Wheel V Pad

  • Thread starter thedarski
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TB is right, take his advice, and please tell me what if the claims are true, what then?

If the claims are true, then you'll get to fluff your feathers some more and be vindicated.

If your proof fails to meet the criteria you said they will meet, then...

• You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

... you will be in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy and it'll be up to the GTP Staff to decide the next step. ;)
Seriously dudes, most people that had their times questioned would be crying with happiness, and try to prove their times as soon as possible. At least, in my experience.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It's only Tuesday and Saturday is a loooooong ways away. Very generous time frame if I may say.

I know this guys claim is way out there but hey, let's give him the benefit of the doubt and wait till Saturday! That's MORE than enough time to provide proof, if he fails, well I hope for rosckoloves sake, he's in the works of thinking up a new GTP username!


Man, just get a PS3! They're pretty cheap now a days! If you DO have that kinda talent, imagine what you could do with more game time, you'd be the best virtual driver in the world, no kidding! Good luck bud, you're gonna need it!
Had a quick run with the CSL, only had about an hour to run, the lap was a request i had from some user and i was also curious to give it a try. I will not comment about the thread. :)

at 550PP offline, rear wing at 10, 1153kg

I used small fryz suspension, gear trick, diff 6/14/5, brake bias 5/4, had a chassis reinforcement also wich i dont know if it helped or not...

I didnt played with settings, just tried those and the car felt okay to me.

Theres still a few tenths left but i got 6:30.108, i almost lost control twice that cost me about a tenth each time and theres some corners i can clean the line a bit, id say 6:29.500 shouldnt be a problem, i think 6:29.300 would be my limit, if anyone have a different tune that i can try later, may be CSLACR?

With no PP limit wich mean 33hp more, id say i could shave another 1 to 1.5 second though.

Had a quick run with the CSL, only had about an hour to run, the lap was a request i had from some user and i was also curious to give it a try. I will not comment about the thread. :)

at 550PP offline, rear wing at 10, 1153kg

I used small fryz suspension, gear trick, diff 6/14/5, brake bias 5/4, had a chassis reinforcement also wich i dont know if it helped or not...

I didnt played with settings, just tried those and the car felt okay to me.

Theres still a few tenths left but i got 6:30.108, i almost lost control twice that cost me about a tenth each time and theres some corners i can clean the line a bit, id say 6:29.500 shouldnt be a problem, i think 6:29.300 would be my limit, if anyone have a different tune that i can try later, may be CSLACR?

With no PP limit wich mean 33hp more, id say i could shave another 1 to 1.5 second though.


Interesting, so would removing the wing get you into the 27s? And isn't offline still faster than online? (I haven't checked after the last update

Been racing in some 550 PP rooms for 2 days with my CSL tune, I have yet to to see annoying close to a 39 (One guy looked like his R8 could maybe get a 39 or better) and I haven't lost a race. I'm not as fast as I once was at the ring so I think I can say finding a room with guys running low 30s is hard at best :).

What room is the room title of your 550 PP rooms Rosckolove?
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No removing the wing alone wouldn't put you into the 27's. Attempting it for more than an hour, might do the trick?

I swear the wing promotes so much understeer on that car that its actually faster around corners without it, plus ya get the whole straight line speed thing.

And i just suggested it because thats how I did it, and CSL's with wings never kept up.
No removing the wing alone wouldn't put you into the 27's. Attempting it for more than an hour, might do the trick?

I swear the wing promotes so much understeer on that car that its actually faster around corners without it, plus ya get the whole straight line speed thing.

And i just suggested it because thats how I did it, and CSL's with wings never kept up.

What is the common room title that I can find your 31s or better 550PP racers?
I'm trying to find just how many can run even a 39.
I would look for a room called "respect yourself first" or something like that.

Hosted by Laynwisdomonyu or papa_meticulous. They get 2 OUTSTANDING racers in there usually.

