The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
93-6, Senate rejects objection to Arizona electoral votes. May the 6's names be published so we can see who still supports this nonsense.
That's only Arizona though. Don't they need to vote on all states?
This I agree with. I don't like Biden, but I accept him.
Don't respect him, don't like him, wouldn't vote for him...but I'll take hime.

Gotta say, though, he's making moves that are softening my position somewhat. It seems like he genuinely wants to turn things around and an awful lot of ehat what he's doing seems to be working toward that.
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When Jimmy Carter lost an election, he went back to the businesses he had voluntarily absolved ownership of to not violate the emoluments clause and personally built houses for low-income earners.

Just a thought.
Woah woah woah woah woah....I can't believe I missed this.

I'm watching the live feed of the EC confirmation, and the current speaker said that there were :censored:ing IEDs?! In the Capitol Building?!

If true, I am genuinely, 100% shocked. Those :censored:ers are 100% terrorists, nothing less.
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When Jimmy Carter lost an election, he went back to the businesses he had voluntarily absolved ownership of to not violate the emoluments clause and personally built houses for low-income earners.

Just a thought.
I think it's more likely I become President of Laos than Trump going to do something to benefit the less fortunate and/or actually going back to do anything as a free man following January 20th.


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When Jimmy Carter lost an election, he went back to the businesses he had voluntarily absolved ownership of to not violate the emoluments clause and personally built houses for low-income earners.

Just a thought.
I see what you're saying.

Golf courses and McMansions in Florida.
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I'm really concerned about actually invoking the 25th Amendment in this case, and it comes down to just the reality of where we're at. There's a process to it; once the VP and majority of Cabinet declares Trump unfit, Trump gets the chance to contest. If Trump contests, it then goes to BOTH the House AND the Senate for a vote, and 2/3 majority is needed to remove Trump. Congress has 21 days to vote once Trump contests (more than the remaining time that Trump is in office). Trump is not going to go quietly, and I'm not convinced that there are 2/3 of the House AND Senate that would vote Trump out, even after today. After all of today, Hawley is STILL objecting to Electoral College results.

Also, if Trump is removed via the 25th Amendment, between removal and Biden's inauguration, Pence becomes President. Pence is in the doghouse with hardcore Trump supporters right now. What better way to get back into that base's good graces for his future political career than to immediately pardon Trump?
Thoughts on the current story from Fox that the GOP may be considering a 2nd impeachment so he can not run for President again?

Better than attempting the 25th?
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General James Matthis today:

“Today’s violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump,” “His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice.”

“Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-ending effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country.”
Holy crap, Lindsay Graham is being...good? What a weird day that people like Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham aren't being complete blood-sucking scum. I mean they are still blood-sucking scum, but at least they have a spine.

Take note of where people are exiting the crazy train. More and more are doing so. Just a few months back nobody would have believed that Pence would bail on Trump. But slowly Trump has crossed lines that even his deepest croni... colleagues are unwilling to cross. The longer it takes them to bail, the worse the referendum on their character. Still, I'm happy to see that some of them stand for at least something.

This applies to forum members as well. @Chrunch Houston for example appears to have no threshold for Trump's behavior. I don't know what principles he stands for, but it is not as much as Pence and McConnell when it comes to the principles of American government. And that's saying something... Mitt and Bush Jr. have been showing us how it's done for a long time.

In other news... how about those Georgia results? The democrats appear to have a couple of years to try to make sure that this kind of attempt to destroy everything the country stands for can never get this far again, despite the minority of people who appear to welcome it with open arms.
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The objection raised against Arizona's electoral votes failed overwhelmingly in the Senate, 93-6.

Here are the six Republican senators who voted to sustain the objection:

  • Sen. Ted Cruz
  • Sen. Josh Hawley
  • Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith
  • Sen. Roger Marshall
  • Sen. John Kennedy
  • Sen. Tommy Tuberville
I don't even know who the two in the middle are.

Edit: They're junior senators of Mississippi and Kansas respectively, and Hyde-Smith has been seated longer of the two, at two years instead of just days ago as is the case for Marshall. They're nothing.
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Ill be honest and say that im gonna go to bed cause work tomorrow and im not spending the whole night watching the senate thing :lol: Ill probably check back here later in the morning
My guess is Cruz, Hawley, Cotton, Tuberville, Scott, and Blackburn. Probably not totally correct though. Rubio too.
All of those names sound like slavers.

