They're small, they fly at a lower altitude which is sometimes rougher, and anyone can tell that they're more dangerous just by looking at them! :-)
The first two items relate to comfort, not fear, and the third is just as irrational as being afraid of them.
EDIT: Ooh! This was my post #4096. 4K!!!!!!![]()
Well, it only collapses when you're already on the ground, so it's a big So What? isn't it????
The Sukhoi T-50 will be named "Su-57" when it enters serial production.
Some photos from MAKS 2017 (not mine):
And video (not mine too).
We never see these things in Australia, so they are quite interesting to me. I'd love to see them up close, it really would be a unique experience.Remember my post about the restored Il-2 on the previous page? So, I've seen this plane close now. It even flew on the airshow.
Ilyushin IL-2M by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Ilyushin IL-2M by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Somebody wanted Russian fighters? I've got some.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29KUB by RageRacer48, on Flickr
MiG-29KUB - the trainer (twin-seat) variant of 29K - the carrier-based version (used on Admiral Kuznetsov aviation cruiser).
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29SMT by RageRacer48, on Flickr
MiG-29SMT - an upgrade of MiG-29SM, which was a multipurpose version of the 29, with capability of ground strikes.
Sukhoi Su-35 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Sukhoi Su-35S by RageRacer48, on Flickr
This one was doing crazy things in the air. Try searching "Su-35S MAKS 2017" on YouTube (or insert "Су-35С МАКС 2017").
Sukhoi Su-30SM by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Su-30SM. Easily recognizable by the canards.
Sukhoi Su-34 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Oh, there are some more choppers.
Mil Mi-28N by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Mil Mi-28N by RageRacer48, on Flickr
The "Night Hunter". Battle-proven in Syria and Iraq (by the Iraqi Air Force).
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Kamov Ka-52 Alligator by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Mil Mi-8AMTSh-VA by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Long name.This is the Arctic version of the Eight, developed for operating under extremely low temperatures, bad visibility, and polar night.
(The yellow writing on the nose says "CAUTION! MICROWAVES!")
Mil Mi-8MTV5-1 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Multipurpose (transport & attack) helicopter.
Mil Mi-26 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
The world's largest mass-produced helicopter.
Beriev A-50U by RageRacer48, on Flickr
AEW (airborne early warning) plane. A flying radar.
Tupolev Tu-22M3 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Supersonic missile carrier mostly used in maritime role.
Tupolev Tu-95MS by RageRacer48, on Flickr
This one doesn't need an introduction, I guess.
Tupolev Tu-160 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
Tupolev Tu-160 by RageRacer48, on Flickr
The "Blackjack" as it's called by NATO and Beliy Lebed ("White Swan") as the Russian pilots call it. This particular one is named "Nikolai Kuznetsov" (as written on the fuselage). The Defence Ministry announced that the production of Swans will resume in 2023.
There are some more photos, but I'll post them later, this post is already big. To be continued...
Thanks for writing that up, was nice to read @Jawehawk . What stopped you from showing us your other photos?
I don't have a dedicated camera, and as I quickly discovered, a phone is entirely inadequate for taking pictures of the planes during their performances. I have a few pictures of the static park, namely the Greek F-4 Phantoms, a P-51 Mustang, a profile shot of the HH-60 Pavehawk, a line of helicopters, the WAH-64 Apache and the Ukrainian SU-27. Other than that, and a few phone video recordings that mostly aren't very good, I have nothing but my memory of the event. I prefer to fully live the experience, rather than see it through the lens of a camera
But I'm glad that you enjoyed the post. Was worried that it was a tad too incoherent.
Thank you for this, nice set of pictures.
While nice, I'd say just enjoy yourself instead. Pictures are welcomed but I hope you don't feel obligated. Anyways nice set, and glad you enjoyed the show 👍Anytime. I'll keep the desire for pictures in mind for the next airshow I attend, but RIAT will not be my last.
Looks like it was a F-35 =)I'm not sure I've shared this here, but if so, forgive an old man's senility.
A replica Spanish galleon called, oddly enough, "El Galeon," came to my home town last summer, and the local photo club was invited on board, for free, and hour before they opened to the public. Lots of cool shots, no crowds in the way, blah blah blah. The marina downtown is under the approach to Tyndall AFB, and I snapped this as I followed an F-22 overhead, covering a 500-year span of fighting technology in the shot.