Trophies (now with list of supported games)

  • Thread starter Scaff
Expecting another 4-5 trophies from Fallout 3 in the next week. They should be: Data Miner, Silver Tongue, Doesn't play well with others, psychotic prankster and nuka cola quest.

When doing the trophies for this, obviously for level 20, as I'm at it now, I can just do some evil stuff to get neutral karma, then worse to get evil karma, right? I know I'll have to play through again to get level 8 neutral and bad, and level 14 neutral and bad.
Last night I got this:

75 strikes online in High Velocity Bowling.

Now I only need five more wins to get my 25 wins (silver). I am halfway to knocking down 5,000 pins (silver) and getting 150 strikes (gold).

I think I will just give up hope on scoring 250 for a while.

Can anyone in Europe confirm rumors that they covertly released the online and trophy patch for HVB in your region?
I beat Farcry 2 after pulling an all nighter. at least from 10:30 to 3:30 am. The game is great with many annoyances. I have 5 single player trophies to get. There are too many multi player trophies. 5 Silver is overkill for such a lack luster multiplayer mode thats dominated by grenade launchers and snipers. Takes the fun out of a game. 50% of the trophies are for multiplayer and that sucks big time.

Wanted has a trophy list similar to Dead Space. No multiplayer trophies and you get trophies for just beating the game on 2 different difficulties. And many other seemingly simple trophies.
Last night I got this:

75 strikes online in High Velocity Bowling.

Now I only need five more wins to get my 25 wins (silver). I am halfway to knocking down 5,000 pins (silver) and getting 150 strikes (gold).

I think I will just give up hope on scoring 250 for a while.

Can anyone in Europe confirm rumors that they covertly released the online and trophy patch for HVB in your region?

I can confirm that Europe does now have the on-line and trophies patch for HVB.

If you take a look at my trophy list you will see I've started a modest collection of them.


Anyone who has linked there PSN ID to the US forums ( can now view trophies on-line, and its very cool.

Source -


Actually, from comments in that blog post, it sounds like anyone using can do it, not just people using the US forums. But I think that is because has been using the PSN for everything for a few months now.

Anyway, to show it off:

And below that it will show each individual game with how many of each type of trophy (Platinum, gold, silver, bronze) you have for the game, total trophies for the game, and your percentage complete for that game.
I havent played in a while. Foolkiller is leaving me in his dust. We were not that far apart until i started my moving process. I had more trophies than he did but he had more golds and silvers. Spring break I may break LvL 7.
I havent played in a while. Foolkiller is leaving me in his dust. We were not that far apart until i started my moving process. I had more trophies than he did but he had more golds and silvers. Spring break I may break LvL 7.
All I've done is play two new games: Flower and Bioshock.

Bioshock is looking like a platinum will be possible. I just need to find the time to sit down and finish it.
I kind of refuse to platinum titles like Bioshock, lol. I just don't have the time to go through and replay a game on those insane difficulty settings.

I did for Dead Space, but that was different, lol, Dead Space is actually a very very easy game.

I'm really excited to finally start working on my Resistance 2 Platinum trophy again :)
I kind of refuse to platinum titles like Bioshock, lol. I just don't have the time to go through and replay a game on those insane difficulty settings.
I have heard that when you stop searching for everything like audio diaries it only takes about six hours to play through on Survivor.

Once I finish my initial play through then I will see how difficult Survivor mode is. If I don't feel it is worth it then I won't bother.