Well except Cruz, we can deport his ass. Build the wall!

And maybe Rubio wants to get those dry feet wet again eh?

The Pelosi chair dude has been identified. And he admits to stealing mail from her desk.
Welp...that dude’s house is getting raided by the FBI.
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All of those names sound like slavers.

- Tuberville was a former football coach for Auburn University.

- I am made of 99.9% strontium.

Only one of the above statements is a lie.
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- Tuberville was a former football coach for Auburn University.

- I am made of 99.9% strontium.

Only one of the above statements is a lie.
Ah yes, that’s where I’ve heard his name before! I remember reading some articles on the college football subreddit, flabbergasted.

Auburn must’ve been good under him because no recent coach is worth remembering.

A whopping 120 Republican representatives have voted to uphold Arizona’s objection, and counting.
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The objection raised against Arizona's electoral votes failed overwhelmingly in the Senate, 93-6.

Here are the six Republican senators who voted to sustain the objection:

  • Sen. Ted Cruz
  • Sen. Josh Hawley
  • Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith
  • Sen. Roger Marshall
  • Sen. John Kennedy
  • Sen. Tommy Tuberville

Cruz supported the objection in the hopes that it would help his ambition to be President. Instead, it has ensured that he will never, ever be taken seriously as a Presidential candidate.
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Take note of where people are exiting the crazy train. More and more are doing so. Just a few months back nobody would have believed that Pence would bail on Trump. But slowly Trump has crossed lines that even his deepest croni... colleagues are unwilling to cross. The longer it takes them to bail, the worse the referendum on their character. Still, I'm happy to see that some of them stand for at least something.

This applies to forum members as well. @Chrunch Houston for example appears to have no threshold for Trump's behavior. I don't know what principles he stands for, but it is not as much as Pence and McConnell when it comes to the principles of American government. And that's saying something... Mitt and Bush Jr. have been showing us how it's done for a long time.

In other news... how about those Georgia results? The democrats appear to have a couple of years to try to make sure that this kind of attempt to destroy everything the country stands for can never get this far again, despite the minority of people who appear to welcome it with open arms.
Trump has gone nearly completely bat **** crazy since the election. I don't have to be a Trump hater to see that. Trump should have followed the legal process, which he did, and kept his mouth shut, which he failed miserably to do.

Even I had to turn off his last rally the other night in Georgia. He was whining and repeating himself more than Sean Hannity.

His antics, more than likely, cost the GOP the Senate.
A whopping 120 Republican representatives have voted to uphold Arizona’s objection, and counting.
Guess we'll see where this goes if she's serious.
ST. LOUIS — As a mob broke into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in an unprecedented, desperate attempt to challenge President Donald Trump’s loss to President-elect Joe Biden, Rep. Cori Bush called for the expulsion of House Republicans who publicly sought to discredit the results of the Nov. 3 election.

The St. Louis Democrat published a draft resolution calling on the House Ethics Committee to investigate whether the Republican lawmakers violated their oath to uphold the U.S. House Constitution by publicly objecting to a routine certification of electoral votes.
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A moment ago it was 123 Republicans for the objection for several minutes, now it’s 122. Somebody changed their mind.
- Tuberville was a former football coach for Auburn University.

- I am made of 99.9% strontium.

Only one of the above statements is a lie.
I’m sorry. But every time I hear “Tuberville” I think “Potato senator”
Tuberville couldn't even name the 3 branches of government nor did he have any idea what exactly America was fighting against in WWII. Potato senator is an insult to the other spuds and Alabama is about to learn that a football coach, just like a failed businessman, does not make an effective representative in politics.
4 deaths have been reported from today.
Four deaths were reported on or around the U.S. Capitol grounds Wednesday as angry supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol in a chaotic protest aimed at thwarting a peaceful transfer of power, forcing lawmakers to be rushed from the building and interrupting challenges to Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser extended a public emergency declared earlier Wednesday for 15 days after

Trump issued a restrained call for peace but did not call on his supporters to leave.