Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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Probably said in terms of what it basically is, but based off of the idea of hill climb cars, the ability to put race car engines of the likes of Indycar or lmp cars into cars like DTM. Anything else to add the feel of "this is my work" or "Look at what I have made"
Just about everything I listed is an option available to a host or participant. Nothing requires you to use them and if you don't want to, you don't have to and it will be no different than what you are doing now. As far as the host options go, the chatter since day 1 has been that hosts don't have the ability through lobby restrictions to create the kinds of rooms they want to, to race the kinds of cars they want to. It may take a host a couple of more minutes to set up a lobby, but the reward is better, more tightly defined racing parameters and ultimately more fun for everyone.

I get you now, its a good idea, i would be happy if they use it
Kaz said he would, possible via a "Gran Turismo 'Pro'" custom cars etc but may be to much to add to GT6. 7 could be possible.
Wow. What the hell are you trying to say?

Hybrids are looked upon now in a troubling way by a larger part of the community. (That's what he's talking about.)

It's known to well what problems the hybrids caused and the ramification that arose. There's no point of having of those issues to happen again. đź‘Ť
Hybrids are looked upon now in a troubling way by a larger part of the community. (That's what he's talking about.)

It's known to well what problems the hybrids caused and the ramification that arose. There's no point of having of those issues to happen again. đź‘Ť

Actually no, it was just a joke. I figured the laughing smiley would be a dead giveaway but I guess sometimes you have to spell things out.đź‘Ž
I want to see tracks such as Nurburgring Type V, the GP/D and GP/F formats get time and weather. The 24hr course combines both sides of the Ring (North and South courses) and it gets time and weather. Why the cluck doesn't the Type V (Basically a slightly shorter 24hr course), GP/D and GP/F get them?
I want to see tracks such as Nurburgring Type V, the GP/D and GP/F formats get time and weather. The 24hr course combines both sides of the Ring (North and South courses) and it gets time and weather. Why the cluck doesn't the Type V (Basically a slightly shorter 24hr course), GP/D and GP/F get them?

Look. At. The. Topic. Title.

You know, it would be cool if they had movie car tune ups. So your car looks like it would from the movies. I.E, a DeLorean would look exactly like the one from Back to the Future, things like that.
Hybrids are looked upon now in a troubling way by a larger part of the community. (That's what he's talking about.)

It's known to well what problems the hybrids caused and the ramification that arose. There's no point of having of those issues to happen again. đź‘Ť

That's why I said 'legal'.
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Actually no, it was just a joke. I figured the laughing smiley would be a dead giveaway but I guess sometimes you have to spell things out.đź‘Ž

Don't joke about something that could make things worse, as it has done before. Plus a smiley face doesn't apply a joke. It states that you have a smile on your face. 💡👍:)
That's why I said 'legal'.

As long as PD works out the kinks in the PP system and adds a couple of boxes to check off in online lobbies to allow/disallow hybrids, I'm all in. Hybriding revived my interest in the game in the spring and I'd love to see it in GT6:)<<<happy joking this time...:cheers:
Return of the Brand specific used car lots in GT2 I loved this and is more realistic. Or go back to the era/price specific used car lots in GT4.
It's a small thing, but I'd LOVE to see all of the various "Stealth" cars from GT5 show up in GT6's used car dealerships (If there are any, of course!) similar to the "Black Beauties" from GT4...

Huh? What do you mean by this?

As long as PD works out the kinks in the PP system and adds a couple of boxes to check off in online lobbies to allow/disallow hybrids, I'm all in. Hybriding revived my interest in the game in the spring and I'd love to see it in GT6:)<<<happy joking this time...:cheers:

It's fine. Just didn't understand why you said that. We just hope that GT6 will be better than GT5 when it comes to this.
I would love a hood/bonnet view.

Not sure why we ended with the roof cam instead of this in GT5.
It&#8217;s too late to ask for something or hoping to see something that I would like to see in GT6, so far I&#8217;m pleased with what has been showed. I&#8217;m looking forward to see how much the title evolved; the PP system has evolved to the PD system which I was glad to see, hopping it&#8217;s nothing like the current system. I&#8217;m really looking forward to NOT seeing the POWER LIMITER slider in GT 6 that evaluation should have stayed in GT 5 Prologue when it was first introduced. GT 5 should have been an evaluation from GT 5 Prologue but too many people didn&#8217;t allow that to happen which allowed GT 5 stayed in the GT 5 Prologue area. Now that I think about I wonder if the players will allow GT 6 to evolve since a large part wouldn&#8217;t allow GT 5 to evolve.

I do know what I would want to see in GT 6, a comprehensive algorithm program that would allow the new tier system to adjust on its own. Also allowing that info to be posted on any site you pleased. And the option to RM every road car, almost all of them.
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I would love a hood/bonnet view.

Not sure why we ended with the roof cam instead of this in GT5.

Most of the DLC cars in GT5 have a proper hood view (Skyline TC's. I haven't checked others, but PD got the memo it seems). I'm hoping they convert all existing premium cars to hood camera instead of roof camera. Roof camera is disorienting for me.
Oh. Another thing. Remove the trade limits. It's ridiculous. The game should be focused on the online aspect, and trade limits seem to be focused to the single player aspect. Who cares if I can give someone a car I have then load a backed up save to have it back? It hurts nobody and helps friends get into online play faster if they've started the game months after you.
Oh. Another thing. Remove the trade limits. It's ridiculous. The game should be focused on the online aspect, and trade limits seem to be focused to the single player aspect. Who cares if I can give someone a car I have then load a backed up save to have it back? It hurts nobody and helps friends get into online play faster if they've started the game months after you.

