Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

  • Thread starter Earth
Just did a bit of weather racing on the Nurburgring. I found that the weather changes ridiculously abruptly, so for example, you'll get some heavy rain, and then a few seconds later, it'll just stop. Furthermore, it should take a lot longer for the track to dry up. I should imagine it would take more than 20 minutes to completely dry up a track at "90%" wet.
Just did a bit of weather racing on the Nurburgring. I found that the weather changes ridiculously abruptly, so for example, you'll get some heavy rain, and then a few seconds later, it'll just stop. Furthermore, it should take a lot longer for the track to dry up. I should imagine it would take more than 20 minutes to completely dry up a track at "90%" wet.

That happens in real life too (at least over here which isn't that far from the Nordschleife relatively speaking), sometimes you drive in heavy rain directly under a cloud and then suddenly it stops as you drive along, and with the Nordschleife being a long track it doesn't strike me as unlikely, it happens.
Ofcourse a more gradual reduction of rain is more common and would be more likely in most circumstances.
That happens in real life too (at least over here which isn't that far from the Nordschleife relatively speaking), sometimes you drive in heavy rain directly under a cloud and then suddenly it stops as you drive along, and with the Nordschleife being a long track it doesn't strike me as unlikely, it happens.
Ofcourse a more gradual reduction of rain is more common and would be more likely in most circumstances.

Also sectors of it are wet while the rest isn't. That even happens in f1 (way shorter tracks), not to mention that the racing line is always drier.
buying cars for paint shows your wealth in GT5. Yes its an ass to deal with but I don't mind.

Just because I have over 1 million credits doesn't mean I want to spend it on a single color.
I would like it if you had the option to add certain features or parts to cars when you buy them, like in real life.
I would like it if you had the option to add certain features or parts to cars when you buy them, like in real life.

Have stickers on your car (I have my own little GT5 tuning company so I would like that)
I wish you had the option to make your own paints or buy them. Maybe you could have a marketplace for paints

All we need is a spray booth and a colour wheel to choose any colour you like at any time, just like every other game that offers car painting. No chips nonsense, they're nothing to do with reality.
All we need is a spray booth and a colour wheel to choose any colour you like at any time, just like every other game that offers car painting. No chips nonsense, they're nothing to do with reality.

I want a paint booth that actually looks like a paint booth in real life. One with the doors and a guy in a white mask and such
All we need is a spray booth and a colour wheel to choose any colour you like at any time, just like every other game that offers car painting. No chips nonsense, they're nothing to do with reality.

Great idea!
I want a paint booth that actually looks like a paint booth in real life. One with the doors and a guy in a white mask and such

That's just fluff which wastes time, both development and us playing. I don't want to sit and watch an animation of my car being painted, I just want to select my colour, press OK and done. That's always been GTs problems, adding silly animations to actions that don't need it.
That's just fluff which wastes time, both development and us playing. I don't want to sit and watch an animation of my car being painted, I just want to select my colour, press OK and done. That's always been GTs problems, adding silly animations to actions that don't need it.

You don't want it, but others may do, this is a whishlist thread, so there is no need to try and knock down/disagree with every idea you don't like.
I'm not taking that away from you, absolutely. But giving your opinion and saying that something simply sucks are two different things.

Anyway, I agree with you on your point with animations of car painting and stuff. They should be either removed or very short.
That's just fluff which wastes time, both development and us playing. I don't want to sit and watch an animation of my car being painted, I just want to select my colour, press OK and done. That's always been GTs problems, adding silly animations to actions that don't need it.

Funny how you speak of wanting realism, yet you don't want it in the game at the same time. Make up your mind. Are you THAT impatient that you can't sit for 10 seconds and watch your car get painted? Or whatever other 'animation' is being seen? It's like saying you don't want to actually participate in a race, but instead, you just want to jump straight to the race results. It's the same concept.
Funny how you speak of wanting realism, yet you don't want it in the game at the same time. Make up your mind. Are you THAT impatient that you can't sit for 10 seconds and watch your car get painted? Or whatever other 'animation' is being seen? It's like saying you don't want to actually participate in a race, but instead, you just want to jump straight to the race results. It's the same concept.

