I like the old Jag, but I think the XKE Roadster looks a lot better. I don't know if I would say the fast back is ugly, it's just rather "meh".
A true ugly Jag is the MkII:
This one looks pretty good to me.
Is that a....Kia?
It's Corvorado time!
I like the old Jag, but I think the XKE Roadster looks a lot better. I don't know if I would say the fast back is ugly, it's just rather "meh".
A true ugly Jag is the MkII:
I'm sorry... are people actually suggesting that something other than the facelifted X Type is the ugliest Jaguar?
I love the ones with the dual headlights. I'm probably just jaded by the performance
especially in red. It had bulges in all the right places and clappers.
WTF... ? lol @ Corvorado.
Must add this POS... encountered a retard in one the other day too.