Trophies (now with list of supported games)

  • Thread starter Scaff
The origins are in the Thalidomide (Thalid -> Thlid -> Flid) scandal of the 1950s, which I believe barely touched the US - an handful of cases as the FDA refused to certify it?

So you should get away with it :D If you need any more obscure British slang, ask at will :D
I was bit disappointed that in Resistance2 I only got a gold trophy for completing it on the Hard difficulty setting. Also the trophy just said it was for completing the game, nothing about the difficulty setting at all, so I assume that beating on normal would net the same resulting gold trophy...... 0% incentive to play on hard for anyone who hasn't played it yet. On a positive note it was my first game I played that had trophies and they were just a fun to get as the achievements I get on my 360.👍

Actually, beating it on Hard difficulty unlocks Superhuman difficulty, beating that'll net you another gold. 👍

You only have to beat the last mission on Superhuman for the trophy. Not sure if that's intentional by Insomniac, either way it's only a little bit harder and it actually took less time because I knew exactly what to do.
Hey ceilingfan. You're trophy collections is impressive :D. I'm closing in on my 200th. 192 at the moment. And I have yet to get platinum. I'm one stupid bronze in Dead Space from that goal. Dead space is a trophy lovers gift, they are easy. Just time consuming with one and only one being challenging, the one i cant get.
MCLA ones are bloody difficult, some are damn near impossible and would probably take months to complete, like drive for a combined x no. of miles or something. I also think its the only game to have trophies sponsored by brands :lol: thats in game advertising on a new level! :crazy:

Hey ceilingfan. You're trophy collections is impressive :D. I'm closing in on my 200th. 192 at the moment. And I have yet to get platinum. I'm one stupid bronze in Dead Space from that goal. Dead space is a trophy lovers gift, they are easy. Just time consuming with one and only one being challenging, the one i cant get.

Thanks. :D Which trophy in Dead Space are you missing?

I also think its the only game to have trophies sponsored by brands :lol: thats in game advertising on a new level! :crazy:


:lol: I noticed that too. "This trophy was brought to you by Jordan JUMPMAN shoes." LOL

EDIT: Hey look what I got!!


Fallout 3 Platinum!!
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I'm missing the hidden one where you have to shoot the meteors with 50% or more shield remaining, My best was 25% after ten tries.

I just got Fallout 3 when it went on sale for $40. I also picked up Shaun White Snowboarding.
Actually, beating it on Hard difficulty unlocks Superhuman difficulty, beating that'll net you another gold. 👍

You only have to beat the last mission on Superhuman for the trophy. Not sure if that's intentional by Insomniac, either way it's only a little bit harder and it actually took less time because I knew exactly what to do.

very nice info Ceiling fan, sounds like your a Trophy Whore, Nice job and keep up the great work.
if you go to add them and then go to the bottom of your friend list and press x. you can check if they have any trophies and how many etc. then you can just delete them after :)
Hmm ok fortunately one guy on my list has trophies for SöldnerX - Himmelstürmer! 👍

Still not sure if I will buy it, somehow I don`t like those download- only games, especially without a demo option...
Hmm ok fortunately one guy on my list has trophies for SöldnerX - Himmelstürmer! 👍

Still not sure if I will buy it, somehow I don`t like those download- only games, especially without a demo option...

In general I agree, you can look online for reviews to help steer you in the right direction. The average game critic score is 65.
I now have 100% SSHD trophies. I'm glad that's over. :)

Now I'm moving on to completing BioShock on Survivor with Vita Chambers off, then I shall have the platinum trophy for BioShock. :)
I'm doing that as well. I'll get 3 golds+1 bronze+ 1 silver simultaneously :eek:



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I think i finally hit lvl 6 but i wont know that until i get my internet back on scoreing 3 silvers in Burnout and snagging a few bronzes in Shaun white, GTaIV and Farcry.
So, I bought Crash Commando and got three trophies, including a silver, just playing through the Single Player Boot Camp. Now that I have achieved all the trophies for those I will not be doing those ever again. The last few levels it goes into annoyingly difficult mode where the AI bots have a dead on aim and like to camp spawn points.

