The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
In 2010 it was reported the UK had 2,869,000 Muslims, or 4.6%\

Even more to the point, the enthusiastic support of your government and its mouthpiece, the BBC, for nation-destroying actions in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc, is nothing short of obvious, stupid, self-destructive and shameful, IMO.

Your presumption is that all muslims support jihad, that's silly and offensive. None of my muslim colleagues or friends support jihad, they find it as disgusting as the clear majority of normal people do.

The BBC is so not a government mouthpiece, check out their strong track record in specifically defying government again-and-again on points of journalistic integrity. Only this week, in fact, they've refused to divulge sources to government when called to do so. They're not government funded, they're public funded, and very proud of it.

The fact that you seem able to presume that non-commercial channels are state organs and that all muslims are jihadist goes more to the quality of media in your country than mine, I feel :)

We also had around 2% practicing Christians at that time, given their record for hostile extremist acts against other cultures you should be terrified of us dude :D
Someone on facebook I saw earlier commented about 2 billion ISIS supporters being on this planet. I reminded him gently that "can be nicely reworded as *deluded armed bunch of extremists butchering everyone including the normal people they were before being radicalised*.

Because ISIS are not just targeting non muslims but other muslims as well. It us essentially - follow is or die.
Someone on facebook I saw earlier commented about 2 billion ISIS supporters being on this planet. I reminded him gently that "can be nicely reworded as *deluded armed bunch of extremists butchering everyone including the normal people they were before being radicalised*.

Because ISIS are not just targeting non muslims but other muslims as well. It us essentially - follow is or die.
You can be an ISIS supporter without going around beheading people. That's the scary part - some radicals choose to infiltrate in the midst of normal people and support terrorists by subtle means.

I don't know how many of you have seen "Four Lions" but in that film, Omar's (I think it was Omar? I don't remember their names that well.) wife is a perfect example of this. In public we see her working like any casual citizen would, but at home she's supportive of her husband's terrorist activities. It's disgusting.
You can be an ISIS supporter without going around beheading people. That's the scary part - some radicals choose to infiltrate in the midst of normal people and support terrorists by subtle means.

I don't know how many of you have seen "Four Lions" but in that film, Omar's (I think it was Omar? I don't remember their names that well.) wife is a perfect example of this. In public we see her working like any casual citizen would, but at home she's supportive of her husband's terrorist activities. It's disgusting.

Oh wow. A fictional film can be used to describe a group of madmen trying to islamify a muslim country?
Oh wow. A fictional film can be used to describe a group of madmen trying to islamify a muslim country?
No, an event in a film, which has been most likely inspired by real life (don't go claiming there aren't radicals posing as peaceful people outside of home...) shows us exactly why it doesn't hurt to be somewhat suspicious of their true intentions.

Me, I prefer being a little "paranoid" to going 6 feet under at an early age because I trusted someone too much.
No, an event in a film, which has been most likely inspired by real life (don't go claiming there aren't radicals posing as peaceful people outside of home...) shows us exactly why it doesn't hurt to be somewhat suspicious of their true intentions.

Me, I prefer being a little "paranoid" to going 6 feet under at an early age because I trusted someone too much.

And you being paranoid is related to Iraq being taken over from within how..?
And you being paranoid is related to Iraq being taken over from within how..?
Come on, Furry, you're better than that. The recent messages were about ISIS supporters/fighters in Europe. One thing tends to lead into another, but since mods will probably look at me sternly for derailing the thread now, I'll rather take it to PM's or something.
Come on, Furry, you're better than that. The recent messages were about ISIS supporters/fighters in Europe. One thing tends to lead into another, but since mods will probably look at me sternly for derailing the thread now, I'll rather take it to PM's or something.

Maybe better to discuss it here since its still IS related. They are being supported by people all over the world. The problem is wider than just Iraq.
Some really good advice for ISIS (and why not other terrorist groups too):

I hope America will force EU to do something.
It's not acceptable Germany stay there sitting on their banks watching Putin destraoying Ukraine, what kind of EU are we? The EU of Jokes! The EU of German business and the rest of the World can die, this is what we are.

It's not acceptable EU stay there calm and quiet while ISIS kill another American. WTF.
Obama demand NATO / ONU / whatever to move their international a** ASAP.
You can be an ISIS supporter without going around beheading people. That's the scary part - some radicals choose to infiltrate in the midst of normal people and support terrorists by subtle means.

I don't know how many of you have seen "Four Lions" but in that film, Omar's (I think it was Omar? I don't remember their names that well.) wife is a perfect example of this. In public we see her working like any casual citizen would, but at home she's supportive of her husband's terrorist activities. It's disgusting.
And it proves how dumb stupid are Western Countries to allow these people here.
Relavant you say? Considering the post I quoted before you quoted mine, it is.

Err no.

Difference between a Jihadist and a Muslim however.

As in "Jihad" and "normal Muslim person".

You then manage to pluck of of nowhere:

Diference between a jihadist and a fake moderate muslim sent here to confuse retarded western citizens and politicians.
You've got extremists in all religions trying to control the political/ cultural agenda.

Shall we accept that extremists in ALL religions are trying to control the political/cultural agenda? Does this include western Christians? Isn't it conceivable that extreme secularists might try to control the agenda??

In the Arab Spring, we had secularists and democracy-oriented revolutionaries trying to control the political/cultural agenda. Regimes were overturned in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt (twice!), Libya, and attempted in Syria. Western governments and media have almost universally supported and applauded this movement.

Now, in the Arab Winter, many of these same states are failed and/or deeply unhappy, especially now that Islamists have reasserted themselves.

