The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Being on Russia's good side, or in Russia's case on the west's good side might help stabilise a lot of other issues.

It's sad for the Syrian people but maybe Assad should be left alone once IS has been defeated, and try the political way to work out the kinks.
It's sad for the Syrian people but maybe Assad should be left alone once IS has been defeated, and try the political way to work out the kinks.

The fight shouldn't stop with defeating ISIS, a way has to be found to oust Assad and cease the crimes against humanity that he himself will undoubtedly continue.
SO apparently a group of SU-27s were sent to an FOB in Syria, designated to attack against IS. Israeli admins went and spoke with some Russians about not to confuse Israeli forces attacking IS in their own operations.

Right now would be a great time (IMO) to work with Russia and get IS outta Syria. Let the Russians decide the government after the fighting is done, it's none of the US's interests.
SO apparently a group of SU-27s were sent to an FOB in Syria, designated to attack against IS. Israeli admins went and spoke with some Russians about not to confuse Israeli forces attacking IS in their own operations.
To attack IS ground forces, one would use attack planes (like Su-25) or frontline bombers (Su-24). Su-27 is a fighter and it's meant for air combat, not ground strikes (if it's not Su-34, the strike version of the 27). Plus, SAA is recieving MiG-31 interceptors (that are not capable of ground combat at all) and units of S-300 - one of the world's best SAM systems. ISIS, as far as we know, does not posess any aviation. But who does in this region?

The NATO coalition.

The fight shouldn't stop with defeating ISIS, a way has to be found to oust Assad and cease the crimes against humanity that he himself will undoubtedly continue.
This region had its own system of weghts and balances, ruled by kings and sultans (who were later renamed to presidents). But someone in Washington decided that this kind of government is terribly undemocratic. They thought, if they throw the kings all over, everyone will suddenly have FREEDOM™. Well, well.

Look at Libya. The dictator Gaddafi is dead, and Libyans are so happy that they're fleeing away from their democratic heaven to Italy and the rest of Europe. Are you glad of the triumph of democracy, Europeans?

Crimes against humanity, you say? Well, thousands were being tortured and killed on the Santiago stadium while Pinochet was rustling his well-earned dollars, and no one in the White House blinked an eye. Human rights are only violated when it affects the US foreign policy.
Crimes against humanity, you say? Well, thousands were being tortured and killed on the Santiago stadium while Pinochet was rustling his well-earned dollars, and no one in the White House blinked an eye. Human rights are only violated when it affects the US foreign policy.

But that would be confusing your definition of what the US at that time called Human Rights with my own view on Assad's actions at the time that I posted ;)
Some major developments going on in Syria.

According to Michael R Gordon writing in the NY Times, the US has begun mil-to-mil talks in coordination with Russia's sudden build-up in the Latakia district, a pivot for the administration. The new Russian base is deploying advanced fighters, troop-transport helicopters, helicopter gunships and tanks.

Check it out. Another self fulfilled prophecy...;)

This message came to me concerning Damascus: 'Look, Damascus will disappear! It will become a heap of ruins. The cities of Aroer will be deserted. Sheep will graze in the streets and lie down unafraid. There will be no one to chase them away. The fortified cities of Israel will also be destroyed, and the power of Damascus will end. The few left in Aram will share the fate of Israel's departed glory,' says the Lord Almighty" (Isaiah 17:1-3)
SO apparently a group of SU-27s were sent to an FOB in Syria, designated to attack against IS. Israeli admins went and spoke with some Russians about not to confuse Israeli forces attacking IS in their own operations.

Right now would be a great time (IMO) to work with Russia and get IS outta Syria. Let the Russians decide the government after the fighting is done, it's none of the US's interests.


Looks like there is more aircraft coming in.. Your Su-27 is probably those Su-30's?

These were spotted too
The fight shouldn't stop with defeating ISIS, a way has to be found to oust Assad and cease the crimes against humanity that he himself will undoubtedly continue.

Careful what you wish for. While I support pro-democracy movements in principle, in practice it's a very different kettle of fish. The rebellion that started four years ago has brought the nation and the people of Syria to their knees - hundreds of thousands dead, millions of refugees, even more millions internally displaced, and it has created the perfect conditions for the cancerous death-cult that is extremist Islam to thrive. Ridding Syria of extremist Islam (both ISIS and many of the non-ISIS rebels) is no easy task... but ridding Syria of extremist Islam and the regime is not possible - you will get one without the other. This is the intractable problem the 'moderate' (still mainly Islamist) rebels face - if they succeed in overthrowing Assad, then Syria is doomed.

