The Words of the Winds are Now all Clear

  • Thread starter amar212
Also note that he mentions a simultaneous worldwide release, which makes me wonder why they haven't confirmed that yet. Everything else has been spot on so far, though.
Also note that he mentions a simultaneous worldwide release, which makes me wonder why they haven't confirmed that yet. Everything else has been spot on so far, though.
Simultaneous worldwide releases are tricky affairs. You can set it as a goal, but until you are printing discs there are plenty of things to prevent it. Not even Hollywood and television, who have been at this for way longer than game companies can pull it off regularly.
I'd blame Sony more then I would PD. In the end, Sony has the final word on things

I think Kaz saying that he can release the game at anytime sort of implies he knew that SONY was going to set the release date. In fact, I am sure thats why he said that. He knew it wasnt going to be released for 6 months, but he said it anyways.

SONY F'ed up, Forza wins 👎
Im intrigued by this comment. What do Forza win exactly? I wasn't aware this was a race to who releases first..
All this story began when Greenawalt, aka King Leonidas, declared war to PD: "the Emperor is naked"...
LoL what a bunch of crock this has all been...see you in 2010' GT5. I'm upset that I blew all that money on a PS3 and G25 when I couldve spent less and get the new G25 and the new PS3 slim and GT5....oh well.

Just bought a new XBOX360 and playing the FM3 demo, it's a great game. Can't wait until next month!
Imagine how the last months would have been if he had not posted, its been hard enough between the games shows. How unbearable would it have been having knowing nothing.

I had a mate tell me it was due Dec, others have posted similar, who knows why its March now, maybe we will never know!

Before anybodys starts, i know he didnt really say anything!
Has anyone considered the fact that Amar's release date is still very much accurate, 30 days before 12 months pass, it was posted on the 16th of april, 30 days prior to that is march, and 12 months forward is March 2010 the release date.
Has anyone considered the fact that Amar's release date is still very much accurate, 30 days before 12 months pass, it was posted on the 16th of april, 30 days prior to that is march, and 12 months forward is March 2010 the release date.

Yep and at the end of the day he was probably right from the beginning with that date,we`ve all just run with the Dec/Xmas 09 date and forgotten about that.
Personally I think Amar played us all for a bunch of chumps. Does anyone remember Nostradamus? Old dead guy, predicted things, spoke in riddles which people interpreted to predict just about everything, but ultimately they predicted nothing? Sounds familiar huh? We heard what we wanted to hear and we got chumped. Thanks Amar, Im sure you got a good laugh out of it.

Pwersonally I think it would be a better idea if you actually knew what the hell you were talking about.

For the record Amar has been a member here for a long time and has always stated exactly when his information is 100% accurate and when it is vauge but from a crediable source.

Now nicraM before you end up making a total fool of yourself, take a look at the date this thread was started, notice it was quite a while ago. Things change over time and I can assure you, given that I know Amar well enough from his time here, that he has not played us for anything at all.

On a more general note these shots at Amar are cheap and certainly will not be tolerated at all, I strongly suspect that most making them simply have not been here at GT Planet long enough to know exactly how accurate Amar is the vast majority of the time (if you doubt me take a dig around the GT4 sub-forum - in which he publicly broke most of the stories).

Simply put any further baseless attacks will be dealt with via the AUP and that will mean the issuing of infractions, these carry points, get to many points and you get a ban (and a heads up some infractions carry enough points to get you banned all in one go).

So take not everyone and calm down, unless you intend your membership here to be very short.

Will there be a presentation on GT5 at tgs 09 because i cant believe Kaz would just read through a list of features and not elaborate on them, or even show a video. 1 thing i ws hoping for was at least a trailer. I just cant comprehend that PD show nothing on GT5 at the biggest game show in there country. Anyway theres 2 more days to go hopefully we at least get a trailer
Yea, I don't see why some would just turn towards Amar for this turn of events. If I were to be honest, the '09 anticipation came not just from this site, but others as well, including magazines, interview bits, and such. Obviously there has to be a turn of events.

Anyway, just for fun, I thought maybe this thread should be titled, "The winds have started to shift", or something, because plans have changed and I don't think they're screaming anymore. PD and Sony is rather much quieter than I thought they'd be after Sony's press. I was hoping for more clarification on the "170" and the "20/60" which is now "20/70".
Will there be a presentation on GT5 at tgs 09 because i cant believe Kaz would just read through a list of features and not elaborate on them, or even show a video. 1 thing i ws hoping for was at least a trailer. I just cant comprehend that PD show nothing on GT5 at the biggest game show in there country. Anyway theres 2 more days to go hopefully we at least get a trailer

The reason why he didn't elaborate is because there is still 6-7 months till GT5 is released and plenty of time for them to chuck news at us and little teasers.. I still think their major priority at the moment is GTPSP.
The reason why he didn't elaborate is because there is still 6-7 months till GT5 is released and plenty of time for them to chuck news at us and little teasers.. I still think their major priority at the moment is GTPSP.
6-7 months? We have 5 full months ahead before gt5 gets released in Japan (yes Japanese, don't think about us/eu version).
Greeanawalt fully presented FM3 at E3, that's nearly 5 months before its release.
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6-7 months? We have 5 full months ahead before gt5 gets released in Japan (yes Japanese, don't think about us/eu version).
Greeanawalt fully presented FM3 at E3, that's nearly 5 months before its release.

