Update 2.09 Online Physics Change?

I tried something that I never tried before last night, went online, bought a new Lexus LFA, (never really driven it much before), and spontaneously decided to set tires , toes, camber, rideheight all to Zero value. I also set all dampers and roll bars to 1. Best road car handling I've driven in a long while. and lapped the 24hr Nur track in a respectable 8:38s at 505pp. as soon as I applied any change to these settings, even one at a time, the car became worse in some aspect.

just some thoughts, or perhaps struck a lucky base tune? I expected the car to feel sluggish, or roll about, but it just held as if it was on rails.

I found the same thing.. I was testing online to try and get front grip for 2.09 since they took the ride height out. To my surprise the front with dampers both on 1/1 and sway bar on 1 gave me the best front grip. I couldnt beleave it glad someone else posted it.. Dang 2.09 is messed up lol..
I tried something that I never tried before last night, went online, bought a new Lexus LFA, (never really driven it much before), and spontaneously decided to set tires , toes, camber, rideheight all to Zero value. I also set all dampers and roll bars to 1. Best road car handling I've driven in a long while. and lapped the 24hr Nur track in a respectable 8:38s at 505pp. as soon as I applied any change to these settings, even one at a time, the car became worse in some aspect.

just some thoughts, or perhaps struck a lucky base tune? I expected the car to feel sluggish, or roll about, but it just held as if it was on rails.

This was on the stock tires I assume? Doesn't surprise me. 2.09 seemed to be a real step forward for driving, but is 100 steps back for tuning it seems. I'm gonna give that a go with a couple of other cars, maybe you've hit upon the new tuning secret!!!
I would bet it was on racing softs too.. But tires wouldnt matter all the values at 1 on dampers and roll bars and all that worked better than anythig else.. I found the same thing maybe every car isnt like that but I was working on a SRT Challenger and thats what worked for me as well online.. Now spring stiffness still works but dampers and roll bars at 1 drove the best go figure.
Racing tires or high grip tires will mask the car handling characteristic to some degree. Try the stock or any tuned F40 or Yellowbird on comfort medium, then on sports hard, then on any racing tire, the difference is astounding. I am not sure value of 1 on most suspension settings will give the best drive on these 2 cars, even more unlikely if non racing tire is used.
I tried something that I never tried before last night, went online, bought a new Lexus LFA, (never really driven it much before), and spontaneously decided to set tires , toes, camber, rideheight all to Zero value. I also set all dampers and roll bars to 1. Best road car handling I've driven in a long while. and lapped the 24hr Nur track in a respectable 8:38s at 505pp. as soon as I applied any change to these settings, even one at a time, the car became worse in some aspect.

just some thoughts, or perhaps struck a lucky base tune? I expected the car to feel sluggish, or roll about, but it just held as if it was on rails.

Whilst I'll make no comment on the time, I'm slow at best, the LFA benefited hugely from the 2.08 update. Pre 2.08, the car really struggled to stay on the track, particularly at The Ring, it was a really rollercoaster. Post the update, it felt much more planted and limited to 500PP it's a monster. I believe this is related to the aerodynamics 'fix' that 2.08 brought.

Took mine out again the other day post 2.09, at its normal 550PP, a glorious ride, hugely enjoyable...

I tested the difference between max/min and min/max in a straight line.
Same as pre 2.08, tha max/min is faster high end, and the min/max has more grip and is better off the line. (just like every time I've tested it after any update)

I would guess not a damn thing has changed from 2.08 except online is like offline now.
I tested the difference between max/min and min/max in a straight line.
Same as pre 2.08, tha max/min is faster high end, and the min/max has more grip and is better off the line. (just like every time I've tested it after any update)

I would guess not a damn thing has changed from 2.08 except online is like offline now.

We actually agree on something for once.
I'll eat my shorts if 8:38 @ 505 @ Nurb 24h was done on anything but racing soft.

Racing Softs, I am an addict to lapping as fast as possible, given a strict pp, with racing softs.