More likely what will happen is the same thing that happened with Uncharted: I fully intend to go back and get the platinum, but never do. To this day I keep telling myself I will go back to get the platinum trophy.
You can start Bioshock on Survivor with no Vita-Chambers from the get go. If you do everything right (there are a few missable audio diaries, and one character (SC) needs to be kept alive (it's tempting to shoot him in the head... don't. more info on missables per request) you get a crapload of trophies after finishing the game:

1 Bronze
1 Silver
3 Golds :eek:
1 Platinum

It's kind of funny listening to the trophy 'plink' sound a bunch of times in a row :lol:

The first couple areas are the hardest on Survivor but it's not that hard. I can provide tips with minimal spoilers if people want.
You can start Bioshock on Survivor with no Vita-Chambers from the get go. If you do everything right (there are a few missable audio diaries, and one character (SC) needs to be kept alive (it's tempting to shoot him in the head... don't. more info on missables per request) you get a crapload of trophies after finishing the game:
Well, I am finding the second part of the antidote right now, so I am close to finished with the story.

With games I have a rule: Fun first, accomplishments later. Now that we have trophies accomplishments means more than just being a completionist. So, the first time I play a story-based game I will do it on easy or normal difficulty so that my enjoyment doesn't get ruined by difficulty (I put Resistance down for months when I got stuck on the Gray Jacks room, nearly abandoned Halo when I hit the Library level) and then I go back to attempt harder difficulties if I feel it is worth it. If there is a "find all of these little things" goal I try to do that in my easy play through. If I don't do it then I get a list of them for my difficult playthrough, if I do one.

And no, I didn't kill the one guy until later. I didn't realize I could as nothing onscreen indicated I was supposed to.
Hey Buzz players: since I bought Buzz time ago I've always problems while online. Sometimes it just doesn't connect, and other times when connected and in the middle of the play it freezes and disconnect. But that's not all, it even disconnects my PSN session.

I do know that I'm not the only one with this problem since I've read on the net that the Relentless servers are quite poor. But Relentless is even going to release a 2nd Buzz game... what's the point on this!?

I ask this because I even can't get the trophies of the game focused into the online, simply because the game is horrible at online. And I honestly do not have any online problem with any other Playstation 3 game.

For those of you that have obtained the online trophies for this game: did you used to play at any special hour or with any trick?
Mine was staggeringly awful for a period of time. When I got a new wireless router, it mostly went away.

Have you tried a wired connection?
I do know that I'm not the only one with this problem since I've read on the net that the Relentless servers are quite poor.

Sorry to hear about all the problems you are having playing Buzz online.

If you aren't experiencing this with any other online game, then it sounds like it maybe just a problem with some of the European servers. I've played over a hundred online matches (North America) and never experienced anything what you described. In fact, I have never had a game of Buzz drop out during a match let alone knock me off the PSN. The only 'glitch' that I ever experienced was a delay in updating my online stats and records.

But Relentless is even going to release a 2nd Buzz game... what's the point on this!?

Maybe because others don't have the same problems you have described... and or maybe because many people play it as a party game offline with their family & friends? I don't know... but if you really want to know why I suppose only Relentless knows for sure, so you might want to send them a note... along with questions about why you are having so many problems with their game.

I ask this because I even can't get the trophies of the game focused into the online, simply because the game is horrible at online. And I honestly do not have any online problem with any other Playstation 3 game.

For those of you that have obtained the online trophies for this game: did you used to play at any special hour or with any trick?

Nope... If you look at my Buzz trophies (D-Nitrate) you'll see that I not only got all the trophies, but if you look at the date and time, I got them at different times and fairly quickly... and this was when the game was new and very popular.

Given all that, and that you have not had any problems with any other PS3 game online, it sounds like a regional issue for that game's servers. If so, the only way you are likely going to find out what's going on and if they are going to fix the problem is to contact Relentless.
Thanks for your support mates, I'll try to send them an e-mail.

A few days ago, also reported that lot of users were having bad times with the online features of the game. It was because of that that I started to think it wasn't my situation. Lets see if I can get the oportunity to enjoy this game online.

EDIT: e-mail sent. I'll leave you the info if an answer comes.
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Well, I am finding the second part of the antidote right now, so I am close to finished with the story.