It's been said that japan's release date is 31st of march so yeah.. just over 6 months from now. And about FM3 and Greenawalt, it's clearly evident that PD doesn't operate in the same manner as turn10 and I don't think they'll try and copy their style of presentation.
Also, Turn10 had no other project on the brink of release as PD do with GTPSP.
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Until the first post is edited by Amar himself, i'll sit on the bench. I find it strange that he hasn't updated it considering he stills visits regularly. I'm still intrigued as to why the release date specifically said Japan, and not 'worldwide'.

On top of that, Amar/Jordan seem to have been getting it tough recently, am i the only one who thinks they deserve some credit.
OK I quite clearly pointed out what would happen if insults and abuse was to happen again. I just want to publically point out what the result of someone ignoring (repeatedly) my post.

Infractions have been issued and the posts in question deleted.

I will not hesitate to do the same again, so please take it on board, my post was not optional. Either follow it (and the AUP) or your membership will be rather short.


Man, this is pathetic. You guys are insulting each other and ranting like lunatics over a damn video game. Its starting to march beyond the realm of gaming/automotive enthusiasm.
Amar was very kind to us by sharing whatever information he had and we should thank him. I really doubt he'll continue giving us early info considering all the hatred he's getting, which is really sad. He's been most of the times, but even if he missed it completely we still should respect him because after all he's a human being.

Anyways, the first time I saw his predictions I thought it meant March. I think people thought it was gonna be December because they were too eager to have a 2009 release. Besides, even if PD planned a December release things could have changed down the road. And I'd rather have a good delayed game than an early game that sucks.
Amar was very kind to us by sharing whatever information he had and we should thank him. I really doubt he'll continue giving us early info considering all the hatred he's getting, which is really sad. He's been most of the times, but even if he missed it completely we still should respect him because after all he's a human being.

Anyways, the first time I saw his predictions I thought it meant March. I think people thought it was gonna be December because they were too eager to have a 2009 release. Besides, even if PD planned a December release things could have changed down the road. And I'd rather have a good delayed game than an early game that sucks.

amar until now doesn't have wrong nothing.....
the only thing that could wrong is only for the worldwide release, but it's not his wrong, its sony that changed plan...

Scaff, cancel my membership please.

What it the name of (insert preferred deity), does my speculation about what Amar may have been saying have to do with your abusive rant?

Now I can answer that one for you, nothing at all.

We don't cancel membership here, either don't bother posting again of if you don't have the willpower to manage that then go to the password reset screen and close you eyes, then randomly type in a new password.

However do not presume to tell me what GT (I take it you are talking about the site - its not actually clear - but nothing else would make sense) is about, your contributions to the site have been limited and 25% of them directed towards abusing a member. If you think that is what the site should be about then you are very wrong and quite frankly we would rather not have you as a member at all.

My instruction to all members regarding abuse and insults to ANY member was quite clear, do not get indigent simply because you believe it should not apply to you and the realisation that it does also apply to you then comes as a shock. Your attitude and behaviour is the problem here, nothing else, so do not try and play the injured party.

A few thing Scaffy.

First off, ask any financial adviser and they'll tell you that past performance is not an indicator of future success. Obviously that applies here.

Secondly, it was posted ages ago and things have changed since? So your saying it was right at the time but wrong when it counts? Maybe amar should have kept it in his pants until the time was right rather than whipping it out to play the role of big man on the forum. You throw out the term fool, but as far as I remember I wasn't the one who publicized a magical prophecy, only to have it shown publicly to be BS.

Now on to your point B. You say that these baseless attacks will get us banned? Shouldn't that ultimetly-proven-to-be-bs information that amar posted get him banned by the same token? Or do you prefer to live in your fantasy world of fake information floating in the wind, while banning anyone who takes the time to convey a rational opinion?

Pwersonally I think it would be a better idea if you actually knew what the hell you were talking about.

For the record Amar has been a member here for a long time and has always stated exactly when his information is 100% accurate and when it is vauge but from a crediable source.

Now nicraM before you end up making a total fool of yourself, take a look at the date this thread was started, notice it was quite a while ago. Things change over time and I can assure you, given that I know Amar well enough from his time here, that he has not played us for anything at all.

On a more general note these shots at Amar are cheap and certainly will not be tolerated at all, I strongly suspect that most making them simply have not been here at GT Planet long enough to know exactly how accurate Amar is the vast majority of the time (if you doubt me take a dig around the GT4 sub-forum - in which he publicly broke most of the stories).

Simply put any further baseless attacks will be dealt with via the AUP and that will mean the issuing of infractions, these carry points, get to many points and you get a ban (and a heads up some infractions carry enough points to get you banned all in one go).

So take not everyone and calm down, unless you intend your membership here to be very short.

A few thing Scaffy.

First off, ask any financial adviser and they'll tell you that past performance is not an indicator of future success. Obviously that applies here.

Secondly, it was posted ages ago and things have changed since? So your saying it was right at the time but wrong when it counts? Maybe amar should have kept it in his pants until the time was right rather than whipping it out to play the role of big man on the forum. You throw out the term fool, but as far as I remember I wasn't the one who publicized a magical prophecy, only to have it shown publicly to be BS.

Now on to your point B. You say that these baseless attacks will get us banned? Shouldn't that ultimetly-proven-to-be-bs information that amar posted get him banned by the same token? Or do you prefer to live in your fantasy world of fake information floating in the wind, while banning anyone who takes the time to convey a rational opinion?

Financial advisor? seriously? out of every profession in the world you picked that one?

Second, AMAR created a thread, people discussed. The discussion was valid.


"ultimetly-proven-to-be-bs" - And here was me thinking that some of his prophecies are currently 100% correct.
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