Wheel V Pad

  • Thread starter thedarski
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You fail to notice that I have not once come acted like I was going to come up with an excuse. My buddies house never lost power and I don't expect them to. I'm going to upload a video, maybe even a few. And I'm going to race whoever wants to on Saturday and get pretty close to the times I claim. I doubt I will hit another 27 as I sort of moved on from that spec and am out of practice. But I always fall back into the flow nicely. And will for sure beat 33's..... By a lot

You fail to find your quote button :rolleyes:

So now you're saying you can only get " pretty close " to the times you claim ?

This just gets better ... I thought you were the god of gt5 ? So this means also that your randomers in the public lobbies also can only get " pretty close " to the times that you claim they all run also ?

Consistent lying is a skill my young padawan :lol:

EDIT : Look at the excuses creeping in already at the bottom of your post :lol:

As you " sort of moved on from that spec and you are out of practice " ?

Thought you said you perfected this car / set up and spent months driving this one car ?

Oh dear .....
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Do you have any idea how hard it is to have a car on its absolute edge for over six minutes? Do you know how hard it is to do a perfect lap on the nurb going that fast ?And no one can match their best time every time they are on the track. In fact the nurb is a very long track. Most attempts at hot laps are seconds off their best time. It's rare for someone to consistently be within 2 seconds of their best time.

And I'm still uploading a video. Lol

I'm surprised you even consider your posts intelligent
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Do you have any idea how hard it is to have a car on its absolute edge for over six minutes? Do you know how hard it is to do a perfect lap on the nurb going that fast ?And no one can match their best time every time they are on the track.

And I'm still uploading a video. Lol

I'm surprised you even consider your posts intelligent

Yes ( 6 minutes , is that all ? ) , yes ( duh ) and is the video going to be a Xmas special ? Let's not forget that i'm Santa .. and I like Xmas :lol:

My IQ is high enough so again , yes .

Also your member status claims Nurburgring Specialist right ?

So what's the problem ? We'll let you use the racing line if you're worried about getting lost or something ....
Oh, you are still intending to provide replays then, it's much easier just to upload the files then mess with a capture card ya know. It's also much easier to validate.
When did I ever say I wasn't? That's why you guys are a plague. Dumb, dumb assumptions
When did I ever say I wasn't? That's why you guys are a plague. Dumb, dumb assumptions

Are you ever going to get around to reading my posts and trying to refute the parts where I show you to be a liar ?

Or do we just have to endure this dribble instead ? :rolleyes:
When did you ever prove anything? I ALREADY stated I play mostly on the weekends, sometimes more sometimes less. What you quoted from another section of this site (creepy) is an example of more. I haven't played for almost 2 weeks and can't till this Saturday. That's an example of less. What do I have to explain to you?

You both fail to realize how stupid you look. And how much worse you will look. Possibly use common sence and existing statements to formulate a reply
I love looking stupid, chicks dig it.

Actually it took way more effort then it should have to get you to commit to uploading replays, you dodged it for days.
When did you ever prove anything? I stated I play mostly on the weekends, sometimes more sometimes less. What you quoted from another section of this site (creepy) is an example of more. I haven't played for almost 2 weeks and can't till this Saturday. That's an example of less. What do I have to explain to you?

Please quote yourself saying the above already in this thread . If you can't then you're just making this up as you go along . This also conflicts 100% with your claim of casual player , who only plays on weekends . Or did you forget you wrote that ?

How is it creepy to find out that you post information inconsistently ? And if you trip yourself up by giving different information , ( lying ) in different threads , then let's all be creeped out some more . You just don't like it because you've been found out as a liar .

You can start by going to this 2nd location that you go back and forth from frequently , and backing up your claims of a time you set .

Providing false information is breaking your AUP, so you will be reported if you do not do so , as previously mentioned to you by myself .

Please give me one of your irrelevant , pompous comebacks . I love reading those 👍

Did I miss anything ?
Hahahaha oh my goodness. You tried to prove what? I'm not a casual gamer? I never actually stated that I was a casual gamer. I said I don't get much time to play, that's why I don't do TT's and such. What I said was, I play mostly on the weekends, sometimes more, sometimes less. Please prove how any of your stupidity is correct, and please explain how I contradicted myself.