If anyone finds it, I would ask that none of you go in there with the attitude you have shown here.

P.S. the room is actually called that, some of you may have seen it. You will also notice it falls under the correct specs (turn SRF off if your searching for it) Most of the time we run tire wear, sometimes we don't. They hardly venture away from 550pp so you should see some type of example (depends on who showed up)

@arora I am pretty sure that the reason TB felt the need to post here, is because of posts like the one right above this one, If you notice above you, its almost a real conversation.

Also i said this way back, try the UK rooms. A lot of them race CSL's full time. Its not going to be easy to find good players, but they exist. Ask around.
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Had a quick run with the CSL, only had about an hour to run, the lap was a request i had from some user and i was also curious to give it a try. I will not comment about the thread. :)

at 550PP offline, rear wing at 10, 1153kg

I used small fryz suspension, gear trick, diff 6/14/5, brake bias 5/4, had a chassis reinforcement also wich i dont know if it helped or not...

I didnt played with settings, just tried those and the car felt okay to me.

Theres still a few tenths left but i got 6:30.108, i almost lost control twice that cost me about a tenth each time and theres some corners i can clean the line a bit, id say 6:29.500 shouldnt be a problem, i think 6:29.300 would be my limit, if anyone have a different tune that i can try later, may be CSLACR?

With no PP limit wich mean 33hp more, id say i could shave another 1 to 1.5 second though.


So thats a flying lap set offline?

I'll give that a go soon and compare that to my 33.5 which was standing start online (which is the conditions rosckolove did his 27.1)

The minor details mean everything at this level.
I would look for a room called "respect yourself first" or something like that.

Hosted by Laynwisdomonyu or papa_meticulous. They get 2 OUTSTANDING racers in there usually.

If anyone finds it, I would ask that none of you go in there with the attitude you have shown here.

P.S. the room is actually called that, some of you may have seen it. You will also notice it falls under the correct specs (turn SRF off if your searching for it) Most of the time we run tire wear, sometimes we don't. They hardly venture away from 550pp so you should see some type of example (depends on who showed up)

@arora I am pretty sure that the reason TB felt the need to post here, is because of posts like the one right above this one, If you notice above you, its almost a real conversation.

Also i said this way back, try the UK rooms. A lot of them race CSL's full time. Its not going to be easy to find good players, but they exist. Ask around.

After 3 hours jumping in and out of 550PP rooms not one CSL even close (with or without win). The fastest car I found was a skyline running 34s. I asked in every room if they have seen a 31 or better CSL. Never seen it.
I did manage a draft helped 39 in the car but like everyone said you are in a rare room (assuming these times are real). Most "average joes" are in the high 40s at best.

When do these "respect yourself first" rooms open (time of day/week)? Can we get a name of another 31 or better driver? (feel free to PM if needed)
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Well i guess our ideas of an average joe aren't the same. I'm sure you will see something fast by saturday.

I would say from around 8-11pm Eastern time would be the most common times, sometimes earlier, sometimes they run real late. Its hard to judge days of the week really, because of my playing schedule. I can say weekends are safe ;)
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Everyone knows an average Joe is 3 seconds faster then Dion at the ring. I feel compelled to keep posting these things because it just gets more and more ridiculous.
arora, I can assure you that TB didn't feel the need to step in here because of the kind of conversation me and carracerptp are having right above you. I'm pretty sure if someone started a thread, claiming a laptime that they couldn't prove till later because of this thing called life, the Moderators would have no problem with that either.

Can you see what the moderators are having a problem with? By any chance?

Please don't get this thread shutdown because you can't control yourself.
I'm genuinely asking you to stop, please.
You can search for it by typing in "tranny trick" or "tranny flip"

Makes the car pull harder, and gives you wider options for gearing. If you go back a few pages and find the tune I posted, It tells you how to do it.

You have to do it in order, And you can't touch the top speed slider or you will reset everything, you can only move your final gear/individual gear ratios.