With games I have a rule: Fun first, accomplishments later. Now that we have trophies accomplishments means more than just being a completionist. So, the first time I play a story-based game I will do it on easy or normal difficulty so that my enjoyment doesn't get ruined by difficulty (I put Resistance down for months when I got stuck on the Gray Jacks room, nearly abandoned Halo when I hit the Library level) and then I go back to attempt harder difficulties if I feel it is worth it. If there is a "find all of these little things" goal I try to do that in my easy play through. If I don't do it then I get a list of them for my difficult playthrough, if I do one.

And no, I didn't kill the one guy until later. I didn't realize I could as nothing onscreen indicated I was supposed to.

I agree, I generally won't go for trophies on the first run-through, however I had played BioShock on 360 once before though.

I do hate missables in games though *glares at Final Fantasy series, Fallout 3 etc.* :grumpy:
So Unreal Tournament 3 got a trophy patch... didn't see that one coming. I rented it and was very impressed, and surprised I hadn't played it yet. It came out at a bad time as far as FPS's go, what with Halo 3 and CoD4 releasing in the second half '07 already.

I should have Resident Evil 5 tomorrow, first time I've been shipped a brand new game from Gamefly! I noticed it was Available Now night before last so I put it at the top of my list, with 2 spaces in my plan. :D People have compared the difficulty of platinuming RE5 to Uncharted, which if true isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. And no online trophies, which is good because online trophies = grind.

And while I probably won't do it, I could use the "Keep It" option and get the game brand new for $44.09...
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So Unreal Tournament 3 got a trophy patch... didn't see that one coming. I rented it and was very impressed, and surprised I hadn't played it yet. It came out at a bad time as far as FPS's go, what with Halo 3 and CoD4 releasing in the second half '07 already.

I should have Resident Evil 5 tomorrow, first time I've been shipped a brand new game from Gamefly! I noticed it was Available Now night before last so I put it at the top of my list, with 2 spaces in my plan. :D People have compared the difficulty of platinuming RE5 to Uncharted, which if true isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. And no online trophies, which is good because online trophies = grind.
They will likely add the online trophies after the $5 online multiplayer expansion comes out.

Hey, at least with RE5 we know the online won't be run 'n' gun. Of course, how much fun will it be when it is stand and aim?

Capcom will be adding several new online multiplayer modes to Resident Evil 5, for a price. The "Versus" pack will allow up to four players to compete across two different game types, including Slayer's Rule, a "point-based game that challenges players to kill Majinis," and Survivor's Rule, which focuses on player-vs-player combat, with the last person standing claiming victory. Each game mode will support one-on-one, or two-vs-two play.
can someone tell when is GranTurismo going to have trophies they should keep update prologue i don't no why please please please i want trophies in GranTurismo games now::gtpflag::gtpflag:
can someone tell when is GranTurismo going to have trophies they should keep update prologue i don't no why please please please i want trophies in GranTurismo games now::gtpflag::gtpflag:
GT5 will have them. Don't hold your breath for Prologue.
Prologue is extremely doubtful, as the game would be pretty much be obsolete once GT5:Proper :sly: comes out. It would be interesting to see what the requirements for trophy's would be though. Same with GT5. It's it's anywhere near as big as GT4, a trophy for 100% would be frowned upon by the trophy community :lol:

Anyway, copy/pasted from the subscription gaming thread, was referring to The Last Guy but is certainly applicable to all non-trophy games:

They should add trophies, a lot of developers simply don't seem to get how much trophy patches sway sales. Look at Unreal Tournament III, originally released in Nov. 2007 and trophy patched a few days ago. I don't have numbers to back me up but a few trophy whores on my friends list picked it up, including myself, and the trophy patch piqued my interest more than x patch. I seriously think that'll draw more people to these indie games, and even increase sales of non-indie games like MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Call of Duty 4, Oblivion. etc.
Actually, it will have to.

Honestly though, if the freaking release a "directors cut" of MGS4, and don't patch the first run, I'll be extremely peeved.