Given the presence and nature of the extremist Islamist threat to Syria and the wider region, the only credible way forward is to support the Assad regime and, in return for support, aid etc., impose strict conditions on how he must proceed with reform and dealing with the FSA/pro-democracy rebels. Putin now rides to the aid of the regime, and there is nothing the West can or likely will do about it. The sad truth is that extremist Islam is the greater evil, and the even sadder truth is that it stands to gain from the pro-democracy rebellion - and no-one else.
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Careful what you wish for. While I support pro-democracy movements in principle, in practice it's a very different kettle of fish. The rebellion that started four years ago has brought the nation and the people of Syria to their knees - hundreds of thousands dead, millions of refugees, even more millions internally displaced, and it has created the perfect conditions for the cancerous death-cult that is extremist Islam to thrive. Ridding Syria of extremist Islam (both ISIS and many of the non-ISIS rebels) is no easy task... but ridding Syria of extremist Islam and the regime is not possible - you will get one without the other. This is the intractable problem the 'moderate' (still mainly Islamist) rebels face - if they succeed in overthrowing Assad, then Syria is doomed.

Given the presence and nature of the extremist Islamist threat to Syria and the wider region, the only credible way forward is to support the Assad regime and, in return for support, aid etc., impose strict conditions on how he must proceed with reform and dealing with the FSA/pro-democracy rebels. Putin now rides to the aid of the regime, and there is nothing the West can or likely will do about it. The sad truth is that extremist Islam is the greater evil, and the even sadder truth is that it stands to gain from the pro-democracy rebellion - and no-one else.
Hear hear, all i hope for is that Barack and Vladimir strike a deal soon and start dropping bombs on those extremists. China can join in too for that matter as they are on the IS menu too. As i said before it's turn into a simple equation; they want to convert or kill us all for being non muslims so there's only one way of preventing that and that is by killing them first, before they get to us. Now is the time to do exactly that before this cancer spreads even further.
Couldn't find a thread for Afghanistan and this is also religious nutters related.

Kunduz has fallen to the Taliban.
Couldn't find a thread for Afghanistan and this is also religious nutters related.

Kunduz has fallen to the Taliban.
How long ago did the Americans pull out of there again? Same situation as what happened in Iraq, you just can't trust 'trained locals' to keep it under control. Pandora's box.
So nice pics of the Russian aviation in Syria. :rolleyes:
But where are the images of the Russian hordes in Ukraine? I guess those satellites suddenly run out of batteries when they fly over Donbass. ;)

Meanwhile: Syrian TV plays Russian army songs with Arabic subs. :D
I really would like to see what the Russian Army can do against IS, if they go in with boots on the ground, combined with the US it should be a complete walkover.

I can say I am midly excited that Russia might actually do what the UN should have been doing for quite some time now.
I really would like to see what the Russian Army can do against IS, if they go in with boots on the ground, combined with the US it should be a complete walkover.

I can say I am midly excited that Russia might actually do what the UN should have been doing for quite some time now.

I wouldn't expect any military miracles.

As far as I know, they may have only a couple of thousand marines to guard their refurbished airbase, which is near the coastline of the Alawite heartland, the small Latakia district. I expect them to support the government troops and perhaps any nearby Kurds. However, the intelligence they may be privy to from Iran, Iraq and Turkey may lead to some salutary developments involving loud noises and stinking smoke.
I really would like to see what the Russian Army can do against IS, if they go in with boots on the ground, combined with the US it should be a complete walkover.

I can say I am midly excited that Russia might actually do what the UN should have been doing for quite some time now.
Russian forces will not advance to Syria on the ground (except for the small number guarding the supply base in Latakia). At least, Putin said so. One wouldn't simply believe just him, but there's no need to be an expert to be sure of it. It smells like another Afghanistan - a trap that USSR was once caught into, then died two years later.

What Russia is going to do is to keep supplying SAA with hardware, providing advisors, and maybe - airstrikes (if they're guided by cooperating SAA ground forces, they'll be a lot more effective than the NATO's).

Anyway, let's drink.
What gall, what effrontery, what Chutzpah! Vladimir Putin has ordered US warplanes out of Syria!

Now you know for certain that US policy in the Middle East has ground to its inevitable dead end. Quite how Mr. Obama is going to save face will be instructive to watch, as well as that of the neocons and war hawks on TV. I expect Lindsey Graham to have a stroke and John Bolton to chew his mustache.

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