What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
The Phone booth - Good movie is saw on TV in the weekends and i really enjoyed watching it. The conversation were good aswell. 8.5/10

The Shooter - Again one of those films with the character fighting a million enemy's and is not even scratched, but the actions and stunt were pretty good. 7/10
Resident Evil - Extinction 4/10

Bad movie - but not totally devoid of entertainment. Milla never seems to make any movies where she actually gets to be sexy. Instead she's always kicking people and slashing throats. The plot was (how to put this gently) unbelievably stupid (please don't confuse the plot with the premise). There were plot holes you could drive a truck through. I cannot recommend this movie, but I won't say it was completely without merit. If you can shut your brain off and be entertained by an hour and a half of slashing, shooting, and kicking, then you might like it.
Cherry 2000 -- One of those lesser-known sci-fi classics, this one dating to 1987. A very young (and kinda hot) Melanie Griffith, and some really odd SFX. Laurence Fishburne has a small role in the movie as well. The movie is crappy, but great in a cult sort of way. The movie gets a 5/10, but just barely.
-The Bucket List-
It was great to see morgen freeman and jack nicholson together in a movie. and it was a good drama and comedy movie. It bring to mind how life is so precious
Detour (1945) -- This is an awesome piece of Film Noir. Lots of voiceovers, lots of cutscenes, dark moments and murder. 7.5/10
No Country For Old Men

Um. I was looking for a plot for most of it. Well, more of a back story. I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

Still pretty good none-the-less though. Very entertaining until the often mentioned last part. Then I was checking my watch wondering when it would end. The last 20 minutes dragged. But when it did end, everyone was surprised the screen went black.

This one was heading for a high score indeed, but the last 20 minutes let it down.

It's one of the better 'random' movies I've seen (no back story). But oh the ending... I recommend it though!

AVP: Requiem

Would have walked out but I was sleeping.

1/5 stars.

One star for the great nap I had.
Cloverfield - 10/10
Once this got started it was a non-stop trip. Truely awesome film, probably go see it again next week :D

Heat (1995)
Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Ashley Judd, William Fichtner
Rating: R - graphic violence, profanity, mature themes
Runtime: 2 hours 57 minutes

I watched it for the 20th+ time today. This is a true modern crime masterpiece. Robert De Niro is one of the most menacing villains ever. Also contains one of the most iconic gunfights in film history; pure aural perfection. The sound during the gunfights is thunderous! The only film I've ever watched whose sheer scale is unrivaled; maybe except by all three installments of The Lord of the Rings. The DVD is rather slim on extra features.

I give it 9.6/10
Clever, Monolithic, Gritty

Equilibrium (2002) -- Despite having quite a few known actors (Christian Bale, Sean Bean, Taye Diggs, Emily Watson), I hadn't heard of this one. It starts out as a 1984-type of world and up to maybe the first 40 minutes it turns out to be quite predictable and like a b-movie in the making. It later turns into a pretty impressive movie, really good fight scenes and highly creative choreography on shooting sequences. 7.5/10

Family Plot (1974) -- This was the last movie Hitchcock made. It's by far not his best... probably Hitchcock died of the same thing Kubrick died after seeing what Eyes Wide Shut was. The movie could be better if they'd steered away from the comedy part and just focused on the psychological suspense of it. Hitchock did great with The Trouble with Harry, and although it was a very smart and dark comedy, he's much, much better at suspense. 6/10.
Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift: 6/10 Much better than the first one, but still very 'silly.' Never watched the second one. I woke up from a nap on the couch and the boys were watching it. Finished it with them, though I didn't really want to; had no choice. It wasn't good, but wasn't that bad. Silliness got super cheesy at the end though; Saki burner in a classic American muscle car? Pfff.
Juno - 9/10

God this was a GREAT movie! I loved Juno's way of describing a situation. :lol: The only reason it didn't get a 10 was because the ending was a bit... "we have to end this movie somehow, ok there ended".
Juno - 9/10

God this was a GREAT movie! I loved Juno's way of describing a situation. :lol: The only reason it didn't get a 10 was because the ending was a bit... "we have to end this movie somehow, ok there ended".

Didn't like it. It was Hollywood's attempt at creating a 'hip' movie.

Taken from IMDB that I feel sums up Juno quite well.
Sadly, after the success of such films as Napolean Dynamite and Little Miss Sunshine, the studios are attempting to market "Indie" as a brand. Those in Hollywood aren't stupid. They know that the less money they have to spend on a film in production; the higher the profits. However, what makes films great or charming is that they aren't contrived to make 100 million dollars. The studios are attempting to bottle cuteness or preciousness, pass it off as original because a character drinks sunny d or chews orange tic tacs or -watch out!- has a hamburger phone, in order to fool the masses into believing that they are watching something fresh and original and those that disagree "just don't get it." The problem is not that people "don't get it." It's that some people "do get it" and can see through this attempt at marketing a Twinkie like its mom's homemade apple pie. The entire film is so wrought with verbal prestidigitation that if anything resembling a true film were in there it was buried beneath cunning linguistic masturbation.

