Will we Lose Interesting Cars in GT5? Probably.

  • Thread starter HolyVolvo
It's practically like that already. I'd rather not see the Japanese take up half the game's car list again.

Agreed, there are far more nice cars from Europe that I would rather see, be it super cars or just normal every day ones.

I agree with this as well, there needs to be more equality.

My ideal distribution would look something like this:

Japan: 25%
North America (Canada and U.S.): 25%
Europe: 25%
Oceania (Australia and New Zealand): 10%
Everywhere else (South America, Africa, Asia): 5%
Tuners: 10%

I can get on board with something like this.
That's better but unless the overall car count is small I'm still not seeing where the numbers for Australia are coming from. How could Australia possibly get a fiar share and be given 10% when Eruope has 25%, Australia has nowhere near a quarter Major manufacturers as Europe so how they can be given a portioan that adds to almost half of what Europe, the US or Japan have is well beyond me. There's far more major manufacturers based in Asia (besides Japan) than there are in Australia and New Zealand.

Imo it should be more along the lines of...

Japan - %26
Europe - %33
North America - %26
Rest of Asia - %8
rest of world - %7

I'm not hating on anyone here, but let's be honest the vast majority of manufacturers are based in Europe, the US and Japan come close behind. After that it's the odd few scattered here and there. There's a faily decent number in Korea and Indonesia to make some impact on the game, more so than there are from Australia and New Zealand. I highly doubt we will ever see a majority percentage from of European cars, even if that's how the real world is, but in a fair and equal setup that's closer to how it should be imo.
the three surviving manufactures from the former Soviet are GAZ, VAZ, and Lada.

the only eastern european I've personally heard of is Skoda, and I believe GM has a piece of THAT particular pie (please correct me)

other than throwing in some Chery's (over GM's protests, I bet), there won't be many more additions. if ONLY some of the American makes would licence more. *crosses fingers and hopes for at LEAST a 57 Chevy*
Want it or not there are gonna be like 45% japanese cars in GT5. Just look at GT5p more than 50% is Japanese.
Want it or not there are gonna be like 45% japanese cars in GT5. Just look at GT5p more than 50% is Japanese.
Which is why we're all saying we'd rather not see it that way. Nothing is confirmed yet, so we may or may not get our wish.
Want it or not there are gonna be like 45% japanese cars in GT5. Just look at GT5p more than 50% is Japanese.

31 Japanese Cars
10 American Cars
10 German Cars
9 British Cars
8 Italian Cars
3 French Cars

31 Japanese cars to 40 European/US cars. (in GT5P)
the new civic type r FD2 is faster than a S2000 and NSX, it will kick the life out of the fat ass mustang. i'm not saying that the mustang is a bad car, but fast is shore isn't. Its a low tech car that was made to go in a straight line.

Super GT, D1GP, super taikyu and don't forget that the fastest time attack cars are japanese.
Mustang? Not fast? That's totally wrong. You're comparing a Top Trim level Civic to a middle trim Mustang GT. Let's pull some Saleen or Roush Mustangs into this. I'd like to see the Civic beat one of those.

And it will definately lose straight line to a 'Stang too.

I don't know the other two there, but I'll give you D1GP. Beat me there 👍
For your own good don't try to make people look dumb, it'll hit you back in no time. Ever seen the two generations of the GTO in GT4? Or the Solstice and Sunfire concepts, or even the Vibe? Probably not judging by your comments. But believe me, they are there.
:dunce: Jaded by the Trans Am. I completely forgot about the other stuff in there!
I think this is more realistic.

japan 27%
Europe 26%
US 26%

Austalia 3%
Asia 2% (because how many interesting Hyundai's can you name?)
Tuners 15%
I'll give you that. 3% of 500 is 10 cars, that covers some V8 Super Cars, a couple Commodores and couple Falcons.
15% Tuner cars comes out to 75 cars, so I like that, as long as there are more than Japanese tuners.

I've changed the big 3 to show what I feel would be better.
Want it or not there are gonna be like 45% japanese cars in GT5. Just look at GT5p more than 50% is Japanese.
It is just a glorified demo too, so I'm still holding out hope.
45% is still enough for me.

45% is still enough for me.

Your posts suggest that you obviously prefer Japanese cars. We want more diversity. How about we all agree to disagree? If GT5 does come out with a much lower car count than GT4, we'll all lose interesting cars...From Japan or otherwise.

LOL at that pic above!!! hahaha!
Super GT, D1GP, super taikyu and don't forget that the fastest time attack cars are japanese.
The only reason the Super GT cars are faster than pretty much any other touring car series is because of the rules. Those rules allow them to be faster. Nothing more.
I didn't mean that SuperGT cars are faster than other touring cars. I was talking about time-attack cars those are tuner cars specialised for the track. Cars like the cyber EVO IX and Mine's R34.
Would that have anything to do with the fact they they race in Japan and are run by Japanese tuners and are surrounded by Japanese culture perhaps. Now I don't know about the Cyber Evo IX but there's a point here somewhere, it might be hard to spot though. The vast majority of Japanese tuners seem to have a tendancy to tune Japanses cars. Now it's also worth noting that there are plenty of American tuners that specialise in, guess what, American cars and even.... Euopean tuners that specialise in, your not going to believe this, European cars. There are tuners all over that will tune anything ofcourse, but there are specialist tuners like Mines who tend to stick to certain makes and models above others. Your jumping from point to point, you arn't even trying to pick out specifics where your being countered and prove yourself right. you're just moving your argument around in this thread and the other. And please prove that the fastest time attack cars are Japanses because I would love to see them beat a SR7 Turbo or GTR720 on any track, both production spec. Since your statment is open ended, post proof or shut up.

