What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Blade Runner - 9/10

The movie was referenced on numerous occasions in my liberal studies course, so the instructor decided to show the entire movie (Director's Cut) during out last class. The DVD played conked out on us, so we couldn't get halfway through the movie so I ended up watching it on my own just now.

Holee craaaap what an experience. The Director's Cut completely removed the narration and left the acting and visual forces of the film work stronger, which made for a far better experience. I haven't been this excited after watching a movie in a long time. The visual effects, the dark shady mood of every scene, the probing lights, the odd yet believable characters, the plethora of meaningful and relevant themery going on.. It was all so on-point and thoroughly enjoyable. I don't know why I had put off seeing this movie so long. I remember seeing a preview for it when playing Command and Conquer: Red Alert, so I knew the film existed, but I never actually got around to watching it. I was missing out.

Next time you're walking through the aisles at the rental shop, pick up Blade Runner. It's got enough sci-fi, action, psychological thriller and drama to leave you thinking for a long time. See it.
Black Sheep - a New Zealand take on Sean Of The Dead, but with sheep. Its very funny in parts, but dosen't keep you hooked in between the funny bits. The funny bits are very funny and i promise you, you won't be able to look at sheep the same again :D
I think I've heard of that movie! Oddly enough, the US has a movie called Black Sheep, but it is a comedy with Chris Farley and David Spade.
Black Sheep - a New Zealand take on Sean Of The Dead, but with sheep.


Point Blank (1967) -- Anyone seen Payback, starring Mel Gibson? Well, Payback was a remake of this one. Follows the same route although it's a bit less violent but just as surprising in all the intricate plot twists. Kept expecting a car chase, but none came. All in all, a good enough movie to pass the time. 7/10
APPLESEED Ex Machina - 10/10

The min. I saw Appleseed I was immediately blown away. Now having seen this I'm speechless, just speechless. Wow!
Dodgeball - I didn't expect much of the movie because its always the same cast and an same with movie with Ben Stiller. But it was really funny sometimes and specially with some cameo actors.

Cuz it made me laugh 7.5/10
Primer (2004) -- There's two kinds of low budget sci-fi movies. There's the ones that try to make out weird monsters and parallel worlds and all that, but because of the low budget it all seems extremely tacky. Then there's the well-made, low-budget sci-fi, which gives you better thrills than others with higher budgets and even makes the movie better by having a plot that doesn't insult your intelligence. Primer is a prime example of the last kind. And off the top of my head I can think of maybe four other movies that are wirthy of being included in the second kind. Movies like Solyaris, Pi and to a certain point, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

There's no lasers or strobes, no guys in strange suits or CGI flying around... this movie is all about the story. Made with a budget of around $7,000 and very believable settings (with it being a sci-fi, of course) and overall, acting that is never out of place. You get people who are very intelligent and as such, are throwing around theories and interrupting each other... just like in real life.

And as with Pi and Solyaris, this is a movie to watch more than once. I started watching it last night and got to halfway through... when I put it on this afternoon, I decided to watch it from the beginning... there's so many things you can miss. A solid 9/10
I watched Cloverfield last night, it was average overall, had good moments but some of it, including the ending was very poor or questionable.

I also saw Vantage point the other day, I really liked that film. It got a bit too manic and over the top near the end for a short while but overall it was a good film. It's about an assasination of the US president and the bulk of the movie is the build up to and shortly after the assasination shown over an over but from different perspectives and each time you get more of an idea of what's really going/gone on. By the end it's very different to what you get from the first perspective.

Caught the final parts of this today (stopped part way), and this movie was actually very good. Of course, Alba has a role in it, but as a character she normally never plays. In all honesty, it has a great plot twist to it. It is sad, though, how many people Hayden's character has trust in, but only turn out to be greedy, which causes the loss of another character.

The movie though, does have some criticisms. It seems the actual plot twists are ignored, and the story is more or less focused on how the crooks trick Hayden, and just suddenly throw in how they're discovered. The movie also plays through two, "I should have known, should have seen it", deals. It also just throws in just quickly enough, "Why mother & son have a problem", and that this is now the reason Hayden should live. And last, the movie's whole, "He's awake and hears the scheme" deal, isn't even relevant to how the crooks are caught. But 1 thing that did make up for it was Terrance's final feelings about it.

