I was really hopeful that Portugal would go smoother than Sweden, but I had a relatively light impact with a bush on SS1 that gave me severe radiator damage.
Crawled through SS2 but the damage was fairly terminal by that point. Service allowed me to get some bits repaired, but evidently not the bit that was causing my top speed to be limited to around 50mph

I started SS3, and got about half way through (it's an 18km stage!) and then my steering seemed to just give up. Had little choice other than to retire the car.
This was my final resting spot...and it's quite clear why my steering wasn't working
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Not sure what it is with the Peugeot, but I seem to get radiator damage really easily...which inevitably leads to engine, turbo and gearbox problems. Wondering if this car was really the right choice at the moment...