Assuming PS4 = X720 in terms of power and capabilities...
1)It doesn't have to match the highest PC tech, they aren't in a race against PC's.
2)You started it with your "assumptions, rumors" hypocrisy when you said PC games will have higher textures. (that is an assumption) The highest demanding PC game on max can run on PS4 specs. I was just calling you out as a hypocrite.
3) The PS4's CPU is a custom chip about 4x as powerful as AMD's highest low power Desktop CPU they make now, the E2-1800 using the bobcat core. That's great for a console mediocre for a PC. but its not a PC.
Again the initial point was that when next gen consoles launch they will be behind PCs. As is PCs NOW will be ahead of next gen consoles. I know they aren't directly competing with PCs but that wasn't the point.
PCs now have higher resolutions, better textures, more effects, faster frame rates, etc etc. That's not assumption, that's fact. Battlefield 3, Tomb Raider, Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, list goes on and on.. Only time you don't see this is when the PC gets a crap port job with little attention by the dev. This will continue next gen, only this time around PCs won't be on par with consoles at launch but rather will be ahead of the curve without even launching the new CPUs and GPUs that are due out later this year.
That's quite the assumption that the most demanding game on PC can run at max on a PS4/X720. It can run at framerates or rez but some sacrifices will be made (like when you do with inferior PC). BF4 is one example that we know of already that will be that way of PC vs next gen consoles.
I know the next gen consoles aren't PCs but they will be more and more resembling PCs this upcoming gen then any gen we've ever had before.
Yes we all know PC gamers like to brag about how much they spend on pc's. Being ahead of curve doesn't mean anything. Its your preference, not a requirement or a standard. Come on man, try to see it from my perspective for once lol. I haven't made any false claims.
Not every PC gamer brags about money they spent on their systems, as most are quite humble about it. It's what they are into, the tech, and feel proud of having a rig that powerful. It isn't elitism either. I'm a gamer, and I don't hate on any platform but reality is PC will be a step or two ahead of the game. The major benefits to consoles is ease of use/convenience, lower cost and due to standardized hardware the devs can optimize things more than on the open platform that PCs are. And that still doesn't change the fact that a PC is more capable than what a console can do.