I do like the story and it's little twist, but there are some parts to it that are just thrown in, and a bit overplayed.
Awake was absolutely terrible. The twists were so easy to guess even my girlfriend (who, no offence to her, ent the sharpest tool in the box) guessed one. Hayden Christensen is so bad he makes Jess Alba look like oscar material. Terrence Howard is the only good thing about it. And yet somehow i enjoyed this film. I really don't know how, but i did, i thought it was good.

Never Back down - its the same as Awake really. There is so much wrong with this, the structure of the film is cliche'd its ridiculous. Its also 100% nicked from Tokyo Drift. Which makes a change from TF&TF stealing it from Point Break. Everyone in it, is trying to look or sound like someone much more famous. And the fights aren't particularly well filmed. But i just enjoyed myself watching it. I loved the slow-mo tornado kick at the beginning.

Jimmy Carr - Stand Up - OK not a film, but its film length. This was way funnier than his 1st live dvd. Ruder, more Un PC, great!

Pans Labryinth - Was good, some well made scenes. But knoway does it deserve all the critical praise it got. I mean oscars 5 stars, 10/10 everywhere. Rubbish. It was good, nothing more. Although it is possibly the only "arty" movie i've ever liked (that dosent involve Ziyi Zhang).
Street Kings

I didn't know anything about this movie beforehand, apart from the fact that it had Forrest Whittaker and Keanu Reeves played a cop.

I looked it up on IMDB, and it scored an impressive 7.5. We were tossing up between this and Never Back Down which got a 5.0. :indiff:

To be honest, I wasn't that impressed. I found the story to be overly complicated. While I like a good plot twist, this wasn't really a 'twist', it was just complicated. Too complicated. Perhaps I was just hoping for more of an 'action' film. Not that there wasn't action, that was fine. I just wasn't ready for the accompanying storyline I don't think.

There were some good points. His blacked out Charger(?) was pretty cool. And when Sucre came on the screen, I laughed. Along with other people in the cinema. (We just had the season finale of Prison Break this week.) And when House popped on screen a short time later, we all laughed again.

On that note, I think both these characters are typecast. I've seen Hugh Laurie in stuff before, but after House I now can't see him as anything else. House is just such a powerful character.

And Sucre: he was an unknown, and as such will always be known as Fernando Sucre.

I'm not sure I was disappointed by Street Kings, but I just don't think it was what I was expecting. I think I'd have preferred it not to be another 'dirty cop' flick.

I watched Beowulf last Sunday. I didn't know it was an animation movie and I think I would prefer if it weren't, the characters' movement was a bit weird at times. But at least they used this advantage to get some interesting camera angles and nice special effects. Story wise I think the movie went too fast, skipping parts all the time. All in all it was good as a one-time watch. 6/10.
Watched I am Legend the other night (my first Blu-Ray film too 👍 ) It was better than i was expecting from the reviews i'd read. The effects used to make New York look 'unused by man for 3 years' were very well done and gave the film a great atmosphere. The effects on the Night Stalkers were less successful, looking far too CGIish. They probably would have been better as blokes in make-up (and i'm not talking about Pete Wentz). We watched the theatrical version first then watched the ending of the alternative version to see which ending was best. Although the alternative version made much more sense of a few things in the film, overall i think the theatrical version was marginally better. 7.5/10

The night stalkers were overly CGI for sure. Kind of took you out of the situation. Besides that, it wasn't a bad movie at all.

Wolf Creek

Not bad. It took a bit too long to get started I think. It was about an hour before

they actually got abducted
and because I was expecting it, it wasn't that... engaging?

In the 'camp' I found the screams from the blonde girl to be very good though. Very real. 👍

I thought there'd have been more violence and blood and guts though. :indiff: And, as usual, the characters made some bad mistakes.

Why didn't she shoot him again once she shot him the first time?! Sure, the rifle was empty. Get another gun! Or, just beat him to death with the rifle!

I wasn't expecting much, because it's a 'horror' flick, but I think I was expecting more...

Sicko - pretty entertaining. I'm not sure how much Michael Moore changes to suit the documentary as some of the English stuff wasn't exactly right. But i found it a good watch. Not as good as Columbine, but better than F-9/11.

