The Update 1.12 Discussion Thread: Believe the Hype

Nice track. Probably better than I expected.

As for the Timed Rally, it only pays out once. So these will be one and done for most. Once completed, there's no incentive to ever repeat the events. Ignorant, but not surprising, decision by the powers that be.

The Quick Match is where the real fun might lie. Too bad it doesn't work.
Well there is the online rankings.. :D
Something in passing the countach at Andalusian morning dawn and then seeing the F40 in front of me losing it at the jump of section 10 makes it feel alive. :) GT6 - I'm back. And what more , playing OFFLINE!:cheers:
Why, oh why, must they lock SRF on in the Sierra time trials? I was ready to mock, but it's a great game mode and a great track. But it's completely impossible for me to enjoy with the wonky physics with SRF on.

Polyphony. Options. FFS.
Can you Turn it off before hitting the track?
I managed a few 360's without too much effort....?
(Episode 2) The Sierra Track:
- There are obviously hidden walls. However, i dare you to find some of them that are IN FRONT OF the existing visible wall
The hairpin where it is a deep braking zone after a stretch of long-ish straight... yeah, I kept getting wide there thinking that I wouldn't be able to hit the wall as it's too far out but all of a sudden I lose my combo because I hit the imaginary wall that is there. Definitely needs fixing.. or getting use to. (probably that one)
Gutted that the money isn't repeatable, I would have hammered this to death. It would make an excellent, entertaining alternative to farming the red bulls for money.

So it is a fantastic new game mode, that I will sadly only do once. If they actually thought about it, the potential immense. This could be an entirely new long term game mode, and the Nordshleife could integrated into it aswell.
And I can't get this update -____- Keep getting 80710736 error code
Maybe there is to little free space on your HDD?

I got such an error with the last update und after deleting some stuff on the PS3 it worked!
Gutted that the money isn't repeatable, I would have hammered this to death. It would make an excellent, entertaining alternative to farming the red bulls for money.

So it is a fantastic new game mode, that I will sadly only do once. If they actually thought about it, the potential immense. This could be an entirely new long term game mode, and the Nordshleife could integrated into it aswell.

I was hoping the money would be repeatable too, after completing the first one this morning I had the urge to do it again to try and get a perfect score! Extra money would give more reason to repeat and repeat
And I can't get this update -____- Keep getting 80710736 error code
Sorry to hear that. Try again later
For me it was a pain in the ass to download from 86% to the end, it took like 1 hour. From 0 to 85% so smooth, only a few minutes.
Was Senna repeatable for credits?
I can't remember.

How/where else could these new game 'modes' be implemented?
It does seem odd that they would introduce things like this for just a one-off event.
Was Senna repeatable for credits?
I can't remember.

How/where else could these new game 'modes' be implemented?
It does seem odd that they would introduce things like this for just a one-off event.

Oh look premium woman! (second woman in the GT after that jacket lady)
They Custom Image.jpg
Hi Custom Image.jpg
Kick Custom Image.jpg
@ron86 , I've got about 100gb left, so I don't think space is the issue.

@hardvibes I think it's just the influx of people downloading. Will wait until night time when it's quiet. Tis only noon here
My thoughts so far:
The Sierra track and Time Rally modes are amazing (so amazing in fact, that were I from Boston I could rightly describe it as "Wicked Pissah")
Jump bonuses are hilarious, but welcome.
The sound the FT-1 VGT makes is GREAT!!! I really dig the front inlet fans too.
Well, the steering with a wheel is definitely different. I'm using Logitech Driving Force GT. First I thought that the old system will be missed, since the new feedback model didn't respond to slight turning just away the center of the wheel the way that the old one did, and overall the feedback strenght doesn't compare to the old one. After testing the new settings, I ended up using 10 at both. The biggest improvement I noticed is that when I did few laps at Tsukuba with Spoon DC2 Integra (FF), the loss of the grip of front tires could be felt way better than with the old model; the feedback lost it's strenght when tires didn't have grip, and vice versa. I'm not sure if this can be noticed so easily with FR cars, but with FF cars, the tendency of understeering and turning too much in corners made me feel the difference clearly.
I haven't been on my PS3 yet. Is there any way to get Zahara without having to do the challenges first? I want to drive my own car first. Also, can it be used online? I really hope so.
I haven't been on my PS3 yet. Is there any way to get Zahara without having to do the challenges first? I want to drive my own car first. Also, can it be used online? I really hope so.

In the event you can go to practice to drive your own car. You must complete at least one of the rallies to unlock the track elsewhere in the game and yes it can be used online.
In the event you can go to practice to drive your own car. You must complete at least one of the rallies to unlock the track elsewhere in the game and yes it can be used online.

*Phew!* Thank you! I was really worried for a second.
Just a couple of points...

I didn't gold all the events in the GT Academy but I have the Nismo GT-R. It appeared when I restarted the game.

I'm not surprised that the Quick Matching isn't working very well at the moment. I suspect a lot of people are just connecting, having a look and then disconnecting again.
Downloaded the update in 7 mins , then the dreaded install , it seemed to get stuck at 9 secs forever .

Got me Free GTR 14 yay.......!!! . Did the seasonal and got the Toyota , sounds great .

Onto Sierra for the Arcade Time Trial , I was dreading this . First attempt and halfway through the lap I collided with a car so me bonus went south..........arghhhhh.......... Still got 900,000 and Silver . Second attempt took it easier in the Abrath overtook 46 Cars........!!! didn't hit any "Yay" and got over 1,500,000 .

Quite enjoying the update and the track , just need to sort out me button config on the controller as erm I seem to have disabled the Nitrous :dunce:
I keep getting the same stupid error when I try and update. I get to 30% then boom 80710736. I left the machine for a bit and still.

Is it because of the influx of people downloading at the same time?
Add another reason to hate working day shift. I must wait like 12 hours to play :(

But when I do :)
I am still on vacation and I have to wait some 9 more days, before I can even start downloading ...

On the other hand: since I closed at 50.000.000 cr, I don't have to wait until my bonus is at max again... :lol:

Edit: after reading the @JimBowL_ post... I may have to rethink that...

Edit #2: I don't have to rethink, @Imari cleared this one up for me, thanks!

Any other T500RS users want to share the new FFB in this update ?
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