Weekly news bulletin
- we have now 57 members and 4 members that still have to accept their member invitation.
- @cowboys965, DxProfessional, mattymc96, Twogirls1joe: don't forget to accept your invitation. Some important club information, race incidents and the organization of new events will only be discussed in our private club space.
Race school:
- 14 sign-ups for first event next sunday 10pm UK
- don't forget the
poll about days and hours in the club space
Time problems:
- Given the recurrent problems concerning errors, I have posted a
world clock link to all first post to which I can access. Easy to use: just check the difference of your time zone compared to London UK.
To come
- I will post this weekend the new series page for the new RM-series, taking into account the result of the
internal club space poll. If you did not yet answer: hurry, I will work on it later today.
- A big questionnaire concerning activities after summer break will follow. Not yet sure about the best way to communicate the document. I will discuss that with the computer specialists among us.
Porsche Cup
- For the moment, there are not enough sign-up confirmations. If the situation is still the same sunday evening, we cancel it and will perhaps try again after summer, if the big questionnaire to come shows there is interest for it.
Le Mans club meeting
- I got some positive reactions to the idea to have a club meeting there next year. Some of our members already have been there. For the others it would be a great occasion to go there. We will be working on that for next year.
This weeks race issues
- The wednesday races had less drivers than normal. This was due to connection problems in some regions and to the fact we have many students among us, who had other important things to do (exams).
Some newer drivers give up easily and quit the race when they find themselves at the back of the race. Not a good idea. If you are not fast enough for the moment in a certain car or on a certain track, the best thing to do is to continue all races until the end.
Personal experience: three months ago I was with most cars on most tracks about 3-4 seconds slower than all the others. Now there are only 2 or 3 drivers left agains who I don't have any chance if they are there. Last two weeks, I won three races. In all three, I came back from a bad position in the beginning of the race, in two cases after an incident that made me loose about 15 seconds.
After an early incident or a bad start, continue your way. In most cases, you have a clean track, which is an advantage. Try to preserve your tyres, that will make a big difference at the end of the race. In all races I won until now, I made the difference against faster drivers in the last laps, thanks to the fact that my tyres were in better shape.
So, never give it up.
- The invisible driver problem is back. After two weeks with good connections, wednesday and thursday we had again some issues, among which this problem. So we decided we will do an official visibility check before each race, meaning before qualifying starts in races with qualifying.
That means that for races with qualifying, everybody must be on track 15 minutes before starting hour. As Id_racing remembered me in a PM,
Everyone must be sure, that they have a NAT2 connection and UPnP is working. In our private club space,
this post gives more explanations.
Vintage cars
Our member Watermelonpunch and our friends of the
vintage car race club organize
new Spitfire events. I was in the first one and can assure you it was very fun and clean. Don't hesitate to join them