Update 1.15 now available

  • Thread starter Nuschel01
The new menu books are bittersweet. On one hand it’s nice to see some new events and familiar themes from previous titles, but on the other hand it’s crazy how late something as basic as Kei Cars receive a formal introduction. Should’ve been Menu Book 2 in the base game, and then today they could have added an additional three events so there would now be six Kei Car races in total. Same goes for VGT and Gr. 1. The drip feeding is so slow and underwhelming, not to mention difficult to understand. What do some employees at PD do all day in order to justify working there?

Additionally, it’s lame how the new events have predominantly been added to circuits having several events already, when some circuits are still painfully lacking in variety. Especially Monza comes to mind, and to think PD probably paid significant licensing money to include it…
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The force feedback on Fanatec DD Pro wheel feels horribly light now. Like the car floats.
Anyone else experiencing wheel issues?
Yep, this is the list of wheels changed according to the update


I had my T-GT set on 5 - which is a little light for me (I had GTS on 8) - but now even set it at 10 and it's much lighter than before this update, unusable
Well the Gr010 is dead on arrival it’s in group 1 and significantly slower than everything else it also costs 3mil it’s worse than the TS050 in every way

What did you expect? 🤔 GR010 and other hypercars are slower than LMP cars irl too. Imo it is good that it is slower since that is realistic. I would be dissapointed if it was the opposite. I hope we have the new Peugeot added in the near future, Alpine hypercar would be cool too.
Trying to fire up the game after the update, all I get is a loading GT icon and it says "saving" on the bottom right. It's been like that for 10 minutes now. Who wants to bet if my 250 hour save gets corrupted when I quit? Good job on the update PD, great start.
The fundamental problem they need to address rather sooner than later is that progression in the single player, which in it's current state for most people means collecting uber-expensive cars from Hagerty, incentivizes you to repeat the same events with a limited selection of cars rendering majority of the tracks and cars useless.

It just feels pointless when 90% of the content in the game isn't tied to any sort of feeling of progression, be it reward cars or credits. I'd love to race on Laguna Seca or Monza but whats the point?
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa now everyone slow the heck down for a moment;

Kaz Daddy
 - It is now possible to receive ‘Birthday Present Tickets.’

This is a betrayal on levels that no one has ever seen.

Logged into GT7 on my (overall a bit of a crap day of a) birthday, back at the end of march, received no daddy Kaz birthday gift, reported this with much sadness. Am I really to wait a whole year after release for my special confetti just for having been born too close to the release?

Who can I phone at Sony and mope about this to? I will find Kaz and demand satisfaction from him.
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