So the Dead Kennedys...you know one of the most famous and influential punk rock bands that have been around for the last 40 years Tweeted this:
Look, I don't mind Romney or McMullin, but how not punk do you have to be to Tweet your appreciation for a clean-cut, completely sober, probably never utters a swear word, Mormon, Republican politician from Utah? Or rather two of them (ok so McMullin isn't strictly a Republican)?
Salt Lake City Uber Alles. This is like Johnny Rotten doing the butter ad. I'm beginning to worry that that Kill The Poor song wasn't ironic after all (j/k).Look, I don't mind Romney or McMullin, but how not punk do you have to be to Tweet your appreciation for a clean-cut, completely sober, probably never utters a swear word, Mormon, Republican politician from Utah? Or rather two of them (ok so McMullin isn't strictly a Republican)?
Got you covered.So glad I got to see that tweet of Elizabeth from Knoxville singing along with the Animaniacs theme before WB took it down in the red zone. Wish I'd been able to download it in time.
Now it's your turn. Sir, this is a Wendy's.