- 98
- Tirana
- ssmyHD
I think the biggest complaint is not as much about the money or complaining about a free car as much as what the DLC isnt.
I'd be happy to pay for good content. If PD had brought out a track pack that had 5 tracks from past GTs in it and charged $15 I bet more people would have been thrilled to throw their money at PD. But one track after a long wait just seems like a band aid and a money grab knowing GT5 users are desperate for content.
I'm not complaining about the car, I just find it a waste. Again, if PD gave us 10 new, exciting cars and threw in the Scion on top of it and charged us $15 I bet people would have jumped on the chance to buy it.
Its about the amount of content and the quality of the content that people are getting upset about. Give us good content, give us good options and then people will feel a lot better about opening up their wallets to pay for it. At least you'll feel like PD is listening and cares about what they're charging us for.
As it seems right now, its like they're just trying to take the absolute easiest way out and grab a few bucks on top of it.