There we have it folks. I've seen some fast guys come out of nowhere in my time but none that don't even own a PS3 and can't drive any other track but nurb.
You keep claiming that "everyone online" is running 6'30's or better and that its no big deal. Why don't you get one of your mates to come and post his replay and I can race them too? Or are they not able to show up until Saturday too?
The reason you are receiving so much slack is not because you have claimed a fast time but because you have claimed a time that puts you faster than one of the worlds best GT drivers since he first surfaced in 2004 who has won more time trials than you can poke a stick at and appeared at multiple international events in Gran Turismo racing.
How about you see if you can call some backup from your online mates?
Worried about your friend deleting it? Lol!
If your so good you can easily run it again can't you?
Its kind of funny that I log onto the most knowledgeable GT5 website in the world, and the majority of you don't even know what average joe's are capable of running online. You guys are calling me the noob? Most of you are oblivious to whats possible, and you attack and criticize people because you have a bunch a B.S. imprinted in your heads because GREAT drivers attempted hotlaps around the ring and you call this definitive proof for your assumptions. Those guys hardly spend anytime at all on 1 spec, It took me months to tune the car. How many no name people can play guitar better than Clapton but they aren't famous? A LOT.
Why should I put a burden on someone else because little children from a video game forum can't hold their pants on? (I don't trust him to do it right anyway) You really think reporting me for making completely legitimate claims, soon to be proven will do anything? Please TJC, explain to me exactly how you have proven my claims to be fasle, before a video was loaded or race was done. Just imagine for a second that your wrong, and I blow you away (what you think doesn't matter, you have no way of knowing) how will you act then? You have to realize its stupid for any assumptions to be held so highly, you have to wait till saturday, just like I do. You think I don't want to get this over with and hear your petty excuses afterwards? Ofcourse i do, But some people have things they need to do. When this is all said and done, I'm not going to catch any flak for how I acted, You will. Think about it..
So once again children, grow up a bit and just hold your immature tongues until race day. It really isn't that hard. No one is acting the way arora phil and TJC are. Everyone else has doubts, but they aren't trolling forums to defend their pride and being little butthurt boys.
I made a claim and have to wait to prove it because of stated circumstances, its very, very simple. You guys aren't making this forum look good.
Constant excuse is right, its the same one again, and again. I'm not making up new ones. Oh and 7th place... Your EPIC....
The guys I race with are only on my PSN. I already looked up if I could message them from a laptop I can't, unless you have info I don't know about.
rosckoloveSeriously dude? The fastest time for any driver fast or slow is not easily duplicated. Once again your just showing your lack of knowledge. Smarten up guys. Your all spitting out gutless rants, because I ran a fast time on 1 track.. Its getting old.
The guys I race with are only on my PSN. I already looked up if I could message them from a laptop I can't, unless you have info I don't know about.
It's new to me so color me noob as well
I'm pretty sure you can use this to call on your minions with all super awesome speak of your quickness.
Is that what you don't think is possible, or might find useful? You will quickly see, even with your piss poor attitude, we at gtp actually are here to help.
EDIT: TJC linked already in a stealth editI love it
Cheers TJ 👍
I have to admit, I'm actually pulling for this guy, I mean to say I'm always down for someone willing to rock the status quo. I have a feeling he'd like to come clean with the silly lap time claims and get on with some racing. So what is it Rosckolove, surely you are baiting for the opportunity to race some of the fastest and classiest guys on the net?
Or, you want to keep with your stubborn bs.
Ok so I gave it a few goes and managed a 6'36.6 with the M3 CSL at 550pp, standing start, online race with no draft.
Now it was a half decent lap but say with more hours and practice I could run a low 6'3x. Highly doubt I can run a 6'2x. Now you are claiming as a "casual play now and again gamer" that you ran a 6'27? Based on my testing that time would put you amongst the very top drivers in the game. So either you are making things up or you are extremely fast.
Oh just so you understand what makes me so "educated" Here you can see Mr Holland, only 3 seconds faster. I can also link online racing results proving I have driven with some of the best drivers around. Now don't mis-read this as me claiming I'm superfast, what it give me however is a great sense of "whats possible".
If your time proves to be true with those stipulations then my hat goes off to you sir.
For what its worth I agree with Arora, you simply found a few youtube vids and made up a time.
Yeah I'll give it a quick whip now.Anybody else want to have a crack at that CSL time before Saturday?
Shame I didn't see this sooner, I could have told everyone it's almost impossible.
I tried it and rand mid-low 6:30's offline a few months ago, and since offline is a bit quicker....
It's technically possible, but until someone can verify room settings by seeing him do it, he's probably full of it.(SRF)
Yeah I'll give it a quick whip now.
Expect a tune...
Now , according to a little read of the GTP spot race you are partaking in Rosckolove -->Rosckolove
if you can't then i will be highly amused that someone with such surprising ability can't beat a dude who only plays at his friends house on the weekends (if that) on a controller.
awesome, i'll be on tomorrow also. you should post here when your on, i can join up also if thats cool.
also, will tire wear be on for qualifying?
hey guys, i have a practice room up if you want to try some settings out against the correct opponents.
PSN dayofwar2009
will be running occasional races.
i thought about that, even running lower downforce.
i didn't even get to finish a timed lap and knew it wasn't as fast. only gained 5ph on the straight, and burned up the tires quicker.
is anyone willing to send me the standard versions of these cars, so i can test them?
anyone interested in running some practice laps/races? i have opened a room several times but few people join or even stay because of all the limits.
i will be on almost all night tonight. would be great to get some competition.
Oh crap.. better practice some more.
Can you run that time with the online physics also?
i'll be on sometime tonight.
i might be able to make it. i am constantly back and forth between 2 locations and the PS3 stays at one of them so. we'll see.
, right ?Rosckolove
Please TJC, explain to me exactly how you have proven my claims to be fasle
TJC_69Now , according to a little read of the GTP spot race you are partaking in Rosckolove -->
You seem to do more than '' Play at his friends house on the weekends if that '' Alot of your practicing activity , ( And I mean You not your minions ) , takes place during the week and on the weekends ... Times and dates of practice sessions included by hitting the quote bubbles .
Whereas the below would semi back up your story of your PS3 not being at the place you always are , the fact remains that it's not your friends PS3 is it ?
It's more than likely that you divide your time between 2 parents houses or something in my view .
So please tell us again how you are a casual gamer who just picks up and plays at weekends when you're practicing for a GTP spot race ? At any time you seem to choose , and during the week also ...
You asked me to , right ?
Please tell me how wrong I am .... I love the smell of BS in the morning 👍
lol, he told me in a pm I think, that he was 24. Maybe his gf gets sick of him and keeps kicking him out leaving only mom's house to run.