Thrustmaster T300RS Racing Wheel Thread

Are the stock pedals good enough or do you use something else?

  • Yes, stock pedals are good enough

    Votes: 111 33.9%
  • No, I use Thrustmaster TP3A or third-party pedals

    Votes: 216 66.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't recall Logitech wheels ever having so many issues.

I can't really say.. my first FFB wheel was the DFGT and I got it after it had been out a few years. I would say over all they were more reliable generally yes. But my T300 even on GT6 is so much more enjoyable.. I am willing to work though any teething issues. So far I have none myself but it has only been a month.

DO we have any stats for how many faulty compared to ones which are working? , heck I'm scared to buy project CARS as not to break it.

Not that I know of.. that would take a lot of data collection. Would be easier to go to major sale sites like Amazon, Frys, (for US) and check the reviews.
I can't really say.. my first FFB wheel was the DFGT and I got it after it had been out a few years. I would say over all they were more reliable generally yes. But my T300 even on GT6 is so much more enjoyable.. I am willing to work though any teething issues. So far I have none myself but it has only been a month.

I am currently in the same situation as you. I've only had very minor issues, and nothing related to hardware. The only issue I'm experiencing that might be hardware related is that there is a slight buzzing vibration when the wheel is under heavy FFB load. I don't know if that is normal or not. But yeah, I've only had the wheel for about two weeks.
You should wait up to 48 hours before expecting a reply via email. Should be within 24 hours if not a holiday, but sending multiple emails will not help your cause. If they do not get back to you within 3 days Take it to their twitter page.. I have seen more people get success that way, they do not like the negative exposure but deserve it if they are ignoring you which they have done in the past. Thrustmaster is not known for great customer service.

Post your problem with the wheel, what you paid for it, the fact you emailed and have not heard back, and that you called and were told to email.

Edit - Also make sure to post a review on the site you bought it from with how long you have owned it and what broke and how long it lasted before it broke. If the reliability issues get more exposure they will have to deal with it.
Ok m8 thank you for the reply.
I am currently in the same situation as you. I've only had very minor issues, and nothing related to hardware. The only issue I'm experiencing that might be hardware related is that there is a slight buzzing vibration when the wheel is under heavy FFB load. I don't know if that is normal or not. But yeah, I've only had the wheel for about two weeks.
That buzzing is basically clipping occurring. It happens during heavy cornering because that is when the wheel is given the highest FFB commands: run a game with an FFB meter (AC, pCARS, iRacing, rFactor2) and you will notice the meter showing a red warning at moments when the buzzing happens.

Lower in game FFB by say 10% and you should not feel buzzing anymore.
Can anyone explain to me the "centre spring lock" issue people have been talking about...? I see in the 1.4 patch notes for there will be a option to turn on/off. Btw no problems with wheel so far after 6 months use.
on the PC you can disable the spring center the control panel if your if your wheel is going to be perfect. In PS4 this effect is always on, which means that the steering wheel is smpre pulling the center, an independent force feedback wheel, regardless of speed.
For example you can test, stop the car completely, move the steering wheel to start somewhere and move forward slowly, the wheel should slowly return to the center as well as a real car, but due to this spring activated, the steering wheel back sharply ie, there are tire forces are acting, it is the spring center. This causes various forces of force feedback are masked, and makes the steering wheel feel heavier than it should be from.
Sorry if I was unclear, I'm not good at English.
That buzzing is basically clipping occurring. It happens during heavy cornering because that is when the wheel is given the highest FFB commands: run a game with an FFB meter (AC, pCARS, iRacing, rFactor2) and you will notice the meter showing a red warning at moments when the buzzing happens.

Lower in game FFB by say 10% and you should not feel buzzing anymore.

Thanks, I'll try that. But there is a setting in game called Soft Clipping or something, and from what I've read when set at a certain value should prevent clipping from occurring. It's supposed to compress all forces within range of the wheel so that it never clips. But I've played around with that and it still buzzed. But I'll try lowering the FFB in the game just to see. But it's good to know that it's normal, and not something loose or faulty in my wheel. I noticed it happening a lot when playing GT6 as well.
Thanks, I'll try that. But there is a setting in game called Soft Clipping or something, and from what I've read when set at a certain value should prevent clipping from occurring. It's supposed to compress all forces within range of the wheel so that it never clips. But I've played around with that and it still buzzed. But I'll try lowering the FFB in the game just to see. But it's good to know that it's normal, and not something loose or faulty in my wheel. I noticed it happening a lot when playing GT6 as well.
From what i have read that buzzing is not clipping it is a know bug on Pcars. It is "canned FFB" that was not taken out of the final game , i hope the patch will fix it .
From what i have read that buzzing is not clipping it is a know bug on Pcars. It is "canned FFB" that was not taken out of the final game , i hope the patch will fix it .