Regardless if people believe me or not, I'm surprised no one has called you guys out for your constant babble that hardly makes sense. If anyone actually reads all of this crap from the start, I can assure you if they have any type of brain they would say you guys are trolling HARDCORE
Hahahaha oh my goodness. You tried to prove what? I'm not a casual gamer? I never actually stated that I was a casual gamer. I said I don't get much time to play, that's why I don't do TT's and such. What I said was, I play mostly on the weekends, sometimes more, sometimes less. Please prove how any of your stupidity is correct, and please explain how I contradicted myself.

Regardless if people believe me or not, I'm surprised no one has called you guys out for your constant babble that hardly makes sense. If anyone actually reads all of this crap from the start, I can assure you if they have any type of brain they would say you guys are trolling HARDCORE

This has to be the most clever and informed post i've ever read on GTP .

So many contradictions , false observation and dodging the questions completely ...

And we're the ones who don't have a brain ? :lol:

Already answered all of the above ... you just don't have a comeback 👍
What??? You make no sense..

Explain exactly how I contradicted myself
Explain exactly what questions I am dodging.
What??? You make no sense..

Explain exactly how I contradicted myself
Explain exactly what questions I am dodging.

There's really no point , you just don't understand .

If anyone can be bothered to re-explain to him what i've already explained then the floor is yours ....
You do realize lying about lap times is taken very serious on gtp right? You can set aside some of us in this thread as just being silly clowns but at the end of the day you are going to have to put up or apologize, giving you till Saturday is actually quite generous.

I've been around some time and you set off bells that remind me of every other smart guy blabbing crap, don't own ps3, can't get to ps3, way fast laps claimed, combative etc.

I wish you would prove me wrong, I really do, I've just seen these things too many times.
After 3 laps offline with his exact set up, I could only muster up a 6:37.

I'll keep trying, though I'm more sure it's an impossible time rather than my own lack of skill, since I've been able to get within tenths of Dhollands' times elsewhere, plus some other highly skilled drivers aren't even getting close either. Something is fishy or this guy is simply faster than anyone else in existance by a long shot. I'll take the first option for now until some clear evidence is presented.

Nice to see you pop in for a try 👍. You are also very fast and it is very interesting to see you come to the same conclusion as I.

I can assure you I'm not faster than the best. That lap took months to accomplish. I ran nothing else but that car on that track. You guys are comparing a few tries to months of trial and error.

But in response to something I read, a lot of people online are capable of stuff that would blow your minds, and you really don't know what is possible.
You are comparing us to forum noobs. I have been around Online racing in Gran Turismo for over 8 years, plus Iracing, GTL, Rfactor and GTR2 in the PC world and have competed and won various racing leagues plus posted on their world leader boards. Over the years I've had the opportunity to race against the very fastest drivers in the world (of course not managed to win, but none the less I've seen first hand what they can do). 3 - 4 hours on a combo and I can completely understand where the limit is and what is possible. Sure, to actually achieve anything remotely close might take me another week or two, because as you say, driving flat out for over 6mins is no easy task. The end goal posts do not change, I've got far too much experience at racing, GT5 and the Nurburgring to need weeks and weeks just to understand "what is possible". So please, I think you are the one who is mis-informed here.

You have no idea what's possible. It's right in front of your face. Your completely unaware of a lot it seems. Did anyone attempt to go online and speak to some of those guys? It will be hard to find some fast guys that know what they are talking about but the general mindset on what's possible is much faster than what you guys consider the limit.
I'm going to give you some proof...
GT Academy 2012, round 8, Global If you select Round 8-5 Global.

Now I've raced with Ti-Tech, eclipsi_RC, Zoky_CRO, v-Twissy-v and GTP_w-g-e to name a few.

Now I could also go back and link the various other academies and these fellas will star in right at the pointy end + feature other brilliant drivers of which I have raced with. My point? I know exactly whats going down and whos who and where.

