What games are you playing now?

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Finally finished Mark of the Ninja last night, took me about 3 weeks to play six hours (and it was the only thing I played in that time) so it's safe to say I'm not playing as much as I was a year ago. Great game though! Wasn't too impressed by the ending but the last few levels were really well done.

Tried to move on to Pid, a platformer I tried to play ten years ago but bounced off, and well some things never change - I lasted about 10 minutes.

Not sure what's next, not feeling hugely inspired right now.

Edit: Bastion was next, marking maybe the sixth time I've tried to get into it since I got it probably about a decade ago. I also tried it on my Vita but didn't do much better. This time I do think it'll take.
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Galaxian, ah. I remember playing that game way back when they did the NAMCO PS1 collection.

Anyway, I've gotten into Skyrim again, only I seem to find myself having more fun with the creation kit than the actual game itself. I've been making a desert-themed "Hammerfell" style world.

A small look at the unfinished village of Dinai (taken from the CK):
CreationKit 2024-01-15 14-02-57-49.jpg
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Yeah, Bastion is pretty great. In fact I'm surprised it isn't more fondly remembered than it is, and I say that knowing it is already quite well-regarded, I think it deserves more. I guess the subsequent games being relatively similar (Transistor and Hades, at least) kind of made it obsolete?

The game is signalling that I'm about to go and face the final boss so I guess we'll see if I'm genuinely near the end or if it's faking me out, but I think after this I'll play something with a third dimension, not sure exactly what that is yet though. I still haven't started Ghost of Tsushima.
Been playing High on Life on Xbox Game Pass lately, with an occasional trip to Star Wars Battlefront on PS2 and some private matches on Wreckfest with my brother-in-law. I gotta say the original Battlefront only seems to get better with age.
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Finished Bastion, great game. Moved on to Lego Star Wars, think it's called The Complete Saga, not the more recent Skywalker one. Couldn't handle playing it on the train so I switched to Kentucky Route Zero which appears to be as pretentious as I had heard, but entertaining enough. So far reminds me a little of Norco but less creepy.
Hello, I'm on vacation from university and I play a lot of Wow. :cheers:
I recently missed my old favourite WotLK Classic and decided to go back for some nostalgia, but since there are not many quality of life improvements, the game is also noticeably more gamey and slower, so I decided to skip the boring gameplay for me and go for a nice nostalgic experience with this.
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I'm still playing Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition. Even though I beat the Dark War campaign in the classic ROTT, I am now in the third episode of Dark War in the Ludicrous Edition ROTT. I am basically re-living my time playing the Dark War campaign. I think it's cool this game features even "The HUNT Begins," the campaign from the shareware ROTT (remember the shareware days?). I'm told the remastered music is from "Rise of the Triad (2013)." I find myself jamming to the ROTT 2013 songs when I am not playing ROTT: Ludicrous Edition. I haven't played too much of the "Extreme ROTT" and the Ludicrous Edition-exclusive campaign.
Dusted off the PS4 for a little bit to dive back in to Final Fantasy 7 Remake in preparation for Rebirth next month. I probably won't get thru the entire game again but it's nice to revisit it.

And some Wreckfest as well. Haven't touched that game in at least a couple of years. It remains as fun and chaotic as I remember.
I had to check out Palworld, just to see if it was actually good or if the internet was just being memelords to trick people into buying junk.

Turns out, this is the game that Pokemon Legends: Arceus should have been but couldn't be due to technical limits.
Various games on my new Evercade. Liking Astro smash.
I just got my Evercade VS. Only have the Gaelco and Toaplan collections so far but having a blast with it. Also have the Technos Arcade collection which came bundled with it, but I'm not really a fan of anything included there. Looking to get the first Intellivision pack and both of the Duke Nukem sets soon.
I am playing GT7 daily races and twice a week some races with Playstation friends, we are sometimes 12 sometime 15 of us.