Next - On 3rd viewing this wasnt as good as the 2nd viewing. It's not the best film in the world, and some of the CGI is shockingly bad. But its a nice dumb fun movie. Jess Biel is smoking hot!

I Pronounce You Cuck & Larry - I know this got slated by lots of people, but i thought it was really funny. Well except for the last 30 mins, which seems to be traditional now in comedies. Although unlike the ending of, say, Click, i didn't find the ending boring. Its very cliche'd but not bpring.
I think the offensive stuff is rubbish. This is like Stuck On You, were they are mocking those mocking gay people. OK the Chinese Schneider stuff may offend. But its no different to the way Americans portray us English as stuck up posh idiots.
Crash - (6/10)
Why did critics like this? So let me get this straight, you don't have to be white to be racist. Is this news to anyone? Really? I don't see what is so great about this movie, aside from Jennifer Esposito's breasts. Sure we had a few good performances from Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle, but throw in Matt Dillon and Brendan Frasier and it makes you forget. And the writing was horrid. Apparently these people only make racially loaded comments. I had too many people tell me this was a great film for me to come out of it going, meh. Rental at best.

Alone in the Dark - (4/10)
OK, so I was asking for it by renting a Uwe Boll film. I knew what I was getting into. Bad writing, bad plot, bad everything. Dude, Tara Reid picks up a gun and is a sharp shooter in seconds, while the special agents with training are worse than storm troopers. Anyone who hasn't seen it and wonders how epically bad it truly is; the stars are Christian Slater and Tara Reid. Nuff said. As a follow up on my torture I chose to check out the making of featurette on the disc and Uwe Boll claims that Atari contacted him after liking House of the Dead. And we wonder why Atari is in bankruptcy.

Anyway, I believe that I am caught up on all my Uwe Boll movies. I have decided that I need to get some friends together with some beer and have an MST3K style Uwe Boll marathon.
Crash - (6/10)
Why did critics like this? So let me get this straight, you don't have to be white to be racist. Is this news to anyone? Really? I don't see what is so great about this movie, aside from Jennifer Esposito's breasts. Sure we had a few good performances from Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle, but throw in Matt Dillon and Brendan Frasier and it makes you forget. And the writing was horrid. Apparently these people only make racially loaded comments. I had too many people tell me this was a great film for me to come out of it going, meh. Rental at best.

It's one of those things that needs to be said. Too many people had been pretending that racism is a white against black or white against hispanic thing. What's presented in that movie is that racism can be caused by many different things, and sometimes black-on-black or hispanic-on-hispanic racism can be the worst kind.

It's not that it was a revelation, but it was a breath of fresh air.

Now for my review:
Waitress 👎 👎 :yuck: [waynes bros]Hated it![/waynes]

Mild Plot-Setup Spoiler Alert (most of which is entirely obvious after the first 10 minutes of the movie)

First of all, "Waitress" is about a cook who for some reason waits tables and pretends she is not a cook. She's in a bad marriage and starts having an affair shortly after getting pregnant by her husband.

I hated every character in the movie. The girl is spineless through most of the movie, but when she's not spineless she's a complete b*tch. The dude having the affair is also spineless and totally unethical, and you're supposed to hate her husband - which I did. Ancillary characters aren't any better.

Plus, the ending is totally out of touch with reality for a movie that attempts to be realistic throughout.

+1 for a bit part by Matlock.
Anyway, I believe that I am caught up on all my Uwe Boll movies. I have decided that I need to get some friends together with some beer and have an MST3K style Uwe Boll marathon.

That's the spirit! 👍

I recently did one when my wife made the mistake of renting Charlie's Angels when a couple of friends and I were at home. :D
Forgetting Sarah Marshall Oh. My. God. Fantastic movie from beginning to end. I laughed the entire movie. It has a lot of the same actors/actresses that are in Knocked Up, Superbad, 40 Year old virgin, etc. The only thing I'm not a fan of is how it (just like Dewey Cox) Decided it's super edgy to show male genitalia.. Highly recommend it.
Matchstick Men

I like Nicholas Cage, and confidence tricks, so I was looking forward to this one.

It was quite good.

A very good twist at the end that I never saw coming, but realised at the same time as the character. Brilliant!

