Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Could be a good episode, sometimes the one's with less supercars contain the most banter.
Well that's not too fair :lol: the Exige will hammer the Mustang on the track as anyone that knows the two car's would expect.
In the news this week...
If you own a dog that likes sticking its head out of moving vehicles then you'll need to get a pair of Doggles (really), which Richard demonstrates on the Top Gear dog.

The boys say hello to the new Vauxhall Corsa - and goodbye to the Hummer H1. Sob. Meanwhile, Jeremy reveals his mum doesn't like the new Honda Civic and Richard suggests she drives a Noble M15 instead.

Lotus Exige S
In the last series of Top Gear Jeremy managed to avoid missile lock from an Apache helicopter in a Lotus Exige (want to try this yourself?), but now there's a new supercharged Exige S. To see how good this one is they lined up the Stig and, er, a Mustang. Yup, it's the battle of sushi v hamburger when they go head-to-head in a two-lap race around the track.

Amphibious Cars
This week the lads were set a challenge to build their own amphibious car, drive to a reservoir and get across a two mile stretch of water.

Sounds simple enough... except that they all chose ridiculous cars that'll probably never float - James went all nautical and opted to make a triumph herald into a sailing dingy, Jeremy decided on an indestructable Hilux and Richard bought along a camper van to turn into a house boat.

We've seen what happens, but you'll have to wait until Sunday to find out who wins and who ends up with pondweed between their teeth. It's well worth a watch.

Also this week...
The return of the cool wall, which as usual there are yelps of 'cool' and 'rubbish' (and a few words they'll edit out for Sunday). Plus, Philip Glenister (the hard-bitten DCI in BBC One's Life on Mars) as the star in a reasonably priced car.
The Exige S vs Mustang race was pointless. The two cars are nothing alike and the way they edited it was terrible. The gap between the cars was changing by 50 metres every second because of the camera changes.
Todays episode was great.

"This engine weighs 600lbs, thats about the same as the average american"


PS. They made fun of the brits too, and read gay magazines.
Might be the Typhon.
Or maybe the next breed of V8 TVR's. But tonights Top Gear was class, the cars that were boats were class. It was funny when Hammonds and Clarksons cars sunk.

And Amp remember some of the top ferrys weigh more, then there car boats.
Another top quality episode by the lads at Top Gear. If Clarkson hadn't spent so much time arguing over two engines, and focused on flotation, he woulda make it all the way and in the right way round.
Or maybe the next breed of V8 TVR's. But tonights Top Gear was class, the cars that were boats were class. It was funny when Hammonds and Clarksons cars sunk.

And Amp remember some of the top ferrys weigh more, then there car boats.
We won't see any of thoes until after the factory relocates or so I've heared. I don't think they would premier on TopGear either, they always show thier new car's at the British motorshow.

Tonights episode was great, good humour and banter in this one, not that there isn't normally, but there was more of it.

dustdriver, it's repeated tomorrow at 7pm I think or you could check out the website they usually have the latest episode on there to watch not too long after airing on TV.
tomorrow at 8pm (well for you in the uk it's 7pm)

and the stream on their website is only for uk people, and using proxys doesn't work
el flexo
i personaly think this series is no=where near as good as the last.

Dude you can't be serious. The car-boats alone takes the prize, and what about almost killing the Stig, and the series has barely started!
I'd agree so far this season has been very good, better than last season, not sure, that was very good too. Bottom line is, I don't care which season was best, I'm just loving this one now because it's running, now and it's been great so far.
That's a matter of opinion, I've enjoyed all three so far and the Z06 feature was really good.
I loved the first and third. The second one bored me. Topgears becoming more entertainment than cars these days. Car companies must have ovbviously decided that they would be better off without them maybe.
I don't agree with you there, it's alway's been more entertainment and it's not featuring less car's this series than last, manufacturers love to get a good review on TopGear. Why? Because everyone watches it.
the last couple series have been more entertainment than cars. Cast your memory back to when they reviewed DB7's or the E39 M5. They spent alot more time with a car than they do now.
Your talking about before TopGear was revived, sure before then it was more car's, but it's been five or six series since it was revived now, you can't have just noticed. Personally, I love the foramt now, shows like 5th gear are good enough for more indepth road tests. We don't need 101 car shows all the same, TopGear now is different, 5th Gear is clsoer to what TopGear used to be like, that'll do me and keep TopGear the same. But since it's been back on, TopGear has been by far the most watched car program on TV here, and manufacturers do want to appear on it.
5th gear get all the latest cars too late. By the time they test them ive lost interest in the car. I suppose money wise top gear is better off, females love the show these days.
This was a good episode. I found the carboats hilarious, expecially seeing how slow the Campavan was (Only a 1.6 litre?!?!) and when Jeremy and Hammond sank right at the end. :lol: