What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Wow, I think Tom Servo watches a different obscure movie every day. Then again, if he's been watching a movie a day for a while, eventually there'd be hardly anything left but the obscure ones. I hope he compiles all these reviews for a book or something, it's freaking epic.

I also watch better-known movies; I started watching Jackie Brown last night. I compile them in a blog (link in sig, Cinephile). I used to watch a movie a day, but that was until about a year ago... life has gotten in the way since.
Been on a bit of a binge this weekend.

Paul - 8/10 - good fun
Hot Fuzz - 8/10 - more good fun. townies with guns!
Kick Ass - 8/10 - never seen a 10 year old kill so many people (without being creepy)!
Scott Pilgrim vs the World - 8/10 - different! exciting! Comic-booky and punk rock at the same time.
Watchmen - 7/10 - another comic translation, this one dark. Tried a little too hard, not perfectly put together, but original, worth the time.

Inception - 5/10 - pretty weak. Long move for a simple idea: question reality. Hated how they made a point of how what's happening to your body while you're dreaming will effect what happens to you in your dream. Case in point: being weightless. When they went 3 levels deep, in the 1st level they became weightless, which transfered to the 2nd level, but the 3rd level stayed normal! Bad logic. If you're going to set up rules, follow them. In general I thought the movie tried to be academic, and failed at it. Which leaves lots of empty action. But at least between this and Scott Pilgrim I got to see those two from Juno again. But seriously, Ariadne? Isn't that a bit cliche? Her job to build (lame) labyrinths? Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, who loved and was betrayed by Theseus after helping him to solve the Minotaur's labyrinth?... yeah. Too many things annoyed me in this movie. But it was better than Tron Legacy.
Harsh. I think you're the first person I've ever seen to give Inception such a low score.

And how is Ariadne a cliche? There aren't that many movies that use that particular mythic figure or reference. The way the outside world or upper layers affect lower layers bothered me at first, but as shown, effects from higher layers diminish the deeper into dream you get.


Have a decision to make. There's a sale on cheap DVDs ($2 each) at a nearby store. Which of these gems should I get?

Universal Soldiers
30,000 Leagues Under The Sea
Death Racers
Street Racer
AVH: Alien Vs. Hunter


Transmorphers 2: Fall of Man?

Tough choice, I know. I'm leaning towards "all of the above..."
Awww... but those are the ones with the most originality in the title...

Almost forgot this little gem:

The Day The Earth Stopped

I swear, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.
I started watching Transmorphers, never got into it and never went back for a second try.

If you need a swing vote, I'll play into the typical male pig stereotype and simply say that Sinead McCafferty runs around sans-clothing for the first bit of The Day the Earth Stopped...

Note that I haven't seen the rest on your list. Yet. :P

Note Note: If it's available, pick up Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus. It's a hoot. :D
When the Brother and Sister came home for Easter, we were searching for something on Netflix, and ran across "Titanic 2". Apparently Dick Van Dyke or one of the Dyksters were featured in the film. The picture was never released in theaters. We were tempted to watch it by our curiosity.

Let's see, the story line was not set up correctly, a stuck up girl on the boat kept saying some in your face comments that repelled from the original Titanic like, "I hope everyone sinks along with the ship". They had the ice glacier's side of the story, the 3D animation for the Ice Glacier and the graphics of the ship were plain terrible. A person having a seizure could paint the Titanic better than the in movie boat. Real water was hardly used at all. "Oh no, this fake blue stuff in breaking in at uncalled for times." They must have rented a hotel lounge for a few hours to film a few crowd freakouts. I could have sworn I saw that same guy trip over the same set of stairs in the same formation about 3 times. Really?......... Really?!

We were having an amazing Mystery Science Theater 3000 moment during the movie. We should have recorded our commentary and sent the audio mixed with the video to the creators, we could have brought back MST3K.
^ Reused shots? Pitiful story? Craptacular CG? Mediocre (at best) acting? Welcome to The Asylum. It's comfy here.
It's an asylum flick, they by law, can't be any good.

(Not sure on the "by law" part)

On that note, thanks for informing me they are streaming it now, I'm off to watch it.
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Hope laughing at the movie keeps you interested in watching and not paying attention to what the hell is going on. Watch as Dyke the buff turn himself into a bluff.
Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus.
The most craptastic movie since Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus Sharktopus. Still not as bad as Sharktopus though, I don't think that could be done if you tried.

EDIT: It actually managed to hit below my already remarkably poor expectations.

EDIT: Of course the one time I neglect to read the most recent posts there are people already talking about what I said :dunce:

It's an asylum flick, they by law, can't be any good.

(Not sure on the "by law" part)
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I started watching Transmorphers, never got into it and never went back for a second try.

If you need a swing vote, I'll play into the typical male pig stereotype and simply say that Sinead McCafferty runs around sans-clothing for the first bit of The Day the Earth Stopped...

Note that I haven't seen the rest on your list. Yet. :P

Note Note: If it's available, pick up Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus. It's a hoot. :D

Sadly, none of my local stores have realized the sheer genius of the MegaShark franchise. :(
Just watched Titanic 2 after learning Neflix had it on streaming(the only way I would ever watch these kinds of movies other than SyFy). I really think Asylum physics are 20% cooler than troll physics.:lol:

1/10movie scale, 6/10 craptastic scale.

I feel that there were certain parts of the movie that actually made sense, this is not acceptable for an Asylum movie and why it didn't get a higher craptastic rating. The guy really should have suddenly sprang back to life. Also, is it just me or did that black guy lose more and more teeth as the movie went on? Also, wth was with the Submarine? Were they just writing the script and thought "You know what Titanic lacked? SUBMARINES!!!", it added nothing to the movie. Perhaps the scene was left over from Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus?