And then I felt sad for him. But, at the end
when everything turns out for the better, and you see he's better off out of the con game
I still had the grudge he should have had... :mischievous:

Anyway, entertaining none-the-less. Probably not his best movie, but it was OK.

Being John Malkovich
I thought this movie was awesome. The acting is great, John Cusack and Catherine Keener are great together. Not to mention, John Malkovich himself is nothing short of amazing. The idea is a bit out there, and a lot of the movie is a bit out there but for some reason it all feels very real. It's absurd and beyond reality but at no point do you feel like it's too much. The way in which the premise works with John Cusack's character is beautiful. Definitely something worth watching, it only affirms my belief that Charlie Kaufman is a genius (Spike Jonze also deserves credit here).

Ghost in the Shell
I know for some anything anime is hard to swallow, but I hope anyone that appreciates a good movie gives this film a chance. Sure it has some typical characteristics but the substance and intelligence of the film deserves to be appreciated. The film brings into question a lot of philosophies on self and identity; and the affects of technology's hold on our lives. It stimulates the mind more so than 80% of the trash out there while keeping you entertained with beautiful action scenes and imagery. The animation is gorgeously detailed and well done.

Vampire Hunter D
Another anime, but this one isn't like Ghost in the Shell. This one feels like more of your typical anime. The storyline is ok, but what kept me entertained was the art and imagery. It has this insane mix of future, sci-fi and gothic art. Every illustration is nothing short of beautiful. There's some pretty good character development in there too and the dialogue isn't so bad (subtitles though). Give it a try.

24 Hour Party People
This movie chronicles the music scene in Manchester during the late 70s to early 90s (Joy Division, Happy Mondays, etc.). It's narrated by, and follows Steve Coogan as he plays Tony Wilson. This movie would not be what it is if it wasn't for Coogan. His acting is amazing in this movie. What I liked best about the film is that it acts as a documentary, a mockumentary, and a biography all in one. I love the way the movie refers back to itself (by doing things such as Coogan introducting a character, stopping the film and spoiling the end by saying something along the lines of "this is so and so, he will later try to kill me."). It's brilliant, witty, and just entertaining to watch.
I always wanted to watch Being John Malkovich but I never remember to get it. Ghost In the Shell seems interesting too, I'll try to watch both next weekend.

Thanks for the tips!
The Shawshank Redemption - At last, I've finally seen a movie that many rave about and it really did match up to the high end reviews it's gotten in the past. A great cast and story with a touching end. Has a similar charm to The Green Mile in many respects, worth a watch for sure.

Good call on Ghost In The Shell, it's by far one of the better animes out there, the first movie puts up a high marker that the second movie and the Stand Alone Complex/S.A.C 2nd Gig series and movies do a good job of keeping up with.
Iron Man

I found it to be very good. 👍

Heading in, I thought it was a kids or family movie. It is in a way, but I still thought it was entertaining. Even if Gweneth didn't get her kit off...

While it's very far into the 'science fiction' realm (I think) it has a good storyline and comes across as, dare I say it, believable?

There's some funny bits thrown in there too which genuinely made me laugh.

I would have preferred it if at the end
he fought an army or something rather than another 'Iron Man'.
But it wasn't too bad. And I think it would have been better if he couldn't fly, but that was a major part of the movie.

I thought our main character, 'The Starkster' was very cool. I particularly liked the over cocky version right at the start of the movie. :D

Also, this is the first Robert Downey Jnr movie I can remember seeing. I didn't actually recognise him until I caught his name.

It's scored well, bought down by the disgusting product placement and the kid behind me kicking my seat the whole time. It's OK, I soaked him with half a cup of Coke as I walked out. And he cried! 👍

Saw Hostage (2005) starring Bruce Willis on the TV few days ago..

Was quite good, kinda generic and very similar to Firewall (although that came after it). Most of you have probably already seen both these films.

Was more dynamic and violent than I was expecting which was good and it did have more depth to it.... probably because its based on a novel.

Good casting and acting, nice locations (especially the house used) and good cinematography. The opening credits seem to be totally off the mark because its nothing like the film.... you think your about to watch Sin City or something!

I would say it was worth watching as light entertainment, its slightly wishy washy and a typical 15 rated film. Bruce makes it worth watching. Boy is that man type casted! :sly:

I would say about 7-10