I am very much open to enjoying other tires too, for different tracks and or rules if set. Give me a veyron with comfort hards without ABS, in the rain too :)

I just tend to stay with RS for this track, simply because? it's an available option at virtually no cost. Had PD implemented a radical different approach, as to deplete our virtual coin to use these at will, then it would be an entirely different game :)

^Dinno, default racing Spring rate, work just fine. LSD is set to 20?/35/20 or somewhere near this. only ABS @1 , paddle shift on TM wheel. Engine pp limited down to 505pp, with some ballast , never more than 85kg toward rear for me. Custom tranny to 310km/hr, stock exhaust, and it accellerates!
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Racing Softs, I am an addict to lapping as fast as possible, given a strict pp, with racing softs.

That explains it. Tuning adjustments have a wet blanket thrown over them now by 2.09, which piles on top of the already wet blanket RS tires provide.
So we agree 2.09 sucks. :D

However flawed 2.08 and below was, for those that like to tune and see the effect of their tune show up in quicker lap times/cars tailored to their style, the old online physics were superior.
So we agree 2.09 sucks. :D

However flawed 2.08 and below was, for those that like to tune and see the effect of their tune show up in quicker lap times/cars tailored to their style, the old online physics were superior.

I still prefer the way cars drive now, I just wish tuning adjustments still worked so you had to do some work to get cars to the sweet spot, rather than making most of the cars feel better, but at the same time deadening the options that should affect how they drive. Maybe it's not possible to have both in PD's world and there is some realistic explaination for it. I guess consumers spending half a billion dollars on a game doesn't warrant any detailed explainations of a total change to how every single car in the game drives and the effectiveness of the entire menu of tuning options available. I guess they are saving the detailed explainations for the really big stuff. :banghead::confused::banghead::boggled:

Next month they might change the aero, brake and engine models and I could write the press release:

Update 2.10: We change some stuff, here's another Skyline..
So we agree 2.09 sucks. :D

However flawed 2.08 and below was, for those that like to tune and see the effect of their tune show up in quicker lap times/cars tailored to their style, the old online physics were superior.

Tuning still works. Only ride height differences is not a viable tuning-option anymore. Everything else is still there, just a little different. We just have to relearn and understand it again.
Tuning still works. Only ride height differences is not a viable tuning-option anymore. Everything else is still there, just a little different. We just have to relearn and understand it again.
Ride height is still dancing to the beat of the same drum, same drum since release. Don't let PD's neutering fool you, it's still there. ;)

Ride height is still dancing to the beat of the same drum, same drum since release. Don't let PD's neutering fool you, it's still there. ;)

Yes, the effect on top speed and accelaration of nose up is still there. But every test I made about it showed this is an aerodynamic effect, probably resulting from downforce being applied in a 90° angle to the car and not simply pulling towards the ground. This is indeed still there and it is the stronger the more downforce you have.

But the effects on balance are gone. min/max has the same under-/oversteer as max/min or min/min. I was talking about that.

This helped at least partially. Before you could put a rear wing with max downforce on roadcars and the horrible (aero-)understeer would be countered by massive (suspension-) oversteer from the low back, resulting in a quite well balanced car. This doesn't work anymore.
Tuning still works. Only ride height differences is not a viable tuning-option anymore. Everything else is still there, just a little different. We just have to relearn and understand it again.

Try tuning a Golf or Civc RM on SS tires at 221 HP with no ballast and tell me if tuning still works the same as it did before the update. It's not a little different, it's a lot different. Sure, tuning a car that comes out of the box almost good is easy, but it always was. Take cars that don't want to turn and try to dial it out without ballast. You could before, much, much harder now and I just can't get it to work on the Golf as an example.
Try tuning a Golf or Civc RM on SS tires at 221 HP with no ballast and tell me if tuning still works the same as it did before the update. It's not a little different, it's a lot different.

I never claimed it would be the same. But most things still work, only different. I wish I would exactly understand what changed and how this changes how we have to tune, but I can't so far. What I still can do is make my cars quicker or change their balance. Ballast can be a good tool, what's wrong with it?
I don't drive FF at all, so I can't say anything about those. Just drive a proper car if you want nice cornering. :P ;)