The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Currently 28 and sunny. A little to warm for my tastes in January but I'm not gonna complain too muc
Hmm Something is wrong here.

36F at 330 am.
8F at 9 am

Today. well cold.
Tomorrow -12
Monday -15F (Wind chill around -60F)
Tuesday -1F
Wednesday 1F
Friday 30F?
So, there's a big blizzard going across the northeast and we are catching the edge of it. Everyone is freaking out because we're getting hit by the blizzard. All two inches of it.

But next week is the possibility of a "significant" snow event.

Can we live in common sense reality?
We're expecting 8-12 inches throughout Sunday with temps dropping below 0 Monday. I work outside. Looking forward to it.
I just heard about the very, very cold t° in the US. I was like :eek:.

-45°C in certain places. That is a little bit too much.
I just heard about the very, very cold t° in the US. I was like :eek:.
Just heard? A couple of us have been talking about it for the last few days...
-45°C in certain places. That is a little bit too much.
That could quite possibly be warm based on some of the numbers I've seen.
Just heard? A couple of us have been talking about it for the last few days...

That could quite possibly be warm based on some of the numbers I've seen.
Yep, I just heard it on the news. Blame it on the Belgian reporters.

I know you talked about it but the t° you wrote down are in F and I didn't convert them to C. I know it were cold t° you wrote down but I wasn't sure about how cold exactly. Now I know.
Currently it's 14F, the next 12 hours don't look as nice.


It doesn't stop going down either, it's supposed to get to -22 by 6AM.:nervous:
It's going to be 2F on Monday night. Looks like that's quite warm compared to some of you guys. :lol:
I know this isn't as cold as you northern plains guys, but 44* at 3:00 tomorrow and 1* by midnight. A 40*+ drop in a single evening. I predict power surges and outages, dead car batteries, and frozen pipes. I'm worried about my car. It got to 12* and it was sluggish to start for about a second. It has a battery from 2005, so it isn't unexpected.

Wind Chill Warning now in effect until Noon on Tuesday.

Tonight around -26C, (-14F)
Sunday -24C (Wind chill -41C), -11F (Wind Chill -41F)
Sunday Night -33C (Wind Chill -51C), -28F (Wind Chill -58F)
Monday -28C (Wind Chill -50C), -18F (Wind Chill -59F)
Monday Night -29C, -20F

Cold and it sucks,

@TB does that make it colder or warmer? :lol:
Sunny, a little bit of wind. No clouds in the sky and still t° above freezing. They say it's going to be 13° C today. That's 55.4° F
Our 12 inches of snow turned into 12 inches of terrible. It's raining and will be until the afternoon.
I know this isn't as cold as you northern plains guys, but 44* at 3:00 tomorrow and 1* by midnight. A 40*+ drop in a single evening. I predict power surges and outages, dead car batteries, and frozen pipes. I'm worried about my car. It got to 12* and it was sluggish to start for about a second. It has a battery from 2005, so it isn't unexpected.

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That will probably freeze the rain and add a few inches of ice to the 2-4 inches of snow.
How Kentucky weather goes though, it could be 60F by next week.
EDIT It is 55F now! Going to drop about 75F including wind chill!
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That will probably freeze the rain and add a few inches of ice to the 2-4 inches of snow.
How Kentucky weather goes though, it could be 60F by next week.
Only six degrees off. It's supposed to be 54F Saturday.

-6 and Sunny.

PDS Wind Chill Warning has been issued until Tuesday at Noon.

It's going to be cold.
Weather in a word from Indianapolis..... Hell. The Winter Storm Warning still on, with 9.6 inches on the ground and climbing like mad... Wild Chill Warning is out here as well. My Sebring has a good battery in it, new tires, and the driveway is somewhat cleared. As for the roads out to the main road. Um, no. City doesn't want anyone to travel right now, and I can't blame them.
School for my kids as been canceled due to the cold and more importantly, so has work for me tomorrow. :D

Currently -18F/-27C , feels like -48F/-44C and dropping.
School for my kids as been canceled due to the cold and more importantly, so has work for me tomorrow. :D

Currently -18F/-27C , feels like -48F/-44C and dropping.

Currently it is -13F/25C , feels like -40F/C
Flying to Chicago today, and I'm not used to the cold anymore since it's so unseasonably warm in the EU at the moment. This is going to be interesting :)
Having seen the cazy US weather on the news I had to check the weather in Orlando where I visited only a few weeks ago.

In one week, daytime temps will vary from 25C, down to 1C and tben back up to 28C! That's crazy confused weather!
Had to dig our cars out of the snow. Our BMW has a water-pump leak and has a weeks worth of snow on top of it. It's hilarious. I went outside to take photos and I underestimated the amount. I took my first step and it felt like I was falling.

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