Also I play F1 2022 and grid.
Still going with Kentucky Route Zero, seems like an oddly... What's the opposite of divisive, unifying? Anyway, it's an oddly not divisive game, almost everything I've heard from others about it reflects my own experience - first two acts are good, act 3 is OK, act 4 is not great, and that's where I'm up to so far. I wonder if the choices I'm making actually matter or if it's just good at pretending that they do, something I need to look into I suppose. I'm also too tired to engage in any subtext (I'm sure there's loads of stuff going way over my head) so I'm taking it very much at face value, still quite entertaining though.
I had to check out Palworld, just to see if it was actually good or if the internet was just being memelords to trick people into buying junk.

Turns out, this is the game that Pokemon Legends: Arceus should have been but couldn't be due to technical limits.
I didn't realise how many people love these base building, resource gathering, survival type games.

I can't make it past the first 30 minutes without getting bored.
I didn't realise how many people love these base building, resource gathering, survival type games.

I can't make it past the first 30 minutes without getting bored.
Honestly I normally don't care for them much myself, but this one really focuses more on exploring and collecting pals rather than creating a perfect settlement. It also helps that you can adjust a ton of parameters whenever you want to make the game more or less challenging as you see fit. I spent most of the afternoon just searching out fast travel points in areas I shouldn't really be in yet and collecting eggs to hatch to see if I can find any rare pals ahead of when I'd normally be getting them.
I briefly returned to classic DOOM, but using GZDoom and a 3D model package. What was supposed to be a simple look at the 3D models someone made ended up with me... casually completing the "Knee-Deep in the Dead" episode of DOOM 1 (the first and shareware episode of DOOM) on Ultra-Violence (2nd hardest difficulty). Never have I cleared any entire DOOM episode or any entire DOOM game in one sitting without dying until recently. And I did it on the Ultra-Violence level no less! The main point of me playing DOOM is because I grown increasingly impatient trying to load 3D models for testing for Duke Nukem 3D ports, and from Duke Nukem 3D ports crashing on me or glitching on me for whatever reason. I want to test game assets, especially 3D ones, in games. I will try to play around with a lot of different classics until I can find something I can work towards as trying to be a content producer.
Finished Kentucky Route Zero, I'd say it's very good but not quite deserving of the hype that I'd picked up on at the time but I wonder if that's because I've played a few "weird" games that have released since that were better? Not sure. Like Norco and even Signalis, even though they're totally different. I mean I knew some people who said KRZ was the best game they'd ever played and, like, maybe they were trying too hard to be "cool", but if that's legitimately true, I feel bad for them! It's not a bad game at all, it is a very good one, but it's nowhere near my all time favourites.

Moved on to continue Sonic Mania, I only had time to do the first act of Flying Battery Zone (which sounds more difficult than it was, it's not just Dr. Robotnik pelting you with AAs and the rectangular 9V ones) so I'm barely a third of the way into the game but it's fun to pick it up every now and then. Boy am I glad you no longer have to try to beat the game in a single sitting...
Don’t judge too harshly but I’ve been sinking quite a bit of time into Power Wash Simulator.

I’ve found it to be quite a good stress reliever a bit like building Lego or Stardew Valley etc.

It’s simple and easy to pick up for a short time and doesn’t get my brain flying at 1000mph which some games do. Just put some chilled music on and Power Wash some stuff.
Don’t judge too harshly but I’ve been sinking quite a bit of time into Power Wash Simulator.

I’ve found it to be quite a good stress reliever a bit like building Lego or Stardew Valley etc.

It’s simple and easy to pick up for a short time and doesn’t get my brain flying at 1000mph which some games do. Just put some chilled music on and Power Wash some stuff.
Is it as frustrating as Viscera Cleanup ? Me and my mates bought that one thinking it would be a fun, relaxing co op game.

How wrong we were....
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While I've got the PS4 hooked up. Decided to update and play a little bit of Fall Guys. Can confirm it still makes me rage like no other game. Hell, Demon Souls was less stressful.
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