Wheel V Pad

  • Thread starter thedarski
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He had posted a low 6'27.

Still just as crazy.

Oh, thanks, yes that is still basically "the perfect lap"
I really wanna see this!
Didn't he say his car has 555PP though?
Mike gt3 would be a good person to try.
After 3 laps offline with his exact set up, I could only muster up a 6:37. The set up Rocskolove posted is WAY too bouncy for me to get any lower, I'll try my own later, but I can't see where this 10-11 second improvement is since I'm usually within 2-4 seconds of the best drivers out there (in spec conditions) even on such a long tecnichal track, though it's also one of my worst circuits.

I'll keep trying, though I'm more sure it's an impossible time rather than my own lack of skill, since I've been able to get within tenths of Dhollands' times elsewhere, plus some other highly skilled drivers aren't even getting close either. Something is fishy or this guy is simply faster than anyone else in existance by a long shot. I'll take the first option for now until some clear evidence is presented.
I can assure you I'm not faster than the best. That lap took months to accomplish. I ran nothing else but that car on that track. You guys are comparing a few tries to months of trial and error. I used to run 6:35's and think that was as fast as possible. I very very slowly got into the 6:29 6:28 area. The 6:27 was magic and I only did it a handful of times. On a lap so long it's hard to even get 6:29's consistently. My power is out and I'm on a mobile device so I won't really be replying. But in response to something I read, a lot of people online are capable of stuff that would blow your minds, and you really don't know what is possible.
we know what is possible, the problem is that you don't hence your miscalculation on a made up time.
You have no idea what's possible. It's right in front of your face. Your completely unaware of a lot it seems. Did anyone attempt to go online and speak to some of those guys? It will be hard to find some fast guys that know what they are talking about but the general mindset on what's possible is much faster than what you guys consider the limit.
I expected to impress a few people but you guys literally don't know what's going on in public lounges, at all.
Speaking to some randoms on the psn, what for? LOL

Here is what is impossible, you providing any sort of proof of this silly lap you claim to have.
I know what is possible. I have ran in these lounges you speak off, and do not tend to be beaten even though it is one of my worst and most hated combo's (RS on the Nurb). I still tend to win regardlessly, and do not come anywhere near the time you have stated. I guess the room you hang around in should all be GT academy finalists, since they are much faster than what any previous Gt Academy finalist has been so far. Congrats to all of you for beating the world's best so easily.

Do you think you're talking to stupid people or something? The hardcore forum go-er's you're generally speaking to in this thread are the most experienced and highly skilled people on this game, as proven by GT's leaderboard times as well, and you're saying that they don't know what is possible? Be sensible about that thinking attitude for a moment.
Speaking of Saturday, what are we going to see again? I've only asked this too many times, I guess you'll just keep dodging it.
Lewis Hamilton I respect you. I know all of the fastest guys are on this site and all that jazz. But you guys really don't know. You win online races? Cool dude but that doesn't prove anything. A LOT of guys online run 6:31's and lower. And you guys are completely unaware.
I can't wait till Sunday, when all this is over .... I am holding my breath :D what will be the conclusion ? A video of the lap, a replay file or a race against GTP's best to proof the claim, I am hoping for all three :)
You win online races? Cool dude but that doesn't prove anything. A LOT of guys online run 6:31's and lower. And you guys are completely unaware.

Then why do I never see times close to this in these rooms that you're talking about? How come I can still win with mid 6:40's from the back of the grid. Surely I should be losing by 15 seconds minimum?

I see Mike_gt3 has been looking at this thread. I would love to see his input and also what lap times he achieves.
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Now that I'm all caught up on this drama:

Refer to post #305 and proof comes Saturday as stated many, many times.

You might as well make it abundantly clear on what you're posting before you do it or no one will let you live this doozy down.
Oh wow, this was too funny.

I'm genuinely curious to see proof of these claims but Rosc? if you're genuinely telling the truth you have no reason to get so aggressive and defensive about everything, just wait until Saturday to hush our mouths.

Otherwise.. I have to say I'm siding with everyone else for the time being, it's a very out there claim.

