1. Start up the game, Install to HDD on what I can.
2. Check out all of the options, configure the wheel options, Configure speaker system, Turn off Music.
3. Check out the GT modes, check out all of the car dealers.
4. Buy first car.
5. Change oil
6. Wash the car
7. Check out everything I can buy for the car, body kits, diffrent colors, race mod, etc.
8. Do a practice test drive or a Time Trial mode, try out physics, damage, flipping the car, etc etc.
9. Do my first Sunday Race.
10. DO the entire first Licence tests.
11. Earn more money in GT mode races.
12. Upgrade the car.
13. Earn more money.
14. buy another car
15. Earn all of the cars.
16. Earn 2000+ cars. One of each, Tuned and non Tuned versions.
17. Continue to reach 100% of the game.