This was by far THE best movie of the entire series. And to top it off THE biggest twist after the credits I have ever seen in a movie. I could not believe what happened after the credits. :dunce::):dopey:

I don't even know what to say about this.
Only one question, what complete moron is in charge or choosing the movies that go on Netflix instant?

I enjoy laughing at terrible movies but this takes the words "bad movie" as a challenge to accomplish instead of something to avoid.

Somehow the ship had a spider on it that was half the size of the ship, and somehow this spider found it's way to the top of the ship only for the last 10 seconds. Just in time to watch a ship sink faster than a rock. It completely submerged in about 4 seconds, so no, I'm not exaggerating.

EDIT: I'm going to go watch something good to wash all of this crap out of my brain.

Thor - (7/10)
Saw it opening night. Not as good as Iron Man or Batman, but about the same as The Incredible Hulk. It has some slowness in the middle and the end fight is less dramatic than the beginning, but it is a good setup for The Avengers. I'll be more detailed in the dedicated thread


Almighty Thor (The Asylum) - (1/10)
So, this is supposed to be more about the actual Thor mythology, only it partly takes place on modern-day Earth, and Loki is just a random demon trying bring about Ragnarok for funsies. Oh, and the Gods of Asgard are amazingly mortal, and Asgard looks like the dark ages. And the hammer is called The Hammer of Invincibility, yet people who possess it keeping getting hurt/killed. It seems to have very little to do with invincibility.

Unfortunately, with the exception of Richard Greico this didn't even have the funny bad that makes The Asylum movies such fun. This was just bad and obviously intended to just steal some Thor buzz for SyFy.
This was by far THE best movie of the entire series. And to top it off THE biggest twist after the credits I have ever seen in a movie. I could not believe what happened after the credits.
I've seen Fast Five on Saturday and really enjoyed it. Dialogues weren't too good, acting could be better but car chase scenes were brilliant and the whole movie was very entertaining. I can't think of anything cooler than
two matte black Dodge Chargers powersliding in Rio, while dragging an ultra-modern vault that smashes everything up
BTW: didn't see the post-credit scene.
Somehow the ship had a spider on it that was half the size of the ship, and somehow this spider found it's way to the top of the ship only for the last 10 seconds. Just in time to watch a ship sink faster than a rock. It completely submerged in about 4 seconds, so no, I'm not exaggerating.

It's a sequel, what did ya expect? :P

I also recently watched Thor and enjoyed it very much, on par with the second Iron Man, now I can't wait for Captain America. Plus I got my grubby mits on one of the Thor posters;


It's awesome. Sometimes, working at a cinema has it's perks.
Since getting Netflix, I've been watching quite a few movies, but mostly ones I've already seen. Here are two of the most recent movies I watched, both not previously:

Love the Beast

A documentary about Aussie film actor Eric Bana and his love of cars, racing, and above all else his "beast"- A 1974 Ford XB Falcon Coupe. The film documents Bana's life with his Falcon. From first buying it at the age of 15, all the way up until entering the 2007 Targa Tasmania. The documentary includes interviews by Jeremy Clarkson, Jay Leno, and Dr. Phil McGraw. I thought the film was brilliantly done. Though the Dr. Phil cameos were a bit out of place. All in all though, fantastic documentary! Perfect for any car fan.

Next we have Zombieland

A dark comedy about a post apocalyptic United States overrun by zombies. The film follows a college student known as "Columbus" as he attempts to make his back to Columbus, Ohio to find out if his parents are still alive. Columbus discards this plan after meeting a man in a cattle-guard equipped Cadillac Escalade known as "Tallahassee". The pair encounter two sisters known as "Wichita" and "Little Rock" (notice the trend?). The four travel to Los Angeles to visit an amusement park known as "Pacific Playland" which is rumored to be zombie-free. The film is a fun ride the whole way through. The cinematography was nicely done. I especially like Columbus' different rules that would pop up on screen whenever one was applied. All in all a fun movie.
Only a 7?!? Dude. DUDE.

It's easily an 8. Hell, I got my wife to watch it just by quoting it. Repeatedly. Granted she didn't like it, but she's not a zombie movie fan in the first place. :lol:

Oh, this Twinkie thing, it ain't over yet.
Only a 7?!? Dude. DUDE.

It's easily an 8.

Completely agree, was a great film from start 'till end, really really great.


Elizabeth (1998)

My girlfriend made me sit down and watch this with her last night, I was certain I wasn't gonna enjoy it but funnily enough, I was pleasently suprised. Cate Blanchett was great in the lead role and both Geoffrey Rush and Vincent Cassel were enjoyable. (Cassel's role was way way way too short though)

For a period drama, it did good. 7/10

In the Loop (2009)
This was a very British political satire about the U.S. and England on the brink of war with an unnamed country. If you like the original "The Office" you'll enjoy this. It is filled with dry sarcasm mixed with vulgar name calling. The dialog is fast paced but the scenes are often disjointed. Recurring gags link the movie together as you follow the lives of several political leaders back stabbing one another just trying to make it to the end of the day. It's good for a few laughs and the deleted scenes are just as funny as the rest of the movie.

7/10 (if you like british humor)
4/10 (if you can't stand Monty Python, The Office, or anything British)
Watched insidious last weekend, suprisingly not as scary as I thought it would be, it was far too log for what it was about, watching fast and furious 5 on Friday with best mate and GF, I have watched every F&F since they came out, I was young but loved each one, got all the cars from F&F 2 which cost like £50 each when they were new :embarrassed: