The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I saw a billboard on the highway saying to divide america into 2 countries. Not sure how that is supposed to work and I forgot the website link.
Not really... Biden is about as moderate as it gets.

Yes. Joe represents the coalition of reasonableness. Is he what anyone *really* wants? No I don't think so. Is he acceptable to pretty much everyone? I think he is, despite what many are loudly proclaiming (on both sides of the spectrum). Andrew Yang said it best -
everything [Biden] does becomes the new reasonable

That's what we need right now. Reasonable.
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I'm anticipating a mild-mannered, comparatively boring presidency of the Jimmy Carter variety, though hopefully slightly better on foreign policy.
The last time anywhere in the south "succeed" from the union, it didn't go so well for them. Mississippi also has a GDP similar to Peurto Rico, so I'm guessing that wouldn't work out too well for them. It's also almost last in everything including education and median income. Let it secede, they'd sink themselves.
Let's be clear: Mississippi has a decisively lower GDP than a country which was annihilated by a hurricane just three years ago. MS 2019 estimate of 102 billion, PR 2020 estimate of 128 billion.

Edit: A country which was annihilated by a hurricane and denied effective federal aid because it lacks statehood and is forced to support its various systems mostly on its own.

I'm anticipating a mild-mannered, comparatively boring presidency of the Jimmy Carter variety, though hopefully slightly better on foreign policy.
I also hope it's uneventful but I have a feeling something ridiculous is going to happen shortly after he's in office that sends the plane off the runway. The pandemic is obviously already happening, but I wouldn't bat an eye if some domestic terror attack or other act of war occurs before existing problems can be addressed.
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Popular vote update: 5.2 million for Biden.

That's more than the number of voters in Georgia, and nearly as many as in Michigan, which means Biden's popular vote lead is now worth 16 electoral votes.
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Shhh... we're not supposed to mock those with less education than us because it's classism. :lol::lol:

In general terms, fine. I've probably made more than my share of errors typing quickly when I have half an eye cocked on work on the other screen. But the man is an elected public official. He should know better. And I don't just mean in terms of grammar.
So I read some blah blah "Benford's Law" about detecting election fraud, and headed off to learn... thanks Matt Parker!

LOL at some of the YouTube comments denouncing Matt as an obvious leftist because he sounds educated and talks about mathematics. Looks like "classism" is a door that swings both ways. :lol:

Shhh... we're not supposed to mock those with less education than us because it's classism. :lol::lol:
In general terms, fine. I've probably made more than my share of errors typing quickly when I have half an eye cocked on work on the other screen. But the man is an elected public official. He should know better. And I don't just mean in terms of grammar.
Dude... I am taking the mickey out of Not_A_Guest's post. "Succeed" instead of "secede" isn't a typo. It's downright ignorance.
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Dude... I am taking the mickey out of Not_A_Guest's post.

That was fully understood. Sorry if it didn't come across. I'm just aggravated that a public official would make such a statement. It's bad enough when tensions are high and people are upset either way about the election that somebody who SHOULD be trying to calm frayed nerves goes and inflames the situation further. But truth be told, he probably BELIEVES what he's writing. And he probably DOESN'T know the difference between succeed and secede.
And he probably DOESN'T know the difference between succeed and secede.
Fair enough, but it's unfortunate that no one on his staff who even cared to check it before he sent it and made them all look silly.