Into all of these revolutions and civil wars there come the western war junkies and freelancers, high on the whiff of revolution and cordite. Many of these have lost their lives, and some are captive by various militias, held for ransom or bargaining. Some extremity of westerners are even now taking up arms on the side of various militias.

Foley and Sotloff are a sort of idealist leftover from the Arab Spring, who became captive and now murdered by ISIS in order to provoke American rage and thoughtless, reflexive action. Obama is wisely staying cool for the moment.

In Christianity there is a doctrine of "just war". Realists will know wars are fought only as a last measure out of self-interest. The US war in Iraq was a war of choice, and now recognized as a bad mistake by many. We stormed into the pottery barn and broke a bunch of things. We have blood on our hands. We know we are part of the problem, but don't know how to fix it. And we are broke and tired of fighting, and don't want to do that again for a while.
So it seems they also beheaded the other American journalist now. RIP
No, they captured at least, according to unconfirmed reports, at least a dozen journalists, and are laying siege to the Golan Heights UN peacekeepers(that borders with Israel). ISIS, through the Nusra Front, so far has 44, according to reuters of the force, all from Fuji. There were 70 Filipinos that were also laid siege upon, but they escaped capture.

So we have 10 journalists and 44 peacekeepers captured by ISIS or their fronts, maybe even more within the coming hours.
Are they planning on attacking the US? I heard something about that. Are planes safe from them? I am flying in a few weeks so I'm a bit nervous to say the least.:nervous:
No, they captured at least, according to unconfirmed reports, at least a dozen journalists, and are laying siege to the Golan Heights UN peacekeepers(that borders with Israel). ISIS, through the Nusra Front, so far has 44, according to reuters of the force, all from Fuji. There were 70 Filipinos that were also laid siege upon, but they escaped capture.

So we have 10 journalists and 44 peacekeepers captured by ISIS or their fronts, maybe even more within the coming hours.

I think you and @mister dog are talking about different things. I'm guessing mister dog is talking about Steven Sotloff.


Are they planning on attacking the US? I heard something about that. Are planes safe from them? I am flying in a few weeks so I'm a bit nervous to say the least.:nervous:

Flying is safer than many other ways of transport.
I think you and @mister dog are talking about different things. I'm guessing mister dog is talking about Steven Sotloff.


He was implying (for lack of a better word) that they executed the only other hostage that ISIS had when it simply wasn't true. These animals are showing no human compassion in their treatment (they recently executed an airbase of Syrian troops in their undergarments), and a lot of Islamists just took over a civilian airport in Libya and stole 11 planes.

You can not reason with unreasonable people.
He was implying (for lack of a better word) that they executed the only other hostage that ISIS had when it simply wasn't true. These animals are showing no human compassion in their treatment (they recently executed an airbase of Syrian troops in their undergarments), and a lot of Islamists just took over a civilian airport in Libya and stole 11 planes.

You can not reason with unreasonable people.

Numerous European hostages have been released by Islamist militias in return for ransom. It is the policy of the US that hostages shall not be ransomed by their families. It's a cruel policy which causes some mixed feelings amongst the families, but it is said there are good reasons for the policy. Should the US force the EU to come into conformity with American policy?
I hope America will force EU to do something.
It's not acceptable Germany stay there sitting on their banks watching Putin destraoying Ukraine, what kind of EU are we? The EU of Jokes! The EU of German business and the rest of the World can die, this is what we are.

It's not acceptable EU stay there calm and quiet while ISIS kill another American. WTF.
Obama demand NATO / ONU / whatever to move their international a** ASAP.
Yeah, we need the US to tell other countries what they need to do because that always works out so great...
Numerous European hostages have been released by Islamist militias in return for ransom. It is the policy of the US that hostages shall not be ransomed by their families. It's a cruel policy which causes some mixed feelings amongst the families, but it is said there are good reasons for the policy. Should the US force the EU to come into conformity with American policy?
Not saying that at all, but what I am saying is that ISIS is playing a extortion scheme with the hostage situation. While the EU is responding with millions of euros, the US has been striking with bombs. You figure out the results.
The problem with paying the ransoms is that they use the money to then murder even more people.

The problem with not paying the ransoms is they then kill more people.

Unfortunately it seems as if ISIS is here to stay. The only way to get rid of them also involves plenty of civilian deaths which is not okay. Even then someone else will take up the cause in their name. We can only hope to minimize the casualties as best as possible.
Not saying that at all, but what I am saying is that ISIS is playing a extortion scheme with the hostage situation. While the EU is responding with millions of euros, the US has been striking with bombs. You figure out the results.

Uniquely amongst the Islamist militias, ISIS is doing something more than simple extortion with hostages, I think.

For instance, they are being given buzz-cuts, dressed up in spiffy Gitmo-orange uniforms and beheaded in professionally produced HD videos by a British gent speaking with a London accent. They are deliberately taunting us. Certainly ISIS has no shortage of cash whatsoever. What they want is cachet and credibility, which they get in spades when they jerk Uncle Sam's strings, and play upon the tremulous emotions of Wolf Blitzer and his rapt audience of true believers.
Uniquely amongst the Islamist militias, ISIS is doing something more than simple extortion with hostages, I think.

For instance, they are being given buzz-cuts, dressed up in spiffy Gitmo-orange uniforms and beheaded in professionally produced HD videos by a British gent speaking with a London accent. They are deliberately taunting us. Certainly ISIS has no shortage of cash whatsoever. What they want is cachet and credibility, which they get in spades when they jerk Uncle Sam's strings, and play upon the tremulous emotions of Wolf Blitzer and his rapt audience of true believers.

So as painful as it is, sit this one out till we can't?