So the wheel will buzz whenever it encounters canned FFB? Because I feel it all the time in GT6 as well. I've never experienced anything like this on my G27.
So the wheel will buzz whenever it encounters canned FFB? Because I feel it all the time in GT6 as well. I've never experienced anything like this on my G27.
I have never felt on GT6 and on Pcars it comes and goes. In Pcars what does your FFB graph look like ? If your top yellow line is flat and near the top with no movement thats clipping , if you have white line on bottom that squigly that is the canned FFB bug. I just back to the pit box and it usaully stops.
I experienced the canned effect buzzing in pCARS, back when it was in game (not experienced it in months). This is a different feeling from the clipping buzzing. The canned effect felt more like it was coming through the wheel base, the clipping effect is more felt on the rim (hard to explain).
I have never felt on GT6 and on Pcars it comes and goes. In Pcars what does your FFB graph look like ? If your top yellow line is flat and near the top with no movement thats clipping , if you have white line on bottom that squigly that is the canned FFB bug. I just back to the pit box and it usaully stops.
I experienced the canned effect buzzing in pCARS, back when it was in game (not experienced it in months). This is a different feeling from the clipping buzzing. The canned effect felt more like it was coming through the wheel base, the clipping effect is more felt on the rim (hard to explain).

I think I know exactly what you are talking about. For me the canned FFB buzzing bug happens once in a while, and goes away if I restart the session. But the buzzing due to the canned FFB is way more intense than the buzzing I was referring to before. I think they are different things.

I'm actually quite glad you mentioned the canned FFB buzzing as well, because now I also know that it's not a problem with my wheel.
I was playing PCars and all of the sudden the wheel, T300, went bonkers, I slammed into a wall and then the wheel wouldn't work. After hitting buttons I ended up getting a message saying unknown device connected. I tried it with the PS3 also and same thing. Do I have to reinstall the software. Darn you Logitech making me get a new wheel.
I was playing PCars and all of the sudden the wheel, T300, went bonkers, I slammed into a wall and then the wheel wouldn't work. After hitting buttons I ended up getting a message saying unknown device connected. I tried it with the PS3 also and same thing. Do I have to reinstall the software. Darn you Logitech making me get a new wheel.
I think that checking the software version and updating it is a must for almost all T300 problems.
I think that checking the software version and updating it is a must for almost all T300 problems.
Thanks for the reply I'm hoping it fixes the problem,find out later when I can use a PC, I'm on mac. not too impressed with Thurstmaster,
Dang.. that sucks. Good luck man, they really need to improve their customer service considering the cost of their wheel with the G29 most likely coming out..
Thrustmasters lack of stock won't help either.

They appear to be struggling to keep up with demand. :(
Thrustmasters lack of stock won't help either.

They appear to be struggling to keep up with demand. :(

That's because they're having to replace every other one they sell as it's faulty!

That buzzing is basically clipping occurring. It happens during heavy cornering because that is when the wheel is given the highest FFB commands: run a game with an FFB meter (AC, pCARS, iRacing, rFactor2) and you will notice the meter showing a red warning at moments when the buzzing happens.

Lower in game FFB by say 10% and you should not feel buzzing anymore.

I experience this buzzing everytime I play GT6 (in fast corners when cars understeer), not even running high FFB.
What is there Twitter account I can't find them?

Sorry - my mistake it was their facebook I saw them responding to complaints and asking for private messages. Just looking through it now.. it looks like they may be a little backed up their too. Just be polite but honest about your issue.

Make sure to post it to their page - not private message. The idea is to make it seen.
They are not all defective - they could be more reliable than Fanatec, but for sure their demand is higher.
I totally agree. 👍

The demand for new T300 wheels is high. It's also true that there are many being returned and nobody knows what percentage this is, but it appears to be quite a few. I doubt that Thrustmaster were expecting such a high demand, or this kind of failure rate either....they need to up their production level to keep ahead of demand if possible. :)
I experience this buzzing everytime I play GT6 (in fast corners when cars understeer), not even running high FFB.
For some cars I was finding FFB torque of 2-3 maximum, any higher was giving clipping. Out of interest, what FFB were you running, and did you try dropping it down to 1-2?