As to your larger point, I think he's drawing on the broad populism beloved of his leader. But you're absolutely right in saying that that's no excuse to pour gasoline on the dumpster fire that represents this year's transfer cold-dead-hands-grasping of power.
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LOL at some of the YouTube comments denouncing Matt as an obvious leftist because he sounds educated and talks about mathematics. Looks like "classism" is a door that swings both ways. :lol:

Quite a lot of dumbass comments... must be Russian bots ;)

Reckon he is a bit of a lefty because he certainly didn't seem sad that Trump's tally was only 10 to 19 votes in about 400 of the counties :lol: I wonder how many takes that segment at about 15 minutes in took, revealing the histogram of Trump's votes. Still a silent chuckle there I swear!
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Quite a lot of dumbass comments... must be Russian bots ;)

Reckon he is a bit of a lefty because he certainly didn't seem sad that Trump's tally was only 10 to 19 votes in about 400 of the counties :lol: I wonder how many takes that segment at about 15 minutes in took, revealing the histogram of Trump's votes. Still a silent chuckle there I swear!
You don't have to be a lefty to be scornful of Trump as this thread has more than demonstrated but need I point out that the political centre in England (and probably Australia) is to the left of the US. He could be a wet Tory and still be less right than the Pugs.
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You don't have to be a lefty to be scornful of Trump as this thread has more than demonstrated but need I point out that the political centre in England (and probably Australia) is to the left of the US. He could be a wet Tory and still be less right than the Pugs.

Hmm, no need... didn't think I needed a /s for that post as it was more just tongue in cheek :)
Almost a week old now, but I just saw this tweet by AOC:

I'm a bit confused, she's not talking about your average voter here is she? If so then I much prefer the Biden/Penn approach of reaching out to Trump supporters.
Arent these kinds of tweets only going to cause further divide?

The Democrats need AOC ... in fact the United States needs AOC. Maybe it's Ok for Biden to be conciliatory, but that's not AOC's role. The US needs someone "on the left" advocating for the cause. The problem is, the Republican party may have lost the election, but they quite clearly have not repudiated Trump. They have not admitted wrongdoing - they don't even seem to be aware of any wrongdoing. How can you reconcile to that? It's a big problem & jjaisli's sad tale depressingly illuminates the problem. The US has gone off the rails & I'm not sure that Biden's relatively narrow win is enough to fix it. :indiff:
The Democrats need AOC ... in fact the United States needs AOC. Maybe it's Ok for Biden to be conciliatory, but that's not AOC's role. The US needs someone "on the left" advocating for the cause. The problem is, the Republican party may have lost the election, but they quite clearly have not repudiated Trump. They have not admitted wrongdoing - they don't even seem to be aware of any wrongdoing. How can you reconcile to that? It's a big problem & jjaisli's sad tale depressingly illuminates the problem. The US has gone off the rails & I'm not sure that Biden's relatively narrow win is enough to fix it. :indiff:

I think you were expecting too much. Even if Biden won a resounding victory and Trump had got only 50 million...40 million votes...that's still 40 million people sanctioning Trumpism. People are firmly entrenched. What we need is to bring the temperature down. Get people talking again. It's perhaps not as satisfying as a big slam dunk, but it's probably better in the long run. As long as Trump is in office, meaningful dialogue is impossible because he can't help but cause chaos and division.
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Fair enough, but it's unfortunate that no one on his staff who even cared to check it before he sent it and made them all look silly.

That hasn't stopped Trump yet.

The Democrats need AOC ... in fact the United States needs AOC. Maybe it's Ok for Biden to be conciliatory, but that's not AOC's role. The US needs someone "on the left" advocating for the cause. The problem is, the Republican party may have lost the election, but they quite clearly have not repudiated Trump. They have not admitted wrongdoing - they don't even seem to be aware of any wrongdoing. How can you reconcile to that? It's a big problem & jjaisli's sad tale depressingly illuminates the problem. The US has gone off the rails & I'm not sure that Biden's relatively narrow win is enough to fix it. :indiff:

If you can find that Axios interview I referenced earlier with Kevin McCarthy, Republicans are really fixated on her. They are saying she's the voice of the Democrats just as Trump is the voice of Republicans.
If you can find that Axios interview I referenced earlier with Kevin McCarthy, Republicans are really fixated on her. They are saying she's the voice of the Democrats just as Trump is the voice of Republicans.