I know what is possible. I have ran in these lounges you speak off, and do not tend to be beaten even though it is one of my worst and most hated combo's (RS on the Nurb). I still tend to win regardlessly, and do not come anywhere near the time you have stated. I guess the room you hang around in should all be GT academy finalists, since they are much faster than what any previous Gt Academy finalist has been so far. Congrats to all of you for beating the world's best so easily.
I agree.
Do you think you're talking to stupid people or something? The hardcore forum go-er's you're generally speaking to in this thread are the most experienced and highly skilled people on this game, as proven by GT's leaderboard times as well, and you're saying that they don't know what is possible? Be sensible about that thinking attitude for a moment.
Again, agreed, evidence posted above.

Lewis Hamilton I respect you. I know all of the fastest guys are on this site and all that jazz. But you guys really don't know. You win online races? Cool dude but that doesn't prove anything. A LOT of guys online run 6:31's and lower. And you guys are completely unaware.
This is your biggest claim yet!!! A LOT?? who? when? where?
Id love to meet them.

Now we have gone from 1 unknown superstar to a whole room of them!
Seriously dudes, most people that had their times questioned would be crying with happiness, and try to prove their times as soon as possible. At least, in my experience.
Regardless if people believe me or not, I'm surprised no one has called you guys out for your constant babble that hardly makes sense. If anyone actually reads all of this crap from the start, I can assure you if they have any type of brain they would say you guys are trolling HARDCORE

Been following this like watching an addictive melodrama. My sympathy goes to you. However, the time you claimed plus some of the inconsistency invites suspicion of dishonesty. This is highly frowned upon on GTP (esp false timing) and normally helpful and nice members suddenly turned on you.

Either you have to come clean or prove that you can drive faster than any known aliens found to date.

To be fair, I'll give you benefit of doubt. I really hope the rest can get off the heckling but it is not my right to do so.

If the time proves to be a wild goose chase, you should be kicked or worse for wasting so many top players time trying the impossible.
More finger pointing and name calling. Joy. :rolleyes:

We've already established that proof is to be provided on Saturday. That said, there DOES NOT need to be any further discussion on the matter until then.

More finger pointing and name calling. Joy. :rolleyes:

We've already established that proof is to be provided on Saturday. That said, there DOES NOT need to be any further discussion on the matter until then.


Savvy 👍

However , if his claims are proven false , what happens then ?
The reason I say you don't know what possible is quite simple. Do we not all consider the online aspect you can easily enter as a "backyard" of sorts? You guys aren't aware of times no named dudes are posting. And listen no disrespect, but it will take much longer than a few hours to realize what's possible. It took me months, and I learn pretty fast. None of the "aliens" ever took months on one spec without change, if they did, they would be posting even more insane numbers that I am.

TJC answer my previously stated questions.

TB is right, take his advice, and please tell me what if the claims are true, what then?
The reason I say you don't know what possible is quite simple. Do we not all consider the online aspect you can easily enter a backyard of sorts? You guys aren't aware of times no named dudes are posting. And listen no disrespect, but it will take much longer than a few hours to realize what's possible. It took me months, and I learn pretty fast. None of the "aliens" ever took months on one spec without change, if they did, they would be posting even more insane numbers that I am.

TJC answer my previously stated questions.

Not happening , mine were not addressed and you will be given no return courtesy until which time you do so 👍
Wow really, just for the sake of me wanting your reaction at the end, I'll humor you.

What have I not answered?
More finger pointing and name calling. Joy. :rolleyes:

We've already established that proof is to be provided on Saturday. That said, there DOES NOT need to be any further discussion on the matter until then.


Wow really, just for the sake of me wanting your reaction at the end, I'll humor you.

What have I not answered?

Wow really, just for the sake of me wanting your reaction at the end, I'll humor you.

What have I not answered?

Post number 294 in this thread needs a satisfactory , non contradicting reply ..

You can take a look at what you've wrote and post an explanation on Saturday however , along with your video evidence .

That would suffice in my view 👍
I'm defending accusations and belittling comments, you will notice I am not causing any of the garbage in this thread, I have many times tried to stop it, and even tried to take this to private messages. Specifically you arora.

I would expect to be banned if I made this up... <--- hold me to it.
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