Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
I can't believe Clarkson got away with describing the Daihatsu Copen as "gay"... I think Clarkson just earned himself a GTP warning and he's not even a member (yet)...
El Gigante
I can't believe they set the caravan on fire.

I think it was meant to for comedy, then, coincidently, Richard threw a flaming cushion out the window onto the tent next to the caravan, real or not, it was extremelly funny :lol:

I'm still wondering what happended to Richard and the Top Gear Dog inside that old ladies tent........

Touring Mars

Well, I doubt he'll reply, he's seems to be a pretty inactive user, I might send him one aswell.

BTW - On the back of the caravan, on the word scroller thing Jermey bought, it shown James Mays number did anyone catch it, just incase it is his number :lol:
Like Holdenhsvgtsr says, how do you know it's a crap chassis? It could be it's set up more for the road and comfort, e.g. an executive express.

And I'm sure the Police will appreciate it's top speed, if no-one else.

It could be set up for the motorway, but then what would be the point of VXR decking it out, it contradicts what they do. It seems they've added bigger wheels, more power but left the dull vectra chassis - but I could be wrong, we'll just see when the road tests come out. Waste of money to me for a bit more straight line performance when theyre are so many more accomplished cars out there.
It could be set up for the motorway, but then what would be the point of VXR decking it out, it contradicts what they do. It seems they've added bigger wheels, more power but left the dull vectra chassis - but I could be wrong, we'll just see when the road tests come out. Waste of money to me for a bit more straight line performance when theyre are so many more accomplished cars out there.
your missing factors though,they have tweaked the chassis but its got a huge great big 3.2litre V6 hanging over the front which isnt exactly the lightest of engines,plus jc doesnt exactly like the vectra and he does overexaggerate alot of things,i can garentee(sp) you that i can get an integra type r to understeer as bad as he got that vectra too,hell an impreza sti understeers as bad as that vectra
your missing factors though,they have tweaked the chassis but its got a huge great big 3.2litre V6 hanging over the front which isnt exactly the lightest of engines,plus jc doesnt exactly like the vectra and he does overexaggerate alot of things,i can garentee(sp) you that i can get an integra type r to understeer as bad as he got that vectra too,hell an impreza sti understeers as bad as that vectra

Aye you're right

On the autrostrada the Vectra VXR comes into its own. Unfussed at a 100mph cruise, stable and relaxing, it's clear that here's a car developed on the autobahn, with performance in reserve and brakes well capable of three-figure stops. Personally, I like the ethos behind the VXR brand, but I can't help thinking the Vectra is letting the side down.

Taken from evo.
I finially was able to watch the entire episode last night, and of all things Clarkson once again acted like an idiot when it comes to American cars. I like the man, I really do, but he needs to drop it.

...Lets see what happens when the Challenger and Camaro finially debut, then we can rub it in his face when he finds out how good the cars will be. But, being the man he is, he will probably accuse them of being German (the Challenger) and Australian (Camaro) given their outsourced chassis developments.
I finially was able to watch the entire episode last night, and of all things Clarkson once again acted like an idiot when it comes to American cars. I like the man, I really do, but he needs to drop it.
I find it ironic that he actualy owns an American car - A Ford GT! :lol:
Lets see what happens when the Challenger and Camaro finially debut, then we can rub it in his face when he finds out how good the cars will be. But, being the man he is, he will probably accuse them of being German (the Challenger) and Australian (Camaro) given their outsourced chassis developments.
I don't think you can rub it in his face, because if they are good, he will admit they are good. The problem is that after him saying quite a few American cars are quite good the facade doesn't fit anymore after him giving good reviews of a number of American cars. Sure it's funny to a degree, but 5 years on I can understand why you guys don't like it. You do have to accept the fact though, that he does it to a hell of a lot of cars that arn't American as well. Yes he's a great presenter but sometmies he pushes fales opinions too far, yu just have to accept that with him, what he says isn't always his opinion, like with American cars, he's given a few good rating, not the 300C mind, he didn't like that much at all, but other cars like the Viper, Mustang, Corvette and co. In his own mind he's probably looking forward to that new Challenger and hoping it goes on sale here in some form. You just have to accept that when it comes to Jeremys comments, he'll give a final verdict that's fair in most cases, but he'll make snyde comments inbetween the important bits of info.
Just watched it today, Good episode. I cant belive what happened to the caravan! chaos!! I liked that the crew let Clarkson, May and Hamster take care of it instead of stepping in and ruining the fun.
It would be cool to see what speed the 4wd Bugatti Veyron could reach in that arena, i was sure it would be over 100mph but then, the faster you go the sooner you have to break...
I dont know where I can watch it on TV, but I just got it from a torrent( AUP violation?) and it was pretty funny. Accept that part were clarkson was bashing ALL american cars. And as stated before by G.T, He owns a Ford GT, major :lol:. I suprised that the propane take didnt explode when that thing caught on fire though...would have been funny. Hearing Clarkson say "That thing took off like a "VEYY RoNNNN" with drag slicks!!!. I think clarkson is going to get a lot of hate mail about his little comment about " everysinlge american car sucks" statement
Does anyone else think the caravan thing might have been fake/set-up?? I hope its not cause it was damn funny. But after finding out the bit where they "set the car wash on fire" was fake, im scepticle.
of course it was fake do you really think the crew would let them run in and out of it and stand back and do nothing,and also the gas canister wasnt hook up or it deffo would have exploded.......james crashing though that wasnt fake :lol:
I finially was able to watch the entire episode last night, and of all things Clarkson once again acted like an idiot when it comes to American cars. I like the man, I really do, but he needs to drop it.

...Lets see what happens when the Challenger and Camaro finially debut, then we can rub it in his face when he finds out how good the cars will be. But, being the man he is, he will probably accuse them of being German (the Challenger) and Australian (Camaro) given their outsourced chassis developments.

He described the Vectra VXR, which is either British or German depending on your point of view as:

"It begins with an S and ends with a T. It isn't "soot"."

Which is a level he's never visited before. He also had a chart to show you how far he'd go to avoid driving ANY Vectra...

He doesn't have it in for American cars. He just mocks them because it'll get a rise out of Americans.
He doesn't have it in for American cars. He just mocks them because it'll get a rise out of Americans.

Ah, yes.. Americans. Who don't watch the show. Makes it rather pointless.

Hell, I'm American, and I don't really like American cars. I've owned four cars in my time. Two were American, two were Japanese. Can you guess which two I consider to be utter crap on four wheels compared to the other two?

I've got some friends who buy nothing but American.. and they're always complaining about them because they break so damn often. Yeah, I might pay more up front for a Japanese car, but they probably end up paying more in the long run in repairs.

That's from experience, mind you.. mine own observations, not any kind of "bias" against cars designed in my own homeland.
Ah, yes.. Americans. Who don't watch the show. Makes it rather pointless.

The fact that lots of "non-Europeans" watch Top Gear via Torrent cannot have escaped their notice.

Plus they just spent a month in the US, according to Clarkson, who also said "The Stig was arrested for walking in the desert. Apparently he looked a bit funny, so must have been a Muslim".
God damnit I missed the repeat.

Wait are Americans still getting annoyed at Clarkson making jokes about them?

Edit: All Americans are fat lmao also they don't know how to make cars that turn lmao
Personally, I think the American jokes are kind of funny. It's refreshing to see how we Yanks look to outsiders. :)

I agree that Jeremy probably doesn't "hate" America near as much as he claims to, but it's good fodder for jokes.