I got:
Probie Commando - Reach Commando Level 5.
Weapons 101 - Get 20 kills with each of the six primary weapons
Boot Camp Beast - Complete all Grunt and Jarhead Boot Camp missions with a Commando Medal score.

Boot Camp Beast was the killer.

In all honesty most of these trophies will be fairly simple. I see Survival of the fittest being the toughest, but if you catch an easy few games you should be able to pull it off.

Oh, and I also finally earned:

- Create - A level you published was hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people.

And I am closing in on Play and the Booty Master trophies. I just have to finish The Temples and The Wilderness without dying and grabbing my missing prize bubbles. The Temples Fire Pit mini-game and The Bunker will hold me up for a while on getting Play, but Booty Master will be easy to get. After that I will play more community levels to get my Share trophy.

If I can get my Internet connection to hold out for some four-player games then I will be able to snag my platinum.
I want that create trophy but my imagination and trophy creating ability are lacking.
I only have one good level and I got it. I found I got more plays if I commented on people's levels. I would even let them know if I felt it was good enough to earn a heart from me.

I found that treating it like an actual community and working with others to help them build levels will get them to check your stuff out and do the same for you.

Or you can just go through the comments sections in all the story mode levels and findf people who say heart 4 heart and do it that way.

I'm working on a level just for them. :mischievous:
i may have to cheat and try the heart for heart thing. I have been trying to brainstorm ideas for a level. I did have an idea that I created a "simple" version early on being a maze kind of level. I could always expand on that :)
i may have to cheat and try the heart for heart thing. I have been trying to brainstorm ideas for a level. I did have an idea that I created a "simple" version early on being a maze kind of level. I could always expand on that :)
A few things that can help:
1) Dark Matter (anti-gravity) is not a building material for platforms. Use it as a tool to support elevated platforms (you can make it too small to see) or to hang things from. It can't be stickered and it is bland and ugly.

2) Challenging does not mean stupidly hard. Too often I see a level where the creator intended it to be challenging, but it was annoyingly impossible. The best way to test this is to ask a friend to give it a play.

3) Pick a background, even if it is just making it black. The bland white background is annoying and uncreative. Choose one or create your own with stickers on a flat piece of material. Just be aware that building your own will eat up a lot of your thermometer, and make it a slow loading level for many people.

4) Music that fits the theme is always a good idea. Even having it change as your level changes can help.

5) Checkpoints, use them. There is nothing worse than two difficult challenges back to back and you get through the first one only to die trying the second and have to do them both again.

Honestly, if you just make it fun and keep it clean then you don't need an idea, just a level.
congrats on the 11. I don't know how you do it so quick!

you should add yourself to my trophy ladder (few threads below this one)
Not sure how much the Genisis Collection game is going to cost but the trophy list looks incredibly easy. Many easy sounding silvers. good for the trophy hunters and nostalgic gamer.

I hit level 6 finally beating LBP.
Beating? As in completing all the levels or getting Platinum?

I aced The Collector's Lair last night, so now I just have to ace The Bunker. From there it is Share and some four-player games to get my Platinum.
I mean finishing the story :). I only have 50% of the prizes as I've only played every level once and solo. But that silver put me at lvl 6 finally. Going to stomach Shawn White this weekend and possible play Fallout 3. My vacation is over so its back to gaming on the week ends as opposed to all day every day :(.
Man, I used to have tons of time to play games, and hit level 6 in no time flat. Then I started working more and taking classes again, and I'm just now getting around level 8, lol.

I miss those days :(
Well, I earned my platinum in LittleBigPlanet yesterday.

Friday night I played online with a bunch of people and got Socialite, Party Person, Virtual Survivor, and Speedy Rexecutioner. Saturday I built an MGS VR simulator mission where you have to fight Psycho Mantis, and that gave me the Paint Sharer trophy. Then yesterday I was just messing around with some online levels and got my Share trophy, which gave me the platinum.

So, now I am at 100% and Platinum.
Still working on my LBP platinum, lol. I really need some folks on my friends list who I can get online with and finish a level with 3 other people on my friends list (don't have that yet) and also need the VR mission trophy from MGS4 pack.

I'll be getting on you guys soon to play!! :P Especially since I'll be home laid out for the next few days.