Why do you think people have a tendancy to mod American cars in the US for track meets and what not. Why do you think there are track tuned TVR's and Lotus' and Porsches in the UK. A lot of it has to do with culture believe it or not. Now for the love of god stop posting random pockets of biased thought that keep dripping into the cavity inside your cranium and please try to find some facts before you post your next retort. FACTS that is, something backed up by EVIDENCE which you will need to provide which is usually done via a link to a website that supports your claim through a valid source or means. And please prove that the fastest time attack cars are Japanses because there are certain cars that I would love to see them beat, like the Edo 997, the SR7 Turbo and GTR720. Put up or shut up.
Actualy it counts for you, Put up or shut up. i don't know where you got it from but there are hardly any TVR's, Lotus ans Porsches on the UK time-attack events. First of all, about 80% of the cars they use are Japanese. And all the best team's use GC8 coupe impreza's.

I don't know if you have noticed it but to be a good time attack car, it help to have 4WD. Thats why impreza's, EVO's and GTR's are mostly used. JUN converted there 350Z to 4wd to make it competitive on the time-attack events TIME ATTACK ROUND 4 AT OULTON PARK

You asked for facts, you got them.:)
Excuse me, your the one making the unfounded claims. At timed track evens here in the UK I've seen there are a huge number of Porsches. Your the one making claims that the majorty of the cars are Japanese and now your implying that this is a global thing. It's your claim, prove it otherwise it's bogus. That's the way debates work, or didn't you know that. And that link doesn't back up your claim, firstly it's just one event of many you can find actively supported in the UK, nor does it list all the entrants. Different events have different rules, different rules favour different cars. It seems to me that your very much in touch with Japanese cars and culture but when it comes to others your pretty much clueless.

Your claims are...

The fastest Time attack cars are Japanese, now if your referring to one specific event, maybe, but if your referring to Time attacks as in the general principal or organised events where cars run times laps of circuits then I'd love to see your proof.

You said the majority of cars in GT5:P were Japanese, you were wrong.

You've made similar proofless arguments in other threads including posting pictures of race tuned cars and attempted to pass them off as stock, or close enough it doesn't matter
What do you want, thats the biggest time-attack serie's in the UK. Maybe you don't know how big that serie's is, it ain't no amateur track day event. There are three classes, all dominated by Japanese cars. I doesn't matter with what kind of facts i come, you won't believe the.

Here you got the official site, my be you should look around. And stop acting like a little child.time-attack UK

US event in Utah.GT LIVE UTAH

here is a Australian event, you all ready know wich cars they use. Super lap AU
I like how in 2 of those links, they aren't really stating that the Japanese cars were the fastest.

Even better, you claim Japanese cars are the fastest time attack cars, and yet in your last link, it says a Lotus Elise was the fastest car of the event. The other times listed were 1:15-1:17, a good 3-5 seconds slower than the Elise's 1:12.

The last post you just made even shows 2 Mustangs that came 2nd & 3rd and were only beat by a NSX.

The problem with your links as well is that we do not know if any other car is faster because we don't see anything else besides that Elise & 2 Mustangs.
Please just edit your last post and don't double post like that, people don't like that.

I'm fairly certain if GT5 doesn't have a diverse range of cars I probably won't be buying it. I don't really have it in me to spend money on a game that lets me drive 40 different Skylines. Sure it might be a great game but the thing about GT is that you car drive all sorts of vehicles on world tracks, preferably one similar to your own.
And the Elise that came 1st. You're brilliant, at only picking out points that suit you that is. Why quote only that bit and then miss the bit about the Lotus that was just above it.

There are events where Japanese cars have won, but there are events where other cars have won too. I love the way you're argument is so faragile that you have to miss important counter argument or move onto another string of debate before the last one was finished.

Why does every thread you enter here seem to end up with you challenging other cars by making snide comments like "the fastest time attack cars are Japanese". Which is faster largly depends on how good the mods are, since so little of the cars are left stock in most cases anyway. Like I said, I'd love to see one of thoes cars beat the Edo 911 in a race. I wouldn' t say it's impossible, but at the same time your implying that the opposite is, youtr the one making blanket statments and I'm going to be blunt with you, but the smartest people don't do that.
STJ88- You arn't going to win this battle. Ex. Lets say they's a game all about smiles and this is the smiles list.


How many people are going to want to play that?
You arn't going to win this battle. Lets say they's a game all about smiles and this is the smiles list.

Neither are you, with retarded comments like that.

And the Elise that came 1st. You're brilliant, at only picking out points that suit you that is. Why quote only that bit and then miss the bit about the Lotus that was just above it.

Sorry i counted it as japanese, because its using has a honda K20a.:sly:
I hope that's a joke or that's one of the worst angles you've come up with yet.