I'm trying to think of an ideal country for
@ryzno, based on what you've shared with us. I mean the USA is a pretty good fit based on the fairly lax laws regarding drugs an alcohol (and by lax, I mean you don't get executed for possessing them

) and broad range of ethnically diverse hotties. But the lack of extrajudicial execution seems to be a sticking point. Unfortunately, most countries where extrajudicial killing is "common" the most typical target of the mob is...well drug users. For example:
The Philippines has pretty good track record for extrajudicial execution...unfortunately I feel like you might end up on the wrong side of that coin.
On the other side of the killing equation...
Scandinavia - great for booze & hash...but there is an entire website
dedicated to how lacking in diversity it is. Also, they straight up don't kill people there.
I mean really, I think your ideal spot is temporal more than geographical - 1890s New Orleans (I highly recommend Gary Krist's
Empire of Sin, give it a read.