The Xbox One Thread - One X & One SXBOne 

  • Thread starter Robin
Theres a reason why the Killzone Shadow Fall developers stopped uploading gameplay to youtube. Its compression sucks, and it doesnt really let you see the difference next gen offers. Forza 4 looks nowhere near as good as Forza 5, and the idea they look somewhat alike in that video shows how flawed using youtube for a comparison is.
Theres a reason why the Killzone Shadow Fall developers stopped uploading gameplay to youtube. Its compression sucks, and it doesnt really let you see the difference next gen offers. Forza 4 looks nowhere near as good as Forza 5, and the idea they look somewhat alike in that video shows how flawed using youtube for a comparison is.
I must say that I agree with you - I've seen too many badly compressed vids recently via YT to really see the difference. I think people are going to be pleasantly surprised when they actualy get to play whichever game they have been waiting for - it'll make the whole experience more satisfying.
Sorry its a bit off topic here but the Killzone devs recently put out a video download of footage. The file was 500Mb, uncompressed, 60 fps and only lasted less than 1min 30 but it looked stunning.
Ignore the people in the Background. That controller looks nice.
If that is how Microsoft treats their customers then in my opinion anyone who is buying Xbox One must be..... how could i say in a way to not offend anyone or get banned?

Insane! I don't get it how they Ban this guy and remove he's unboxing video? Xbox One is a titanic ship going into ice mountain.
That seems like fairly standard corporate practice to me. Plus the guy get's his console unbanned at launch and was invited to a Microsoft launch event, so it doesn't really seem that bad.

I think people who hate the Xbox for whatever stupid reason are making too much out of it. Does it suck for the guy involved? Sure, but it's not like he's not being compensated for his "trouble".
If that is how Microsoft treats their customers then in my opinion anyone who is buying Xbox One must be..... how could i say in a way to not offend anyone or get banned?

Insane! I don't get it how they Ban this guy and remove he's unboxing video? Xbox One is a titanic ship going into ice mountain.

Yet it was you that told me I should support Microsoft as an American since they're an American company.

And like everything else, this is just being blown way out of proportion because it's Microsoft.
If that is how Microsoft treats their customers then in my opinion anyone who is buying Xbox One must be..... how could i say in a way to not offend anyone or get banned?

Insane! I don't get it how they Ban this guy and remove he's unboxing video? Xbox One is a titanic ship going into ice mountain.
Why do you even post in the Xbox threads? You're obviously are a huge playstation fan who thinks Microsoft is terrible and Sony can do no wrong. Why even bother with reading or posting about the Xbox?

There is nothing wrong with what they did. The guy got it before he should have. It's not his fault and he is not being punished at all. He's still in a better situation then he was if he had never gotten it. At least he got to try it out early. He's still going to be able to participate day one and will have his hooked up, updated, and ready to go at the exact moment the console is launched and goes live.

Exactly what is it that makes you hate the Xbox one so much and love the playstation 4? You haven't even tried either one of them yet. How can you possibly have an opinion on which is better.

The ps4 could come out and the network be a disaster just like the current PSN was for years. None of us have any idea which console is better.

It just amazes me how strongly fanboys stick to their guns even when they literally have no ammo to use.
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It's not like i was already decided to pick PS4 over Xbox One, but it seems that way from the Xbox presentation and all that negative things they decided. Over the weeks and from Sony conference when they announce their politics towards PS4 users would be different Microsoft started to backing off and create that like i see now false illusion of gamers friendly company.

Guy purchase Xbox one and what Microsoft did ? Ban hes account and block he's youtube unboxing video! This company is just sick.

UPDATE: Patrick Esteves - Fact: There's no cut content in #Ryse for the U.S. All versions are 100% ...uh.. viscerally equal :)

Ryse: Son of Rome design director comments on cutting sex scenes in US

Examiner via Gameswelt
P.J. Esteves has commented on the possibility of sex scenes in the upcoming Xbox One exclusive title, Ryse: Son of Rome. In a video interview with Ganeswekt on November 8, the design director hinted that several missions from the action-adventure video game include “risqué portions.”

Although P.J. Esteves can’t talk much about it, he did confirm that there will be some of these sequences in the video game. He went on to state that the sexual contents are “fine” in Germany. However, the development had to “cut some stuff out” for release in the United States.

“Well, let’s just say that there are certain missions in the game that have risqué portions. I can’t talk more about it. It’s fine in Germany. That’s okay in Germany. In the United States States, we had to cut some stuff out but, yeah, there are some. I mean it’s the Roman Empire, you know, and everyone knows what the Roman Empire was about. So we tried to keep it tasteful but at the same time we also rallied from history, you know, and try to make you feel like you are in that time period. And that’s not a euphemism for something.”

The Entertainment Software Rating Board recently disclosed that the United States version of Ryse: Son of Rome features partial nudity and sexual content. Some females in the game appear topless with body paint and pastries covering exposed areas. Furthermore, one sequence also implied a female giving fellatio. No explicit sex scene was mentioned in the rating summary.
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It's not like i was already decided to pick PS4 over Xbox One
Anyway I'm happy now. And just for in case it was all true then i had this mastermind plan, to praise Xbox One over PS4 to my friends. So one of them actually buy this piece of, and then i just could borrow Xbox One with MGS5. Not going to happen now, uffff, such a release.
OMG@! No one in this thread claims he's going to buy Xbox One. I mean no wonder since it's more expensive than ps4 who would :crazy:
Does any one still planning on buying Xbox One, and why?

