Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
That certainly leads me to one of my personal unpopular opinion: Nails on a chalkboard and many other screechy or "cringe worthy" sounds do not really bother me. They are not disturbing, they do not give me chills nor do they make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I honestly believe that 75% of the people who say they do not like those sounds are lying and just trying to "fit in" or something like that.
You're partly correct. A 2011 study found that participants subjectively rated the noise as more unpleasant if they were aware it was nails on a chalkboard (others were told it was a sample pulled from contemporary music), but it still produced a physical response either way. It also wasn't the higher frequencies of the noise that created the effect, but the roughness and volume of noise in the 2000 to 4000Hz range. The human ear is particularly sensitive to that range of frequencies, so it's probably not only a learned reaction.

Anyway, I had no preconception of pencil lead being able to make such a noise. It actually bothers me more than scratching a chalkboard; it was just an easy way to explain the effect.
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That certainly leads me to one of my personal unpopular opinion: Nails on a chalkboard and many other screechy or "cringe worthy" sounds do not really bother me. They are not disturbing, they do not give me chills nor do they make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I honestly believe that 75% of the people who say they do not like those sounds are lying and just trying to "fit in" or something like that.

I guess I'm part of the special 25% because those sounds reverb on my spine for minutes and sometimes I have random chills because my subconsious "hear" those sounds. They are really disturbing. Nails on chalkboard, nails in marble, certain types of plastic when compressed, those pens that are used instead of chalk and mechanical pencil tips when at a cretain length. All of this make cringe.
You're partly correct. A 2011 study found that participants subjectively rated the noise as more unpleasant if they were aware it was nails on a chalkboard (others were told it was a sample pulled from contemporary music), but it still produced a physical response either way. It also wasn't the higher frequencies of the noise that created the effect, but the roughness and volume of noise in the 2000 to 4000Hz range. The human ear is particularly sensitive to that range of frequencies, so it's probably not only a learned reaction.

Anyway, I had no preconception of pencil lead being able to make such a noise. It actually bothers me more than scratching a chalkboard; it was just an easy way to explain the effect.
I guess I'm part of the special 25% because those sounds reverb on my spine for minutes and sometimes I have random chills because my subconsious "hear" those sounds. They are really disturbing. Nails on chalkboard, nails in marble, certain types of plastic when compressed, those pens that are used instead of chalk and mechanical pencil tips when at a cretain length. All of this make cringe.
Welp, thanks for confirming how unpopular my opinion was. :D

But dang, I truly feel bad for you if you can be disturbed just by thinking of those sounds... :yikes:
I'm not a big fan of modern pop music.

I actually like Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex, it isn't as terrible as some people made it to be.

I like the new Top Gear.
See, while I didn't hate it I also didn't like it. It'll improve massively once they acknowledge the fact they no longer have the original trio and have to write new scripts for the hosts they have.
See, while I didn't hate it I also didn't like it. It'll improve massively once they acknowledge the fact they no longer have the original trio and have to write new scripts for the hosts they have.
Yeah, it's good, but not great. My main gripe about it is, like you said, they have to start going outside of the original trio formula and make a new style to fit the new presenters.
- I like Metal Gear Survive
- I really don't like heavy metal
- As a guitarist, Electro>>>>>Rock
- Wine >>>>> Beer
- I prefer Gran Turismo 6 to Gran Turismo 5.
- I would prefer GT Sport to have a small car list, but all those cars to be incredibly detailed.
- I don't like Led Zeppelin.
- The Use your Illusion Albums were just as good as Appetite for Destruction.
- I prefer Metallica's Black Album to Ride The Lightning or Kill 'em All.
- I prefer Dookie to American Idiot.
- I prefer Gaming on Console, although I am no fanboy and can see that PC's are better in every way.
- Nickelback isn't that Bad.
- Linkin Park however...
- I think gamers these days care too much about graphics.
- There is still some good music being made these days. (But not Mainstream music because of many reasons I'd rather not list here.)
- Wine >>>>> Beer

Although I enjoy them both, I prefer beer. I've drank some really good and expensive wines (some of best wines in Portugal) but I always go back to beer because, to me, beer just taste better.
Although I enjoy them both, I prefer beer. I've drank some really good and expensive wines (some of best wines in Portugal) but I always go back to beer because, to me, beer just taste better.

I love a refreshing beer after a day at work. But if I want to drink something really good I open a bottle of wine. Portuguese wines are also very good imho
I'm not a fan of it because it lacks any form of single player or campaign, has relatively few maps (small and bland ones at that), the few game modes all feel the same, and is infested with microtransactions. While it can be fun in short bursts, it's not enough to justify the overwhelming hype and praise it has received.
- The Use your Illusion Albums were just as good as Appetite for Destruction.

Is the popular opinion that Appetite is the best? I've always preferred Use Your Illusion I and II, the songs just have far more variety. And I think Axl proved himself to be not just a wacko, but an amazing songwriter (Breakdown and Estranged are amazing songs), probably some evidence of insanity being connected to genius :irked:. I have a more likely unpopular opinion which is that Chinese Democracy is actually a good album.

- There is still some good music being made these days. (But not Mainstream music because of many reasons I'd rather not list here.)

If you asked me about the music being made now compared to that of yesteryear 5 years ago, I would have probably said the same. But today, I reckon now is the best time for new music, I believe there is something for absolutely everyone now (even the deaf! :P). I don't think there was that sort of variety in the 20th century, and thanks to the internet we can find it for ourselves instead of relying on the radio.
- Gaming is something to do out of total boredom.

- I never could really get into Top Gear.

- Most cars are actually pretty good: what defines "great" from "bad" in a category of vehicle is usually a narrow performance window (or a really uncomfortable seat) or missing the point of its utilization.

- Tattoos are the dumbest waste of money, and their rise and poularity is perplexing to me.

- I don't get the "fascination with death" horsepucky.

- As I get older, I kind of feel sorry for pop music "artists". Most are just one-hit wonders who aren't likely to be astoundingly rich, and they're usually going to be remembered for only one thing. After all, only a handful keep making music instead of falling off.

- That said, I think Aerosmith, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 2Pac, Dr. Dre, and a host of others lauded for their contributions to the 1980s-1990s weren't that great (usually unimpressive, derivative stuff) to begin with.

- I don't update my apps automatically. If it works, I leave it alone.

- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was incredibly boring. So was Casablanca.

- I don't think highly of folks who watch lots of movies or TV shows. Great, you sit on a couch and stare at a wall semi-vacantly.

- We get it, movies have flaws and are imperfect. Get over yourself.

- No, I'm not going to watch someone talk on YouTube for 10 minutes. The answer is still: No.

- I usually don't mind small talk. Sometimes the variations in it is fascinating, but that's because I travel a bunch.

- Pretty much all of us are actually shallow and vain in several ways; we deny that because we think other vain people are stealing attention away.

- I don't understand why people complain so much and for so long about things that things and events that have little to no bearing on their life.

- My feelings on the Trolley Problem: Make Better Trolley.
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