Hello ladies and gentlemen. I have a quick question about this game; whats the progression like? As in, is there credits earning, car buying, upgrading, that kind of thing?
Career progression is a bit grindy. You do races you get a few credits, you also get credits for online races which is nice. You get the meme cars by unlocking them through challenges.
If you are a car collector and have to own every car as soon as possible then you will have to grind alot of races.
But if you are more like me and only buy the cars you need to progress through the career then it should not be an issue.
Overall the game is a ton of fun, just good honest fun. Online is a treat. I find there are 3 types of people online. You have "The Racers", people like me who race to win and try to be "wreckfest" clean, meaning doing some actual racing moves, ruthless divebombs and only really taking out another driver if the opportunity presents itself. Then there's "The Dirty Driver", I don't think they really care to win or even finish the race for that matter. These drivers take just about every single opportunity to crash into someone and wreck them. Lastly we have "The Meme Driver", these are the couple people in every lobby that are driving around in the School Bus or Harvester backwards around the circuit hellbent on killing as many people as possible, God bless these guys!
I even had one race where two school buses parked staggered and sideways across the back straight of an oval track, and in unison backed up and went forward to create this crazy mobile chicane, quite literally a bus stop chicane, it was actually brilliant!
A few negative points:
No private custom lobbies with custom settings to race with friends. You can still find each other online but I would love to have my own lobby, with longer races. Also waiting 2 minutes between races is too long, especially when the races are the 3 lap variety, they only last like 4 minutes, thus so much of your online experience is spent waiting for the one idiot to hit "ready", there is always one.
No rewind in the replays. The replays are amazing, I always watch it after the race the see what happened to my AI rivals. But we can't rewind to watch an amazing crash over and over. I figure this could be because static objects don't reset, so rewind might look ridiculous. We see this in GT Sport, if someone hits the pylons they don't move back when you rewind. Also the replay controls are a bit weird. A lot of highlighted tabs that you think would be your cursor but they aren't, tough to explain but if you've used the replay function you definitely know what I'm talking about. Also, maybe it my controller but free cam doesn't work very well, I find it gets stuck in a rotation and I'm fighting it to stay level and keep the camera from spinning uncontrollably.
Last, I think it might just be my wheel not being fully compatible. But for me, the wheel doesn't reset after the race. So if I pick up some wheel damage and my wheel pulls to the right all race when I'm done and back in the menus the wheel keeps pulling to the right so I'm fighting with it or I just let it go and have to use the buttons sideways and it's uncomfortable. I can't imagine it's good for the wheel. I have since switch to using a controller for this game because it's juts so much easier to survive contact with, and there is a lot of contact to survive.
Overall though I highly recommend it. Despite my long paragraph of negatives, the good far outweighs the bad with this one.