or 5 attempts. (Pressure was on with sweaty DS4 palms, with a really long race and different vehicles to finish 1st- I think I know the route very well now but it makes a nice change to GT Circuit racing) :P
Ahh that Xtreme race with the tight roads with cars and big dinosaurs, boat race and then off road across the water lakes that I kept hitting the bridges right at the end!
I actually did that one on my first try. The Xtreme race I struggled with was the one in the Grand Canyon when it was covered in snow. I kept sliding off the road near the end or crashing into those stupid guard rails.
Ah well, I haven't got to that one yet! I find the arcade handling in this game a bit hit/miss on DS4 around the tight turns/corners so I just fight my way to the finish unless I hit something (that is where a rewind function like FH3 would come in very handy;)).
If you're having a bit of an issue with one car's handling, try messing the Pro Settings.

It's sort of mandatory for some cars to get a few tweaks to get its performance out. I have an Escalade Touring Car that won't stay straight after braking, that is until I played with some suspension settings.
Pro tip for those who haven't done the boss race for the Offroad discipline... Make sure you select a bike for your Rally Raid vehicle - it will save you a massive headache. :crazy:
Pro tip for those who haven't done the boss race for the Offroad discipline... Make sure you select a bike for your Rally Raid vehicle - it will save you a massive headache. :crazy:
This reminds me, I remember how much I was struggling with that last hill you have to take before the finish line. If you decide to take the jump at full speed that's before the hill, you'll lose a lot of speed and by the time you've already regain speed, wade will have already passed you, meaning you pretty much lost the race. When I took the jump and drive up the hill after that with my raid spec Porsche, my car was put down to 0 MPH. Huge bummer. :banghead:

So pro tip, never take the jump at full speed unless you want to go through the same situation like me.
I feel so dumb. I struggle a lot with Air Races to the point I almost gave up the last two events. Than I switched my Pilatus to the small Slick 360HP and I was 10-15 seconds faster. I guess I'll just park my PC-21 and never touch it again.
I feel so dumb. I struggle a lot with Air Races to the point I almost gave up the last two events. Than I switched my Pilatus to the small Slick 360HP and I was 10-15 seconds faster. I guess I'll just park my PC-21 and never touch it again.

Yeah, the consensus is that the PC-12 is garbage for Air Races. I used the Harmon Rocket HR III and the difference is night and day.
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If that's the case then buying a new Air Race vehicle is the next thing on my to do list. The Vegas event is a struggle with the PC-21.
I chose a Spitfire and was a little dumbfounded by all the hate for Air Racing. I'm glad if people are coming around on it. :)

Does the Pilatus at least have the higher top speed suggested by its stats? I was interested in having one just for flying in Freedrive. With the perfparts I have, my Spitfire (rated "---" at the dealership) can only maintain ~240mph and maxes out at 308mph in a nitro-boosted nosedive.
Does the Pilatus at least have the higher top speed suggested by its stats?
I think it's a typo (than again a lot of planes have the stock top speed wrong). You can see the top speed drop from 425 to 227 as soon you try to put another parts on it. It is faster than my Slick in freeroam.. certanly not in the races.
I think it's a typo (than again a lot of planes have the stock top speed wrong). You can see the top speed drop from 425 to 227 as soon you try to put another parts on it. It is faster than my Slick in freeroam.. certanly not in the races.
That might explain my confusion over my RX Exige, because I could have sworn the top speed said 178mph before dropping to a lower number. I thought I just misread it. Thanks for sparing me the disappointment.
Well, I'm starting to struggle in some of the street races now with my Vanquish. Mainly because of some of the track layouts, it's difficult for me to tell where the turn is. Each track in the city has its turns obscured by a benches, newsreaders, and other junk; it makes racing a bit annoying. I end up making plenty of mistakes on these circuits.
I got through all the street races with my fairlady. There are a few tracks that take a couple tries to learn, but once you know where your going it's not to bad.
Just picked up this game and can’t put it down. I’m the type of person who checks every little detail of an open world game and this one will take forever. My first road trip was the very end of key west Florida to NYC. Being from NJ and having been to NYC many times I was honestly pretty amazed how well they recreated it.

I checked the map for all of the cities and was happy to see some ones like Nashville and Palm Springs as well as some odd places like the salton sea.

I currently have been living in LA the past 2.5 years so my first big trip is road tripping from NYC to LA with a few stops and beers along the way. Can’t wait.

Also you can tune the handling. When your in the car menu press the touchpad on the PS4 controller and you can disable a lot of driving aids. I have esp off, Tcs at 4/10 and abs fully on. I don’t want to make the handling too “realistic” as there’s a time and place for that. GT is my hardcore racing game, this is an arcade game and it should be that way.
I don’t want to make the handling too “realistic” as there’s a time and place for that.
Same. I noticed that at default settings ESP and Slide Help are quite restrictive, so I loosened them up just enough so you can slip a little bit and throw the car around. Becomes so much more enjoyable that way.
Yeah... the ESP. I almost forgot about that one. I turned it off as soon I realized this was the cause of me fighting with every car, especialy on high speed. I recomend turning it off as soon as you get in any car or bike.
Pro tip for those who haven't done the boss race for the Offroad discipline... Make sure you select a bike for your Rally Raid vehicle - it will save you a massive headache. :crazy:

Yeah. This race drove me crazy... Tried many times with my Jeep Wrangler until I changed to Raid bike and finishing first in first try. The races after this crazy Raid section are actually easy. But this offroad boss battle and raid section is horrible.

I chose a Spitfire and was a little dumbfounded by all the hate for Air Racing. I'm glad if people are coming around on it. :)

Does the Pilatus at least have the higher top speed suggested by its stats? I was interested in having one just for flying in Freedrive. With the perfparts I have, my Spitfire (rated "---" at the dealership) can only maintain ~240mph and maxes out at 308mph in a nitro-boosted nosedive.

I am using P51 Strega and I am satisfied with it, but I must try this Harmon Rocket.
After switching from the Pilatus to the Harmon Rocket, I can confirm Air Races have actually become a lot more enjoyable now! 👍 It just came to my attention that I was completely ignoring the "handling difficulty" stat and unsurprisingly, the PC-21 was leaning a lot more towards the hard end. :P
I still don't get how people are doing so good in these Air Races. I'm still struggling even with the recommended plane.
I still don't get how people are doing so good in these Air Races. I'm still struggling even with the recommended plane.

Try grinding either of the first two Air Race events (the ones that have a recommended performance level of 100) for parts, I found them easy even with the Pilatus. Once you are around performance level 170 or so, the plane should start to loosen up and feel more controllable.

Also when doing flying upwards to do a rollover, use extreme mode to make the transition much quicker.
I tend to save my car photography from the games I play and have them rotate as my work wallpaper, so it's extremely disappointing how bad the photos actually look when you get to pretty standard resolutions.
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Is there anyway to download the pictures I save on the Ubisoft website or do I have to take screenshots and download from the Xbox DVR site?