Juno is the first movie of this kind, that is being marketed prior to wide release as a cult film. Shouldn't it be around for a bit before it's deemed cult or at least get a wide release into theaters? This insidious marketing ploy is an evolution of commercial advertising which is beginning to penetrate all forms of art and media and as long as people keep spending money and falling for this drivel, they will continue to churn out plastic pictures under the illusion of art.

This film wanted so badly to be something special, yet, the over written dialouge and quirks stamped on the characters and ruined what could have been a good story. Everyone tried too hard on this picture. Fox Searchlight already stamped "one doodle that can't be undid" on t-shirts in an obvious attempt at creating dialouge that will be echoed and reverberating in the high school halls of America like the latest Justin Timberlake album. Who knows? Maybe it will work."
Who are you... damn name change? Slicks?

Oh come on... putting that FAIL Little Miss Sunshine with Juno or Napoleon? God LMS was a worthless movie. Anyway, how is Juno like Napoleon?

I see Juno more like Garden State or Sideways but unlike those movies Juno didn't suck and it was actually worth watching.
Juno was like Napoleon in it's appearance of a cheap budget, and quirkly obvious characters; although I don't necessarily agree to the fullest extend (imdb guy wrote it, not me). But you have to admit all the other points are still valid.

I'm not furthering any more of this based on the fact that you felt Garden State sucked, and that Little Miss Sunshine was worthless. LMS was good, not the greatest but still pretty good. Garden State was a beautiful movie, but deserves even more credit for being the first feature film in which Zach Braff both directed and wrote. That's impressive to me.

Old name was anti; I don't venture outside of the photography forum much.
Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1966) -- This is one of those cult famous b-movies from the 60s. Three girls star in it, as these voluptuous vixen villains, who race (some nice cars in the movie), kill and drop sexual innuendos everywhere. In short: this celebrated cult classic is one big-breasted Gothic melodrama-satire that really...um...stands out! 6.5/10

Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1966) -- This is one of those cult famous b-movies from the 60s. Three girls star in it, as these voluptuous vixen villains, who race (some nice cars in the movie), kill and drop sexual innuendos everywhere. In short: this celebrated cult classic is one big-breasted Gothic melodrama-satire that really...um...stands out! 6.5/10

One of my wife's and I favorite movies! We went on our first date to see it in a special movie theater downtown Hollywood. Great movie, but the amazing evening had something to do with it. Haven't seen it since then, and I can barely remember it. Gotta watch it again, one of these days.
Volver - I just love the characters Pedro Almodovar creates for his films. Another interesting and beautiful film by Almodovar, and because you like the characters, plot really does become more meaningful. Oh, and I can stare at Penelope Cruz, all day. "B+"
Sin City - You know, I always thought Pulp Fiction was one of the weirdest movies I had ever seen. But this. This takes the cake. The story is pretty easy to follow, but trying to figure out the hell is going on at the exact moment was hard. And the style of the movie was even weirder. I mean, did the black & white, and colors have anything to do with story?

But none-the-less, it was actually pretty good, and had a lot of my favorite stars in it. Bruce Willis, Clive Owen, & Michael Duncan. And I'm dead serious, but I had no idea Alba & Halle Berry were in it as well. :D

I give it a 9.2/10.
One of my wife's and I favorite movies! We went on our first date to see it in a special movie theater downtown Hollywood. Great movie, but the amazing evening had something to do with it. Haven't seen it since then, and I can barely remember it. Gotta watch it again, one of these days.

I hadn't even heard of it... but after watching it I checked a bit about it on IMDb and saw that it was (predictably) a flop, but has received a cult following in recent years (the last 15, actually). Some lines in the movie are actually in White Zombie songs (the band Rob Zombie used to have). "I never try anything, I just do it!"

Volver - I just love the characters Pedro Almodovar creates for his films. Oh, and I can stare at Penelope Cruz, all day. "B+"

Really? I stopped enjoying Almodovar's films a long time ago. The moment I realised all his characters were either transvestites, prostitutes, closet gays or a sweet, innocent girl trapped in all of that... I think the last one I saw was All About my Mother, which although good, I didn't feel it was well worth the $5 I paid at the movie theatre to see it. From that movie on I started hating Pe Cruz... she whines a lot.

Sin City - And the style of the movie was even weirder. I mean, did the black & white, and colors have anything to do with story?

The original comic is like that, so the fact that the movie is filmed like that makes it even better, and more 'faithful' to the comic. The colour parts I think were to give more emphasis to certain scenes.

Taken from Sin City - Hell and Back-A Sin City Love Story #1