Who else hates the Cape Ring?

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
Love Cape Ring. Love the fact that it isn't like a real life track.

I'd much rather drive Trial Mountain, Grand Valley, Deep Forest or Cape Ring then i would Côte d’Azur, Indy Road Course, Monza or Fuji.
I have nothing against the jump or the spiral, yeah they are silly but it is a fantasy track after all.

But it is just so mindnumbingly boring.

Think of El Capitan, there was interesting layout, tricky bumps in the pavement, easy looking big curves than turned out to slope treacherously outwards, flowing sections, sandtraps, grass and stone walls, and beautiful scenery.

Now compare to Cape Ring:

Layout: Cape Ring is just a bunch of random geometry thrown in your face.

Pavement: Mostly boring flat like a pancake, nothing to surprise you or make you think twice or thrice about the optimal racing line.

Roadside: Nothing but insanely high curbs anywhere.

Scenery: As interesting and lively as a cardboard box in the rain.

That would be at least 4-0 in my book. So yeah, I am probably in the haters' camp :)
Cape Ring.. it's not bad but it's just not that good. It's just a mess of geometry without much character. There is one part I like, there is that long sweeping downhill turn on some versions of the track that I love flying down but overall it's nothing special.

I do wish PD would ease up on the huge jumps though. The reverse Eiger Nordwand track and now cape ring have those insane jumps. They're just too much! I mean, they're fun in a NFS way when I'm racing someone side by side and we're launching into the air but there's that simulation side of me that's like every car that leaves the ground like this would be totaled! :lol:
I'm my opinion Cape Ring is the worst original circuit in the whole of the Gran Turismo series.

I've always thought Gran Turismo is one of the few games where the fictional tracks actually compare pretty well to the real life ones. High Speed Ring, Grand Valley, Deep forest, Midfield, Apricot Hill and Trial Mountain are fantastic tracks.
I think it's got a nice variety of corners in it, and disagree about the flow - personally I think there's a couple of sequences that have a nice transition from one corner into another, into another.

Yeah, the whole ring thing is a bit gimmicky, but I can look past that, and as for the environment - I'm too busy watching the road

+1 👍

But I do have to admit that the jump is just too extreme for any simulation. Not too worried that the carousel is kind of a gimmick. After all, weren't the banks at Avus and Monza kind of gimmicky?
I don't care for the Cape Ring at all. It's just not challenging - it's long, boring and doesn't test your driving abilities in the slightest. Some of the shorter / reverse portions of it are a heck of a lot better than the entire thing.
Wonder why they didn't include a loop too? Wouldn't suprise me

I like the north section, and not only for the loop. It's full of challenging fast corners.. Also the inside is not too bad. Sure the whole assembly of 7km is quite far from pd fantasy track standards.
I like.Excelent track to learn how to save tyres.

And I like the unrealistic theme too. Very imaginative.

But I much prefer tracks like Laguna Seca and Susuka.

Obs: I hate the jump too. So much that I braking before him, so the car dont fly, wich would cause complete destruction if the damage were realistic.
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I hate it.

Firstly, the Jump.... Seriously A Jump?

Secondly, it just doesn't flow right, its too much of a mixture of disjointed curves, high speed and low speed turns. Any car you set up for it is a compromise somewhere, yeah thats racing on many tracks. But its just really long and just awkward.
I think it is a fantastic track and flows quite nicely. The high speed corners are satisfying, there is good visibility for most all the turns, and there are a lot of places where you can learn to go much faster than it seems you could. I don't care for the jump but there is nothing about it that "ruins" the rest of it.

Fuji on the other hand is a track I would consider to be long, awkward and boring.
Hate is a strong word, but it certainly is one of my least favourite tracks in the game.
I'm my opinion Cape Ring is the worst original circuit in the whole of the Gran Turismo series.

Whilst it's not my favourite it definately not my worst.

I don't know the name of the track as I've only been on it twice.
It's the long one with a tunnel. Followed by a long curve then a hairpin.
Back down the otherside of the long straight and round again for another lap of pure boredom.

Luckily the way the game is designed I never need to go back.
I seriously considered Cape Ring to be my all-time favorite GT track. Ahead of Nurburgring, ahead of El Capitan. Then I saw this thread and really lost respect for myself.
One of my favourite tracks if not my favourite! When you hook every corner up in a great car it's a fast and flowing track. And the view from the top of the track is spectacular.

Nailing a lap on the Cape ring feels amazing.
Can't believe so many people hate it.

I don't like Monza very much! Boring, long straight, chicane, long straight, fast curve, straight, chicane, boring. That was until the X2010 made it enjoyable. But in any car lower than an FGT or F10/F2007 it's a boring track to drive. And that one is real! I appreciate having it in the game, but give me Spa any day.

Why no Spa? Or Silverstone? Or even less famous but real tracks? I'll pay for DLC new Track packs.
Looks like a fish swimming in a deformed wrench..If that makes any sense. This is absolutely the most garbage track ever to grace the GT series.
Mixed feelings here.

There are some turns and sections interesting, that remember some parts of some known circuits... but to put a lot of good things together doesn't make a good meal.

It is very long, some places too unrealistic and, personally, there is no rythm between sections.