But I'll happily admit I'm wrong and congratulate you on a spectacular flying lap if you can prove what you're saying is genuine.

As the not so old saying goes, pics or it didn't happen, because anybody can lie on the internet.
Its easy to see where the extra 10 secs is coming from!


It is the only plausible explination, and by the way how we gonna know if he is using it from a replay?

He will have to race someone!
You ask why I get defensive? Have you read the thread? These guys are uninformed and basically harassing me. SRF is not used. It's just a beyond perfect lap. And your right, I'll just have to race you guys. More the merrier :) I hope all of you join the lounge and continue your crap right up until the race starts.
You can tell by the way the car handles and the way the tyres smoke/lose and re-gain grip/leave rubber on the road when SRF is on, and it would only make a 4-5 second difference maximum.

Roscko, you can't be surprised people have linched you. You are claiming to run faster times than the best in the world can achieve, by a sizeable margin, tell them that whole rooms of people are doing it and then calling them all mis-informed and idiots, when you are infact talking to the most knowledgeable players. To be honest, I don't think you have much right to question other people when it's yourself that has the questionable attitude and lap times with so far zero evidence. With no offence intended, you are pretty much coming across as a troll at the moment.

I think you'd be doing the same if someone claimed to run a 6:10 with your car and set up and then get increcible defensive about it when they have nothing to back it up so far.
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You ask why I get defensive? Have you read the thread? These guys are uninformed and basically harassing me. SRF is not used. It's just a beyond perfect lap. And your right, I'll just have to race you guys. More the merrier :) I hope all of you join the lounge and continue your crap right up until the race starts.

You might find it tough with no SRF in our room!
You ask why I get defensive? Have you read the thread? These guys are uninformed and basically harassing me. SRF is not used. It's just a beyond perfect lap. And your right, I'll just have to race you guys. More the merrier :) I hope all of you join the lounge and continue your crap right up until the race starts.

I'll send a FR :)
EDIT: Make it an open room, I want to see some "average joes" running 31s.
And bring a CSL, and some other 550PP car (I'll see what my fastest is)
Right "I'll just have to race you guys" just as I've always known. It's time for you to take down your false claims now 👍
Claims are still true, learn how to follow a conversation. You would be out of the loop less often 👍
Nope, you now have zero intention of proving those times, none. You say yourself it is almost impossible for you do duplicate. Showing up in a lobby is not going to change that.

Take them down.
Are you really that slow? Someone stated a video wouldn't prove it and that's what I replied with. You really have no idea what's going on, and please don't tell me what to do. There is a reason your not a moderator 👍 I still plan on uploading a video..... Fool.

And yes duplicating a 27 is very hard. Getting close isn't. Your out of your league here bud, in terms of speed and intelligence. I suggest you grab a seat and watch.
Claims are still true, learn how to follow a conversation. You would be out of the loop less often 👍

I'm Santa ... And I own a real life X2010 !!!

But guys , erm ... I can't show you a pic or a clip of it as ...

I'll just have to turn up on the day with a cardboard box and a red suit !! ( You won't be able to tell the difference muhahaha )

When I can't achieve 300 Mph in my cardboard box I will say ....

The room's bugged / it's all of your internet connections / I'm having an off day / I've forgotten my setup / my friend has my PS3 and im using a spare !1!!11!

Already got your excuses printed for you Rosckolova ;)
Nope, you now have zero intention of proving those times, none. You say yourself it is almost impossible for you do duplicate. Showing up in a lobby is not going to change that.

Take them down.

If I raced him and he ran a 29 anything (maybe a 30) I would believe the 27 replay.
Many of us have run laps we can't repeat to the tenth so I think that would only be fair.
You fail to notice that I have not once acted like I was going to come up with an excuse. My buddies house never lost power and I don't expect them to. I'm going to upload a video, maybe even a few. And I'm going to race whoever wants to on Saturday and get pretty close to the times I claim. I doubt I will hit another 27 as I sort of moved on from that spec and am out of practice. But I always fall back into the flow nicely. And will for sure beat 33's..... By a lot

And arora I think that answers your question. Again
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