Someone here doesn't like animations cough cough
Passthrough of Pandora or slacker account as in-game music.

Sponsorship. Players should be able to earn or lose sponsorship, which would grant some livery, or discounts on OEM / Aftermarket parts.

More refined and detailed track editor. Random generation based on a few finite conditions was somewhat interesting, but it would be nice to create stunt driving courses such as drift tracks.
Funny how you speak of wanting realism, yet you don't want it in the game at the same time. Make up your mind. Are you THAT impatient that you can't sit for 10 seconds and watch your car get painted? Or whatever other 'animation' is being seen? It's like saying you don't want to actually participate in a race, but instead, you just want to jump straight to the race results. It's the same concept.

No, it's not the same concept at all. When I go racing I'm in control, i'm doing the driving and having fun etc. With all of these animations I press a button and watch an animation of someone painting my car or changing my oil (magically, I might add on that one). That's not fun, I don't sit having fun watching an animation over and over and over again. I mean do you want animations of someone fitting your parts as well? How about an animation for changing your tyres, with wheel balancing as well? Like I said, it's pointless fluff in my opinion.

Also you say it takes ten seconds, what if I paint 500 cars? That's 83 minutes of gaming time wasted just watching cars being painted.
No, it's not the same concept at all. When I go racing I'm in control, i'm doing the driving and having fun etc. With all of these animations I press a button and watch an animation of someone painting my car or changing my oil (magically, I might add on that one). That's not fun, I don't sit having fun watching an animation over and over and over again. I mean do you want animations of someone fitting your parts as well? How about an animation for changing your tyres, with wheel balancing as well? Like I said, it's pointless fluff in my opinion.

Also you say it takes ten seconds, what if I paint 500 cars? That's 83 minutes of gaming time wasted just watching cars being painted.

Alright, I see your point. But other people may like this idea. Personally, I love the idea of seeing these 'animations'. If you don't like them, then that's fine. I will agree that it is much faster and convenient to just simply change the color of my car like that, but the animations, in my opinion, would be a very neat, realistic feature.
Alright, I see your point. But other people may like this idea. Personally, I love the idea of seeing these 'animations'. If you don't like them, then that's fine. I will agree that it is much faster and convenient to just simply change the color of my car like that, but the animations, in my opinion, would be a very neat, realistic feature.

What you said is not realistic by any means. Furthermore, realistic does not necessarily mean better.

A realistic feature would be anxiously waiting 5 days for the guy to finish painting your only car, then realize there's a blank spot so he'll need 5 more days while you can't play the game.
Realistic would be crashing once and getting rid of the car permanently, which is particularly troublesome with rare used cars that you might never find again (or what if you die in the crash). Speed tickets are realistic, and so are getting a flat tire and paying taxes.

I think it is more entertaining to play the game than wasting time on (unnecessary) menus and animations. I'm certain I didn't buy a ps3 and the game to enjoy black screens.
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So do you enjoy watching the animations over and over or do you just want them because it's a realistic? Because not everything realistic is good for a video game and you have to remember, we are still playing a game. It's not realistic to drive on Nurburging then drive on Suzuka five minutes later but I wouldn't want them to include plane flight animations because it's realistic.
I understand that it won't be TRULY realistic. I meant that it would be a little more so to watch your car be painted, oil changed, etc. in a nice, short little animation, then to have your car change color almost instantly by scrolling through a selection of colors. But I also said that that would be faster and more convenient.
Thing is though once you've seen them once you've seen them, the more times you see it you just get more and more frustrated. It's the same when people request something like podium celebrations. That's great once but once you see it 50 times it's the same and you just want to skip it.
Thing is though once you've seen them once you've seen them, the more times you see it you just get more and more frustrated. It's the same when people request something like podium celebrations. That's great once but once you see it 50 times it's the same and you just want to skip it.

Perhaps PD can include a skipping feature. That way, if you want to watch the animation, you can watch it. If you just want to speed things up a bit, simply push 'X' to skip straight to the results.