When you see Microsoft Studios creative director saying things like this:
"Those people should with the times and get the internet. It's awesome."
You got to question how much thought there has been regarding this, this is views of only one person though that works for Microsoft. He has protected his tweets, I wonder if he is surprised by the response, would be worrying if he was given his position.
Im sure Microsoft has crunched the numbers. Always online for the 720 isnt a guaranteed disaster for the console. If you own a Microsoft Xbox 360, odds are you like online games, and you have internet. Microsoft is expecting those same people to buy a 720. Only the "hardcore" will be upset by having Microsoft spy on them with always online. Only the "hardcore" will be upset that if you cover up the peeping hole to your console for longer then 3 minutes, the lights go out.
The casuals, for the most part, wont care. And Im sure a large segment of the hardcore will eventually cave in and buy the console to get the next Halo or Forza. The Sim City launch proved many gamers are ready and willing to accept always online as the future. Yes, Sim City produced some outrage, but it wouldnt be nearly as bad if the game wasnt so buggy when you can play it.
There is also the point Microsoft is selling the new Xbox as more of an entertainment machine rather then a games machine. Im sure they're thinking if you want to take advantage of all of the Xbox 720's features you will need internet. And if you dont have internet, the system really isnt for you.
Microsoft knows what they're doing. This gen, they're chasing much more then the "hardcore" gamer. They're going after causal gamers and even non gamers with features like a DVR Tuner for the television.
Even if Microsoft sells 25% less consoles this gen, their always online strategy would stamp out most pirated games. After spying on the user through always online they'll be able to advertise to them content they have spent the most time with. And it helps encourage digital downloads. If the entire game has to be installed to the hard drive, why buy the disc when you can have it predownloaded and ready to go at 12:01 AM the day of launch?
If the PS4 was online only, many would be upset but many would still buy it. Personally I say right now I would not buy an always online PS4, but when the big games start coming out, will I be able to resist the temptation? Im not so sure.
At other forums that arent Playstation centered like this one Xbox fans are upset about always online, but they're already making excuses and are preparing to deal with it. Microsoft is saying, if you want our product, you have to play by our rules. If always online is strue, Its really a shame they've decided to hold their fanbase hostage to always online