The GTP Rolex Sports Car Series S4! Polar And Mustard Champs!

And hear about his food stamps, and the "real adult world?"

I'd rather shoot myself with the gun I don't even have. Seth's American, maybe he has a gun to go with his food stamps.

So you're suicidal? No wonder you still live at home and have chores and internet restrictions :lol: I didn't bring up that topic. I just elaborated. Grow up and stop being so depressed.
Obama is taking guns, so that's not possible.

He's taking guns? By proposing the same thing President Clinton passed that was proposed by get this... Republicans? :lol: I have some family members with guns, Obama hasn't knocked on the door.
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So you're suicidal? No wonder you still live at home and have chores and internet restrictions :lol: I didn't bring up that topic. I just elaborated. Grow up and stop being so depressed.

Dude don't go there with mel. Trust me...not good. #hashtagsareuselessongtp
*He said "he'd rather". A well known phrase for the use of a hypothetical. He's saying (Hypothetically speaking) he would rather shoot himself than listen to you, A little harsh though. (By saying this he is showing he really really doesn't want to listen to you..)*

*I was just explaining it since you seemed to take it seriously :P.*
A laughing face isn't taking it seriously. When have I ever taken Melanie seriously? I haven't. Not even on track :sly:
He's taking guns? By proposing the same thing President Clinton passed that was proposed by get this... Republicans? :lol: I have some family members with guns, Obama hasn't knocked on the door.

I don't care what "political party" proposes it. The 2nd ammendment is the second ammendment. I don't want to belong to a political party. That was one of the things george washington warned about in his farewell address.
A laughing face isn't taking it seriously. When have I ever taken Melanie seriously? I haven't. Not even on track :sly:

I see what ya did there ... ;)

Anyways, guys, room may be up between 6:15 and 6:30 eastern tomorrow. We may start a tad later than usual, Cnd has work commitments. It's not that bad though since Fuji is a pretty short race (35 laps).

Also, I'm taking the SAT tomorrow morning, so please behave everyone!

I'm excited, I hope everyone else is!
I hope to make it, I'm taking my kid to a museum tomorrow, but not sure which time as were meeting up with friends.
I don't care what "political party" proposes it. The 2nd ammendment is the second ammendment. I don't want to belong to a political party. That was one of the things george washington warned about in his farewell address.
He's not taking anyone's guns. No one is changing the 2nd amendment. Just trying to stop the sale of machine guns and extra large clips. I could care less because I don't own a gun and never will.
I'm excited. I should make it for regular time. I might get off at lunch. I'm more than likely staying until close. That shouldn't be too late. I hope I can be moderately competitive.
If you can run in the 1:35's consistently, I think that will be a good pace. That's what I'm getting mostly. 1:36s after about 11 or 12 laps.
Guys, can we stop with the politics? I'm happier with southern stereotypes...

Paul, care to post some pictures of massive trucks??
Guys, can we stop with the politics? I'm happier with southern stereotypes...

Paul, care to post some pictures of massive trucks??

I resent that :P

They have other things too

How about a "beat off" (talking about speakers in sick minded individuals :P) in the church parking lot. All the rednecks park their trucks in a circle and play rap on their subwoofers.
Like this?




How about a "beat off" (talking about speakers in sick minded individuals :P) in the church parking lot. All the rednecks park their trucks in a circle and play rap on their subwoofers.

Can't say that's happened here. It may happen at VoTech though...

Are those rednecks seriously into rap or is it just a game? I remember when I went to school the rednecks in high school were wannabe black guys in middle school! Funny what 8th to 9th grade does for some people.
Are those rednecks seriously into rap or is it just a game? I remember when I went to school the rednecks in high school were wannabe black guys in middle school! Funny what 8th to 9th grade does for some people.

Ditto, am I'm in 9th grade:scared:.
Not entirely sure if i'll be able to take part tonight. My controller keeps making the car dart to the left every now and then, so that'll probably end up causing a crash which I really don't want to happen. I might go and buy another one today but for now assume I won't be racing.
Rossingt0n, advice to a mate; if you have any way to mount a steering wheel, do it. The steering wheel's awesome. If you're going to be in the market for a new controller, why not?
Rossingt0n, advice to a mate; if you have any way to mount a steering wheel, do it. The steering wheel's awesome. If you're going to be in the market for a new controller, why not?

There's no way I can afford a wheel, which really sucks. Plus if I was to get a wheel I'd still be without a conventional controller haha. To be honest I don't even know if I'll be able to afford another controller at he moment.
Rednecks now a just Shooter players who often think their cool and some Just call Platformer, Racer people "Nerds", I've only liked one shooter and thats R&C.

A person I know says all games should be FPS and he'll do it if he owns a gaming company.
Ratchet and Clank has been unofficially banned from GTP, citing myself, and this (see below) as a reason.

This is a racing site. Several people here want the constant off-topic chatter to end.
Hmmm..., short race and people seem a bit worried with their cars, I might have a shot :).