Would that have anything to do with the fact they they race in Japan and are run by Japanese tuners and are surrounded by Japanese culture perhaps. Now I don't know about the Cyber Evo IX but there's a point here somewhere, it might be hard to spot though. The vast majority of Japanese tuners seem to have a tendancy to tune Japanses cars. Now it's also worth noting that there are plenty of American tuners that specialise in, guess what, American cars and even.... Euopean tuners that specialise in, your not going to believe this, European cars. There are tuners all over that will tune anything ofcourse, but there are specialist tuners like Mines who tend to stick to certain makes and models above others. Your jumping from point to point, you arn't even trying to pick out specifics where your being countered and prove yourself right. you're just moving your argument around in this thread and the other. And please prove that the fastest time attack cars are Japanses because I would love to see them beat a SR7 Turbo or GTR720 on any track, both production spec. Since your statment is open ended, post proof or shut up.
Why do you think people have a tendancy to mod American cars in the US for track meets and what not. Why do you think there are track tuned TVR's and Lotus' and Porsches in the UK. A lot of it has to do with culture believe it or not. Now for the love of god stop posting random pockets of biased thought that keep dripping into the cavity inside your cranium and please try to find some facts before you post your next retort. FACTS that is, something backed up by EVIDENCE which you will need to provide which is usually done via a link to a website that supports your claim through a valid source or means. And please prove that the fastest time attack cars are Japanses because there are certain cars that I would love to see them beat, like the Edo 997, the SR7 Turbo and GTR720. Put up or shut up.