A trade limit was never intended for GT5, all the cars was intended to be traded freely no matter price (credits) of the car. The reason why GT5 never was intended to have a limit was the mass of cars, rare cars and pre-order cars. The trading limit was enforced when people didn't or wouldn't complete a trade with the other party. People got very angry and voiced what they felt and what was happening. This problem went on for about two weeks or so then we got a mass update which gave us the cap and bricked all the pre-order cars, chrome cars and the limited edition Edge Camaro SS, which I have. The update also blocked the option of re-down loading a fresh DLC car that isn't in the dealer ship.

A lot of things happened in GT5 infancy that shouldn't happened but it did. It really iterates me what foolish things happened in the infancy of GT 5. I truly feel if people used better judgement or common sense we would have a better GT 5 in a whole as of now. The hacking was also a foolish action also and the people should have used common sense to think of the ramifications of those actions.

I hope it doesn't follow suit in GT6
Most of the DLC cars in GT5 have a proper hood view (Skyline TC's. I haven't checked others, but PD got the memo it seems). I'm hoping they convert all existing premium cars to hood camera instead of roof camera. Roof camera is disorienting for me.

Its by far the best camera to drive imo, and for me feels more realistic as well. Cockpits look awesome but they're not as good when it comes to precision. Bumper cam is too low and I can't stand the roof cam.
Its by far the best camera to drive imo, and for me feels more realistic as well. Cockpits look awesome but they're not as good when it comes to precision. Bumper cam is too low and I can't stand the roof cam.

I agree with you on the hood cam being a good view but I must disagree with you on it being a better view than the cockpit. Being in the cockpit gives you the full aspect of what's going on. I can see how some can lose speed due to the change in finding your markers and judging what is what though I've seen a lot of people whom are just as fast in the cockpit as they're in the bumper. I'm faster in the cockpit view than any other, even more than the bumper view. Plus it's more comfortable to me to be in the cockpit.

On another note about the cockpit view, does anyone remember the first view that is given in the GT Academy demo?
Only problem with cockpit view, as many people and I have said many times is the wheel animation.

If they removed/made a option to remove the hand animation, or the steering wheel all together, it would be a realistic view.

See for the people who use a wheel quite a few have complained before about this. A 200 degree animation doesn't really look realistic. If the hand animation was gone PD would have no issue fixing that.

With that said, while I am driving on my wheel I really do not like to see a 200 degree animation when really it should be a 900 degree animation.

Plus the many issues and complaints with the FoV (Field of View) in the in car camera. Which you have to hack the game to fix now.

So most of the time I use hood view. Basically looking over my wheel and onto the hood.
Only problem with cockpit view, as many people and I have said many times is the wheel animation.

If they removed/made a option to remove the hand animation, or the steering wheel all together, it would be a realistic view.

See for the people who use a wheel quite a few have complained before about this. A 200 degree animation doesn't really look realistic. If the hand animation was gone PD would have no issue fixing that.

With that said, while I am driving on my wheel I really do not like to see a 200 degree animation when really it should be a 900 degree animation.

Plus the many issues and complaints with the FoV (Field of View) in the in car camera. Which you have to hack the game to fix now.

So most of the time I use hood view. Basically looking over my wheel and onto the hood.
Yes the wheel could get in the way if you pay to much attention to it. When I use the view I don't even see the wheel or hands so I have no trouble with it. As for the field of view I just adapted,though the Rx7 is still a pain. The only things I have trouble with is having the track map, driver ladder because they're in my line of sight. In the cockpit view all you have to worry about is line of site.
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Yes the wheel could get in the way if you pay to much attention to it. When I use the view I don't even see the wheel or hands so I have no trouble with it. As for the field of view I just adapted,though the Rx7 is still a pain. The only things I have trouble with is having the track map, driver ladder because they're in my line of sight. In the cockpit view all you have to worry about is line of site.

When I'm not driving on hood/bonnet, I also enjoy the cockpit view like in this game (Race Driver 2 from codies). Especially that windshield tint from it, very lovely. With a wheel feels fantastic, immersive and fun.


On today's sim-racing market, the cockpit view is almost a must with all the details and such, frankly something like the above picture is good enough for me. I think a very large GT playerbase enjoys the whole detail from the cockpits, so, I wouldn't expect PD to ditch it for this.
When I'm not driving on hood/bonnet, I also enjoy the cockpit view like in this game (Race Driver 2 from codies). Especially that windshield tint from it, very lovely. With a wheel feels fantastic, immersive and fun.


On today's sim-racing market, the cockpit view is almost a must with all the details and such, frankly something like the above picture is good enough for me. I think a very large GT playerbase enjoys the whole detail from the cockpits, so, I wouldn't expect PD to ditch it for this.
I agree that the cockpit view is the best way to go. Plus PD has put a staple on it in GT6 due to its the first view that is given. I think it has to due with the feed back the the GT Academy drivers have gave. I remember reading a articular on how hard it was for the current GT Academy winners to adapt to the view of being in the cockpits. For the people whom have used TOCO or any other sims that offer the cockpit view it was a breeze to adapt to the view. I see GT6 being a lot more smoother in GT6. The demo has shown this already.
Only problem with cockpit view, as many people and I have said many times is the wheel animation.

If they removed/made a option to remove the hand animation, or the steering wheel all together, it would be a realistic view.

See for the people who use a wheel quite a few have complained before about this. A 200 degree animation doesn't really look realistic. If the hand animation was gone PD would have no issue fixing that.

With that said, while I am driving on my wheel I really do not like to see a 200 degree animation when really it should be a 900 degree animation.

Plus the many issues and complaints with the FoV (Field of View) in the in car camera. Which you have to hack the game to fix now.

So most of the time I use hood view. Basically looking over my wheel and onto the hood.

If They made it like LFS, there you can switch on and off Steering Wheel and Move the Seat forward and Backwards, and Up & Down :)

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