Yeah - I'm aware of that! Barely a day goes by without Fox having her featured on the website somewhere. They love her! ;)

I think you were expecting too much. Even if Biden won a resounding victory and Trump had got only 50 million...40 million votes...that's still 40 million people sanctioning Trumpism. People are firmly entrenched. What we need is to bring the temperature down. Get people talking again. It's perhaps not as satisfying as a big slam dunk, but it's probably better in the long run. As long as Trump is in office, meaningful dialogue is impossible because he can't help but cause chaos and division.

I don't think you can expect the deplorables to ditch Trump. It's the other half of the Republican party that need to move on. And there doesn't seem to be much evidence of that happening ... with the exception of a few high profile Lincoln Projecters. They seem to be circling the wagons rather than having the balls to stand up to Trump.
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Sorry... judging by my last two posts I think my brain is stuck in "just about grasping the bleedin' obvious" mode today. :ouch:

No problem! I mean, you're not wrong at all... even Boris said it was 'refreshing' to talk to Joe! :D
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I'm not relying on that to prevent a military coup. If it came down to it, Trump would not let that get in his way. I'm relying mostly on 3 other factors for this.

1) People are willing to stand up for what is right, and in the military, this is even more essential. I don't see America going down like this.
2) Trump is a coward at heart.
3) This looks like it would be a really poorly thought-out and badly coordinated slap-dash military coup.


As long as nothing comes of it, I'm kinda happy for the military takeover scare. I feel like democrats are getting a huge crash course in constitutional protections, democratic safeguards, and the reasons why we don't just had the keys to the government. There's a whole huge group, possibly even most of the country, that is suddenly really really glad that we don't just break down the checks and balances in order to ram through whatever the latest popular bill is.

Take a long look folks. Stare down the barrel of this one. Really take it to heart how close we are to losing the nation. And then hopefully it will fizzle like Trump's electoral hopes.

Also vox doesn't think it's a coup, at least not yet.
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Yeah - I'm aware of that! Barely a day goes by without Fox having her featured on the website somewhere. They love her! ;)

By the same token, barely a day goes by without Yahoo News having at least one, and often two or three, articles gushing all over AOC, according to Yahoo it seems she can do no wrong.

I strongly suspect that on her 35th birthday they'll be anointing her as the next President.
By the same token, barely a day goes by without Yahoo News having at least one, and often two or three, articles gushing all over AOC, according to Yahoo it seems she can do no wrong.

I strongly suspect that on her 35th birthday they'll be anointing her as the next President.
Doubtful. She's acknowledged that politics may not even be where she'll stay in the future.
Is there a universe in which they’re hostile enough that we’re talking about a Senate run in a couple years?

I genuinely don’t know. I don’t even know if I want to be in politics. You know, for real, in the first six months of my term, I didn’t even know if I was going to run for re-election this year.

Really? Why?

It’s the incoming. It’s the stress. It’s the violence. It’s the lack of support from your own party. It’s your own party thinking you’re the enemy. When your own colleagues talk anonymously in the press and then turn around and say you’re bad because you actually append your name to your opinion.

I chose to run for re-election because I felt like I had to prove that this is real. That this movement was real. That I wasn’t a fluke. That people really want guaranteed health care and that people really want the Democratic Party to fight for them.

But I’m serious when I tell people the odds of me running for higher office and the odds of me just going off trying to start a homestead somewhere — they’re probably the same.
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Apologies for the double post; I'm going to leave the member out of it, but damn did these comments not age well.
First, as far as The Proud Boys go, I don't think they are racist.
The Proud Boys. I said I didn't think they were a racist group, then you posted the Gavin quotes apparently trying to prove they were a racist group.
They may be bigots, but they aren't racists.

"Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately," Chapman wrote. "Our logo will forthwith be changed to reflect the core beliefs of Proud Boy members.

"We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other 'undesirables' into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization.

"We recognize that the West was built by the White Race alone and we owe nothing to any other race."
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