The Indy 500-Presented by ASRA - Winner-OWENS RACING!(Video hilights in OP)

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Room closed, will reopen this evening around 7pm. Brandon may open one up to qualify after around 5pm. Just post here and we will get you taken care of.
Welcome CC570, you've been added to the list. Let us know when a good time would be for you to do some qualifying runs. 👍

Could I make a run around 8:30 central/9:30 EST or is that too late? I have to go for a bike ride.

Maybe tomorrow is better for me. Can we do multiple runs?
I might be able to open a room a little later but I've gotten busy with some stuff and not sure. I'll post on here if I can, or join Owens room if it's already open.

Everybody gets one attempt, so make sure you practice a little bit first. On Bump Day (this Saturday) the 5 slowest times are available to be bumped and if you didn't make the top 14 you can have a second attempt to try to bump your way into the field. If a driver gets bumped, they will also get 1 more attempt to try to get back in. After that the field will be set.

Rich S
Oh since I only get 1 I'll do it some other night. Like Tomorrow night. ;)

Rich, I will have a room open here in an hour or so.

You can come make some runs as well make a mock qualify just to get the feel for it.

Will post the number once open.

Fwiw we got till Friday to qualify. Then Saturdays bump day is for those already qualified looking to get a better starting position.
Race is Sunday May 22. Which is indeed this Sunday.
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Sorry I didn't make it in for qualifying today. I thought I'd be around, but ended up working until just now. Hopefully I'll be able to make it in some night this week.
I assume we just make up a car number, since there isn't one on the car?

If so, put me down for #28. 👍

Ha, I didn't notice these cars don't have numbers on them. That was just a standard format I picked up from previous series. So yeah, numbers don't matter and I'll remove them from the registration list.

MtBeR4LiFe889, welcome to the event! I'll add you to the registration list, let us know when you'd like to do a qualifying run.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to host any qualifying sessions tonight but I should be able to have rooms open tomorrow and Friday for a couple hours. I'll coordinate with Owens to see what the plan is for this evening and then we'll get some more people qualified. 👍

We are still accepting drivers if anyone else is interested. If we have enough people we can run a half-distance race on Saturday (after Bump Day is finished) for those who don't qualify in the top 14. I'd think we'd probably need about 8 drivers to run a second race, and I'm sure myself and/or Owens would run in it. Right now we only have 4 more than a full field and that's not quite enough to run a second race. We'll see how it goes.

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I would like to get a qualifying time down. Problem is im in the UK and the latest i could do it would be around 11-12pm (6-7pm EDT). Can someone host at that time?
I would like to get a qualifying time down. Problem is im in the UK and the latest i could do it would be around 11-12pm (6-7pm EDT). Can someone host at that time?

I will host a room here in a bit. Will post room number.
I might be able to jump in the room between 4:30 and 5:30pm EDT. I don't think I'm ready to qualify yet but could sure use some practice! Best time so far is 39.410, I need to find a few tenths. 👍

I will try to qualify tonight, but dont know the time yet
After a slight delay helping my sons set up the PS Move, i am pleased to tell you qualifying and practice session is Open!!!!

Room #: 1472-4710-9995-5397-6678
After a slight delay helping my sons set up the PS Move, i am pleased to tell you qualifying and practice session is Open!!!!

Room #: 1472-4710-9995-5397-6678

Still open
Good practice and qualifying for me tonight.

38.9395 was my 2 lap avg (i think). OwensRacing has my official times.
After a slight delay helping my sons set up the PS Move, i am pleased to tell you qualifying and practice session is Open!!!!

Room #: 1472-4710-9995-5397-6678

Still open folks. Come practice or qualify.
I turned a 38.779 and 38.795, I think it was. That should be a 38.787 average.
I turned a 38.779 and 38.795, I think it was. That should be a 38.787 average.

You ran that 38.698 and I told Brandon I did not think we would see a 38.6

So I am now saying to myself. You gotta step it up. So adjust a few things come and run a 38.692 then 38.677

Next thing I know Aceboy put up a 38.667

I tried like mad to beat that. F
Got a 38.669 only .002 off.

So as it stands ACEBOY has fast lap for the week at 38.667

Fast laps need official to be present to count.
After a slight delay helping my sons set up the PS Move, i am pleased to tell you qualifying and practice session is Open!!!!

Room #: 1472-4710-9995-5397-6678

Still Open!!!!! Come practice or qualify.

New racers welcome to sign up anytime!!!

We are running a 50 lapper here in about 15 min
Good practice tonight. Did some fuel testing and ran out in turn 3 on lap 36. Hopefully with the draft we can at least make it to 40.
Heinz, that's offline testing I ran out of fuel on turn 3 or 4 of lap 37 every time. So we're getting one lap less online, for whatever reasy. I don't think that changes our pitstop estimates at all though, I'm thinking everyone will need 4-5 pitstops depending on how much fuel they can save by drafting.

I've updated the OP with more Qualifying results. Let me know if I've missed anyone.

Heinz, that's offline testing I ran out of fuel on turn 3 or 4 of lap 37 every time. So we're getting one lap less online, for whatever reasy. I don't think that changes our pitstop estimates at all though, I'm thinking everyone will need 4-5 pitstops depending on how much fuel they can save by drafting.

I think it's because online, when you leave the pits you do the whole warm up lap and that doesn't count towards your total. In practice though it starts you right at the line. So really I think we still are getting 37 laps out of a single tank.
Since this race is on Sunday I may have to drop out. My Ferrari F1 is at the same time. whoops, lol. For some reason I was thinking Saturday night, not Sunday at noon.

Also I dont get why JTP-Turner is listed as 38.9 laps but his official time is 39.9. Typo one way or the other dont know which it is. Since he's listed in last is it 39.9? To me that doesnt seem realistic unless he lifted or used the brake.

If you can roll the start back to 3:30 PM central I can make it. I'd like to do it. Srsly doubt everybody will get a run in. Its Wed. night, still 9 to run.
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