Vintage Trans Am Series

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
I agree with the no passing below the yellow line. And I agree with allowing bump drafting. Just please, avoid doing so on the turns. Also, be patient. It's pointless to be overly aggressive thru the first 99% of the race.

As far as qualifying goes, I haven't noticed any issues thus far. Keep separation, don't interfere, and yield when you are entering the track. Simple stuff to keep in mind.

Oh, by the way, the restrictor plate is coming off the Z06.
Sorry that i have not shown up these last couple of races. I got a real car (1971 nova) and i have been working on it and getting it ready for when i get my license in a few months... I will try to make it to the next race if im not workin on my car.
Great racin last night guys! Shame about the server problems that PD does not believe is as important as stopping people from trading expensive cars, but they make the rules I guess... I'm just glad everyone else was able to have some fun at my Camaro's expense while I was stuck in black screen. Lol.
Yes indeed. I believe was one of the most fun races I have had. Even though on the first lap of Group II Trial Mountain Cold Tires struck and I spun out losing the lead, and knock few other people. I did manage a come back a bit but not enough.

Here are the Results,

Group II Trial Mountain

Group I Daytona Road Course

We tried a Group II Road Course but due to connection issues (again) we kinda played around. We ended up doing a stock Fiat 500 F(for failure) One lap around Daytona Road Course with Coolracer coming out on top! (although his was faster somehow) I will try to post some pictures perhaps of the shenanigans later.
That was good fun lastnight. Looks like the Fords were too scared to show up again.

Seems like we ALWAYS have issues when trying to run a 3rd race.

I added up all the scores & results, but forgot to bring it to work today. so I'll try to post the results & standings when I get home later today or tomorrow. The G1 standings is pretty tight among the top 3. (4 points separate 1st-3rd).
great races I invite all of the vintage lovers to join this series ,very fun spinning the back of my car in the turns
That was good fun lastnight. Looks like the Fords were too scared to show up again.

Seems like we ALWAYS have issues when trying to run a 3rd race.

I added up all the scores & results, but forgot to bring it to work today. so I'll try to post the results & standings when I get home later today or tomorrow. The G1 standings is pretty tight among the top 3. (4 points separate 1st-3rd).

You know Skeletor i doubt its that the Ford drivers didnt show up i think its more that everyone has picked the '69 Z28 Camaro. Theres no diversity in this series and that really bumms me out. I don't see myself continuing with this series because everyone drives the same car in both groups and i don't see the fun in that.
The league started off with plenty of diversity between cars, the only reason it was mostly Z28's the last two weeks is because those are the only guys that showed up. My personal fav pick would've been Z28 RM, I chose the Challenger intentionally to help with diversity. I know for a fact that Skeletor also gave up his first choice and pick one of the most difficult handling cars in the list just to help mix up the field. I certainly hate to contribute to any arguments that seem to clog up our GTP forums, but I really don't think that was a fair statement. Besides, this league isn't about Chevy vs Ford vs Dodge, it's about the fun of racing against people that really enjoy racing. I'm sorry that you missed that point.
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I didn't actually mean that the Fords were too scared. I'm just stirring up the s*** a little. I'm hoping to encourage more people into running the Fords. The G1 class, there really is no good selection for the Ford. I think we should try allowing the GT40. I would also like to point out, 3 different cars are in the top 3 every week in the G1 class.

The G2 class could use more diversity. But don't think it's enough reason to quit the series. It's just how things panned out.

Next season, I want to try running either the Mach 1 or GT350 in the G2 class. I'm sure I can prove that those cars can be competitive too. Maybe win a few races. Maybe get a few more people to choose them.
Missed the races last night.