Right then, if mike says he can do 29.5 with wing and i like you have found no wing to be faster, and if you practiced on that one car and one track for months it doesn't seem impossible... But... Did you say it was online, standing start, no draft?
Was your car 550 or 555PP?

Right then, if mike says he can do 29.5 with wing and i like you have found no wing to be faster, and if you practiced on that one car and one track for months it doesn't seem impossible... But... Did you say it was online, standing start, no draft?
Was your car 550 or 555PP?

I am glad someone finally thought about it like that.

None of this ever changed, its always been.....

550pp (thats whats popular online)
Online physics (I only race online)
Standing start (most online races are 1 lap)
No draft

My sector times (that i remember) are...

3:01.xxx at the beginning of straight(ish) before the carousel, after that right hand turn.

5:45.xxx at the beginning of the long straight. (I remember the X:45 part)
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OK, see thats where i'm struggling with belief, i was coming round to the idea but, i don't know.

I'm sorry for acting like a little child in previous posts but it just seemed so "out there" what you were claiming.

Anyway nothings gonna be proven till Saturday so i will just have to wait!

Ps what page is tranny trick on?
page #8, post #149

It would be pretty ridiculous of me to make all of this up. And go through all the trouble the whole time, for no reason.
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Quite arrogant for members to think that the best players at this game are all either GTP members who race in leagues, top the time sheets, or GT Academy finalists/winners.

All you could have said was; "I'll wait for the evidence of your time before I comment".

But instead a cringeworthy conversation has taken place. No wonder I took a years break from this site.
page #8, post #149

It would be pretty ridiculous of me to make all of this up. And go through all the trouble the whole time, for no reason.

Mate you wouldn't believe how many people try!

Still at 6.40 with your tune, you have front toe as 0.20, do you mean - 0.20?

Btw: I know i'll get nowhere near the time of the fastest but i just wanna try, i'm not too good at the ring and am normally 10secs off the very fastest!

Little fact: From the last corner to the start/finish line takes 4secs so 2.4 would be half way up that tiny bit to the line. (mike 29.5 v Rock 27.1)
Doesn't sound impossible when you look at it like that!
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Quite arrogant for members to think that the best players at this game are all either GTP members who race in leagues, top the time sheets, or GT Academy finalists/winners.

Because the winners of a world-wide online time-trial will millions of entrants is a poor indicator. I bet the fastest guy is nestled deep in an Aficain village, its just the poor chap is missing internet.
Mate you wouldn't believe how many people try!

Still at 6.40 with your tune, you have front toe as 0.20, do you mean - 0.20?

Btw: I know i'll get nowhere near the time of the fastest but i just wanna try, i'm not too good at the ring and am normally 10secs off the very fastest!

Little fact: From the last corner to the start/finish line takes 4secs so 2.5 would be nearly half way up that tiny bit to the line.
Doesn't sound impossible when you look at it like that!

I run positive 0.20 toe on the front and rear of every car I drive. I'm sorry I don't quite understand your last sentence, elaborate?
I run positive 0.20 toe on the front and rear of every car I drive. I'm sorry I don't quite understand your last sentence, elaborate?

That IF you did do a 27.1 it is only the length of half the last little bit past the last corner to the line!

Meaning basically if it were a race and you both did them times, mike would be just a few metres behind.
That IF you did do a 27.1 it is only the length of half the last little bit past the last corner to the line!

Your right, and its an entire 6 minute lap of cambered road and however many official corners it has. No matter who you are. Your not going to master that in a week, or even know what your own person is capable of, because you can always perfect just one of those corners a little more, and a little more. And then the next corner, a little more, and a little more. I'm still improving, bit by bit.
That IF you did do a 27.1 it is only the length of half the last little bit past the last corner to the line!

Meaning basically if it were a race and you both did them times, mike would be just a few metres behind.

Mike tested offline with rolling start right ? That would be a bit of a stretch ...
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