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I'm too buying PS4 during launch days, but only i have like 55 days almost 54 days to decide which game should i play.
My problem with PS4 is i have no trouble getting game console it's already pre-ordered.
Lauch day, Yayyyyy, there is even a game for me to play it.

It really never stops being fun.

Anyway, the main issue with this is that Microsoft (once again) acted in the most heavy handed way possible, then picked up the pieces after it blew up in their face.
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In my opinion, I don't believe in this whole "Console Wars", it is stupid and each console I've used from each generation (For me, 5th to 8th generation) have all been good in their own ways. These "fanboys" just are oblivious to what their counterparts have that they don't (Blast Processing!!!111!!!).

Both consoles will be awesome, there's no doubt about it, and I for one shall be getting both consoles. Sure, the Xbox One may have stumbled out of the gate, but the PS3 also did that and (excluding the Wii) has taken the lead for this console generation. The Xbox One may have a graphic disadvantage, but does that affect anyone besides PC Elitists? No, because your average gamer doesn't care. You just want to play games on your new machine you just paid $400-$500 for. The upscaler in the Xbox One will do a great job of making 720p games look superb, I'm sure of it.

I'm getting a PS4 on launch, but unlike the fanboys, I'm going to buy an Xbox One in mid 2014 (The reason for not getting XB1 at launch is simply money). The games both systems have lined up is incredible, for me Killzone Shadow Fall leading the PS4 and Titanfall leading the XB1. Couple that with the third party titles like The Crew and Destiny and you have every reason to go next gen.
In my opinion, I don't believe in this whole "Console Wars", it is stupid and each console I've used from each generation (For me, 5th to 8th generation) have all been good in their own ways. These "fanboys" just are oblivious to what their counterparts have that they don't (Blast Processing!!!111!!!).

Both consoles will be awesome, there's no doubt about it, and I for one shall be getting both consoles. Sure, the Xbox One may have stumbled out of the gate, but the PS3 also did that and (excluding the Wii) has taken the lead for this console generation. The Xbox One may have a graphic disadvantage, but does that affect anyone besides PC Elitists? No, because your average gamer doesn't care. You just want to play games on your new machine you just paid $400-$500 for. The upscaler in the Xbox One will do a great job of making 720p games look superb, I'm sure of it.

I'm getting a PS4 on launch, but unlike the fanboys, I'm going to buy an Xbox One in mid 2014 (The reason for not getting XB1 at launch is simply money). The games both systems have lined up is incredible, for me Killzone Shadow Fall leading the PS4 and Titanfall leading the XB1. Couple that with the third party titles like The Crew and Destiny and you have every reason to go next gen.

but teh internetz is more fun wiz warz,
If that is how Microsoft treats their customers then in my opinion anyone who is buying Xbox One must be..... how could i say in a way to not offend anyone or get banned?

Insane! I don't get it how they Ban this guy and remove he's unboxing video? Xbox One is a titanic ship going into ice mountain.
I have been buying (business and personal) and supporting (IT consultant) Microsoft products for years and can't say I have ever had a bad or unfair experience. With that said, I have no "loyalty" to Microsoft, they have just sold products I was willing to purchase. I have purchased Apple, Sony, Samsung, etc. etc. products over the years and can't say I have anything bad to say about any of the products from those companies either.
I am choosing Xbox One because I "prefer" what this console offers and because of my favorite virtual racer, nothing more nothing less. If you prefer Sony and the PS that is great, you won't see me posting negative comments on something I am not interested in purchasing.

You are really starting to make a name for yourself on this forum, do you think anyone is taking you seriously...
It's not like i was already decided to pick PS4 over Xbox One, but it seems that way from the Xbox presentation and all that negative things they decided. Over the weeks and from Sony conference when they announce their politics towards PS4 users would be different Microsoft started to backing off and create that like i see now false illusion of gamers friendly company.

Guy purchase Xbox one and what Microsoft did ? Ban hes account and block he's youtube unboxing video! This company is just sick.

He isn't getting banned.

Good guy Microsoft

Glad those who got their Xbox early have been unbanned. They should never have been banned (or whatever you want to call it) in the first place. I'm sure the one will offer a great experience, but Microsoft really need to rethink some of their staffing. Quite frankly, their PR has been an unmitigated disaster and it will no doubt make for a slow start for the one. They seem to limp from one bad story to another. Sensationalist media and fanboys have obviously played a part in it, but MS haven't been helping themselves either. They carried a lot of momentum after last gen and have done their best to throw it away.
Glad those who got their Xbox early have been unbanned. They should never have been banned (or whatever you want to call it) in the first place. I'm sure the one will offer a great experience, but Microsoft really need to rethink some of their staffing. Quite frankly, their PR has been an unmitigated disaster and it will no doubt make for a slow start for the one. They seem to limp from one bad story to another. Sensationalist media and fanboys have obviously played a part in it, but MS haven't been helping themselves either. They carried a lot of momentum after last gen and have done their best to throw it away.
He is still banned. Just until the official launch.
Glad those who got their Xbox early have been unbanned. They should never have been banned (or whatever you want to call it) in the first place. I'm sure the one will offer a great experience, but Microsoft really need to rethink some of their staffing. Quite frankly, their PR has been an unmitigated disaster and it will no doubt make for a slow start for the one. They seem to limp from one bad story to another. Sensationalist media and fanboys have obviously played a part in it, but MS haven't been helping themselves either. They carried a lot of momentum after last gen and have done their best to throw it away.

Only way to fix all that disaster make by Microsoft is to create awesome games. Exclusive games like Forza 5 and some other one in the feature. So one final day i could say.... aaaaa screw it! I'm buying Xbox One for this game.