If we want to encourage more competition against the Z28, then we could raise the PP level. Since the Z28 RM maxes out at something like 600 PP (I think, cannot remember exactly), it would then have a power handicap. I chose the Z28 because it is the best handling car, after trying the Mach and the Challenger. I need all the help I can get! Feel free to ignore my suggestion.
Not a bad suggestion, but I really don't feel there's a problem with competition against the Z. In the G1 class, the only reason the Z is in the top three is because Kal's driving it. Lol. I feel the PP limits we have now are pretty fair and even. If we do the same limits next season, I think I would use the Z for G1 (since I havn't been able to show mine off yet) and probaly try that monster Chevelle for G2. Also, I think some testing with the GT40 would be a good idea, PD really dropped the ball when they didn't give us an RM Mustang
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we can try different points per car , the more difficult to drive more points ,then my chevelle will have a lot of points for me to drive,is an idea .
That would even out cars for individuals, but we would have too many differences of opinion on which cars deserve the higher points. For instance, my favorite and most driven car is the Z RM, I use identical setups on it and my Challenger, but on my Deep Forest practice screen the Challenger currently has the top three lap times. That may also defeat the purpose of the car list that Kal origionally posted, I believe his whole idea was to try and prove that with different drivers, each of these cars has the chance to be the top car. So far, that seems to be the case.
Besides, the only complaint Ive heard is from someone who hasn't raced with us in weeks... I love the event how it is, if it ain't broke then why fix it?
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I dont believe there is anything wrong with the series either. My point is it seems like in G2 everyone is picking the premium cars because well they're premium. And im talking about diversity in this series because thats how it was back in the day when everyone was fighting for their manufacturer. The field wasn't a bunch of Camaros and Corvettes.
Point taken, and I didn't mean to sound harsh against your comments earlier. It would be nice to have some other cars participating in the G2 race, but that is certainly not taking any of the fun out of the races we are enjoying each weekend. I encourage you to come back next Sunday and show us what those Mustangs are capable of
I also have alot of fun during the races but i had connection issues to PSN sunday afternoon and i tried to get online but for some reason it was holding me back. I'll try to be back next week since my GT350R is just dying To kick some smoke in some GM and Mopar grilles.
That's what I like to hear! GT5 server has been having even more trouble then normal over the past week, everytime I power up I go right into PSN but I can't get online GT5. I takes several tries. I hope it gets resolved soon. We look forward to racing with some Fords this weekend, and I'll do my best watch the performance of the 350r from the rearview mirror of my Challenger! :P
I've been researching the 'black screen' epidemic for awile this morning, here's what I've come up with. As we are doing our qualifying laps the server is constantly updating the recorded speeds of each car, even without the cars completing the full laps. If you watch the driver speed list on the right while your driving, it often changes mid-lap as you get the red or green lap time update in the middle of your screen. As the host pushes the start race button, the server imediatly sets the starting grid. But if cars are still on the track, even sitting still, the server is still monitoring that cars time and updating the start grid. As there seems to be no absolute cure for the black screen, the best chance to avoid it is to make sure everyone uses the start button to move their cars to the pit BEFORE the race countdown timer begins. As soon as host announces race time, we should all hit start, return to pit, and wait for everyone to be accounted for in the pit before starting the timer.
Here are my thoughts on the cars.

I do not believe the 71' Mach One can do Group One. I just don't. I believe in Group II however it can do well. I've recently tested the Trans Cammer at deep Forest with about 700HP (way below the 640pp limit) and with very little suspension or weight mods and achieved a 1:13. I am going to finish installing the upgrades, apply some tunes to it and try again. If it is able to run around a 1:11:XXX than it can race in Group One easily.

The 60' Corvette Arty Morrison. I do not own it, so I have no clue what it is capable of.

As proven before, and I believe one of the front running people are driving a Challenger Rm. This proves that even slightly handicapped on power, it can still compete. I still however believe, even with the amount of skill, work it requires the Z06 Corvette Race car appears to be an easy winning car due to higher HP and better handling of the Challenger. I just don't feel it even under the PP limit is in the exact same field as the Camaro or Challenger.

Group II thoughts, It is up to everyone to run whatever. It is also up to you to tune and equip it to run competitively. With the 550 Limit every car is on a same level, and the Camaro requires alot of weight, horsepower, and lowered aero to come under the limit. It is not like the Camaro right out of the box is just great it requires effort and tuning as well.

I am going to prolly switch cars next season. I want to bring my Favorite and longest time owned car (has most wins to) my 70 Challenger RM. If that is the case I may buy a stock Challenger and make it my group II car or find a Mopar car to run.

Also, due to several people not showing up, the diversity on the list gets hurt alot. Keep that in mind.

I am going to start doing trial and error on several cars in my spare time. With my new job my time is now limited (thank god) However, Thursday Night I am offering (around 8 ish) to set up a lobby in my lounge, and we all do testing on various cars for the classes.

I knew the Series needs fine tuning but you have to start somewhere.
I really wish it wasn't so slow at work so I could stop baby sitting my GTP subscriptions... Oh, well. I like the idea of the trans cammer. Havn't tested th Arty Vette either, but I have raced against it, pretty sure it's in a league of it's own. I did some testing last night with the 'Cuda, and I think it could easily become my new favorite. I'll try to run it a little more and show ya what get out of it thursday.
Oh, yea... I really like the lap time qualification standards used there... with my best muscle car I'm still in the 1:13 bracket at the Forest. Thanks alot, 'Tire Fire'! :P
(race #5)

1.) Skeletor27 (1,P,F,28)..........[111]
2.) Kalmiya117 (2,F,20)............[108]
3.) Titus001 (3,F,18)...............[107]
4.) GTP_CobraMustang (4,F,16)...[76]
5.) GTP_KAMikaze (8,F,12).........[67]
6.) Mudd (6,F,14).....................[53]
7.) Zwyatt (5,F,15)...................[42]
8.) coolracer101 (7,F,13)............[35]


1.) Kalmiya117 (3,P,F,23)...............[97]
2.) Skeletor27 (1,F,23)..................[91]
3.) Titus001 (2,F,20).....................[76]
4.) GTP_CobraMustang (4,F,16).......[64]
5.) Mudd (5,F,15)..........................[56]
-.) GTP_KAMikaze (6,F,14)..............[56]
7.) coolracer101 (8,F,12)................[34]
8.) Zwyatt (7,F,13).......................[24]

Those are the currents standings. I am from now on only going to post the top 8 in the standings and any notables. I'll still keep track and have records for everyone that participates.

As far as the argument about adjusting the PP for different cars, I think that would make the series too complicated and way to hard to regulate. Some muscle cars are just not designed to do such things like; turning, braking.... i.e. Chevelle..

So far, the series is going great. The only complaint is everyone driving camaros & corvettes? Not much can be done about that. Like Kal already mentioned, everyone has the right to choose what ever car they want.

Kal, I should be around on Thursday, I'll come join you. There's a few cars I want test out too. I never even thought about the trans cammer. Also would like to see if the GT40 is a viable option for a G1 car. I have tested the Morrison Corvette, and have not had much luck with it.
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I also have alot of fun during the races but i had connection issues to PSN sunday afternoon and i tried to get online but for some reason it was holding me back. I'll try to be back next week since my GT350R is just dying To kick some smoke in some GM and Mopar grilles.

I tried out that GT350R yesterday and drove it around a little bit... And when I say "drove it around" I mean that it spun around in circles at every turn. I can't keep the damn thing on the track. I feel that it has good potential though, it's lighter then a camaro, more power....
Its not so much a complaint its just my opinion. Kal i think the Mach 1 could keep up but i have tuned it to the point where it basically doesn't move any quicker. I like it but its not for this field. The Trans Cammer or the Cobra would be a better suit for me but i made the decision to pick the Mach over the Cammer because it was easier to control. And the Cobra understeers too dam much for me so i'll keep working on it. And Skeletor, if you saw my GT350R i think you might think twice about its potential. Unfortunately Kals non RM Camaro is still a second quicker so ill keep practicing some of the tracks. Im almost ready to post my GT350R tune on GTP it just needs a few more tweaks. I have a really good feeling about this guys i hope this tune works out for everyone. PM me if you want to see some taillights from my Shelby!
Eager to try that 350 tune...

Soon guys, very soon i promise. I could be like GT5 and make you wait 5 years but the most i would hold out is until the the end of the season, or be cool and wait til next week when the twitchy feeling it has now is cured.
Modern Trans Am does sound interesting. Here's a thought on Vintage Season 2: there doesnt seem to be a shortage of cars to chose in G2, while the G1 RM cars seem to be unresistable choices. We could consider lowering the PP limits just a bit while making G2 'standard only'. That would force some other car choices in G2 while (hopefully) making the Mach 1 more of a threat in G1. I havn't tested it, but could Skeletor's G2 vette also be usable in G1 with lower limits? This idea would also make the RM's a little less appealing. May not be the answer, but worth looking into

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