Your Favorite Le Mans Cars

  • Thread starter Amac500
Going by my own overall results, here is my list.

1. Nissan R92CP Race Car '92 - The most powerful Le Mans car, also very stable and brakes better than most of the others
2. Sauber Mercedes C9 Race Car '89 - Very close to the R92CP
3. Toyota Minolta 88C-V - Although I don't like driving it as much as the above cars, it comes very close
4. Toyota GT-ONE Race Car '99
5. Audi R8 Race Car '01
6. Mazda 787B Race Car '91 - But it's premium so that's an automatic bonus

I agree, but I put the Sauber on top because it's simply a beast, and I managed to be 2,5 sec faster on Nordschleife with it compared with the R92CP.
Peugeot 908 HDi FAP '10

Brilliant, fun machine with a fine diesel and easy maneuverability. A fine vehicle but expensive of course, and being Premium makes it awesomer.

One I don't suggest- R390. Slow, too expensive, please, save $2.9M and don't buy it.
Are you kidding me? It was a PPORT N/A 26b Wankel capable of 800+ BHP, Massive Power and Speed, not very reliable. It won because it is purely insane. It should make 1500+ hp with a turbo.

My favourite is probably the Vertigo, Peugeot 905, the R92CP, and the Sauber C9. C60 Hybride is pretty insane too.

You should have watched the '91 race. It was underpowered (150PS lower than C11, 100 lower than XJ11, 100 lower than Porsches) and won just because of its great handling, lower fuel consumption (small engine, no turbo, lower weight) and its durability (fastest Mercs and Peugeots retired or lost much time due to mechanical problems). Simple as that.
No rotary engine will EVER be reliable, apex seals are too poor for that.

Then how on earth did RX8 won the record in making in a closed, oval circuit 100.000 km on full speed without braking down? All other more durable motors have failed on this until Renesis did it...:)
sup peeps, I have the 787B, Minolta, and recently bought the 908 FAP. Yesterday, I completed the Indy 500 endurance race in the 908, which won the race by just shy of a complete lap!! Surely kinda boring, would love to see all those LMP cars on another track than Indy...but stoked to have the Jag XJ13 now, which I'll drive later today.

There are some laps I've done on Nurburgring Nordschleife with these type of car, just to contribuite to the discussion:

05:23.311 Toyota Minolta Toyota 88C-V Race Car '89
05:24.832 Mercedes Benz Sauber Mercedes C9 Race Car '89
05:26.632 Nissan R92CP Race Car '92
05:28.950 Bentley Speed 8 Race Car '03
05:30.195 Toyota GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) '99
05:31.170 Peugeot 905 Race Car '92
05:38.064 Peugeot 908 HDi FAP - Team Peugeot Total '10

They are all stock with oil change,the used cars are with engine and chassis overhaul, all times done without assists except abs=1, racing soft tires, grip set to real.

The Minolta is the fastest, I can feel it immediatly when driving it, it has something that the other cars doesn't have, and isn't neither the most difficult to drive. I also love the Sauber, crazy acceleration, but has less grip than the Minolta. The Peugeot 908 is so stable, the easiest to drive, also the slowest (but I expected it, because it has the lowest HP amount). I was surprised by the Bentley, is easy to drive and crazy fast.
At first glance I expected the R92CP to be the fastest with its 1000 HP, but you know, power is not everything, and this is the demonstration.

I tried also the Jaguar and the Pescarolo Judd, but they are too much understeery, I don't like cars that are this fast and that has this stupid understeer. When I'm inspired, I'll eventually give them a try again.
For a great drive, there is nothing better than the 787B, absolutely stunning to look at (always keep pressing L1 on the straights just to admire it.) and is one of the fastest Group C cars in the game.

If i wanna get the fastest times, i use the Toyota GT ONE, so easy to drive and on Le Mans, it is incredible
Did you guys know you can get the Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR LM-Race Car '98 by getting gold on all the Nurberg special events on that second difficulty level?

Looks like I got something to do this weekend!
Did you guys know you can get the Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR LM-Race Car '98 by getting gold on all the Nurberg special events on that second difficulty level?

Looks like I got something to do this weekend!

Nice! Thanks for the tip! I'll check this out today. Peace!
It is worth getting all three: 787/908/R10. I fit med. race tires on the front and hards on the back and tweak the suspension from there. The R10 is my fav with triple screens because you can see so much more of the environment but it is the slowest and most difficult to drive.
787B. Thinking of buying another LM car, perhaps the 908 or the R10 since they're premium.

I own both the 908 and R10 and they are both great cars. I would say go for the R10. The cockpit camera in it is an amazing experience, it is the only open cockpit Le Mans car with an in car. It is also a little less choppy to drive then the 908, R10 being more firm in the turns. The R10 does has a speed disadvantage without any upgrades, reaching about 5 miles an hour slower down Mulsan (with chicanes) and accelerates much slower. However you can buy the turbo kits to upgrade the R10, and then, once you make sure to adjust the gear ratio for your new found speed, it scorches down Mulsane. The only other chane you may want on it is to tune the car about to give it a little bit better turning so you can take more kinks and longer turns at higher speeds
It is worth getting all three: 787/908/R10. I fit med. race tires on the front and hards on the back and tweak the suspension from there. The R10 is my fav with triple screens because you can see so much more of the environment but it is the slowest and most difficult to drive.

I disagree about the R10 handling the worst, it just takes a bit more to get use to the car having more downforce and being more firm in the turns compaired to the other Le Mans cars
My Top 10 Le Mans Cars

1.Mazda 787B Race Car '91

2.Nissan R29CP Race Car '92? or '89?

3.Sauber Mercades Race Car '89

4.Pegeout 908 Team Orcea Race Car 2010

5.Pescaralo Courage C60 '03

6.Minolta 88C-V Race Car '89 (Toyota)

7.Toyota GT-One Race Car (Dont Know Year Sorry :() '99 or '00?????????

8.Pegeout 908 Toatal 2010

9.Audi TDI Race Car '06

10.Audi R8 Team Playstation '05

Thats It BTW Huge Mazda Fan :) GO MAZDA 787B:gtpflag:
1. Speed 8 (Just brilliant)
2. Audi R8 race car (best race car ever been on Le Mans, IMO)
3. Audi R10 (maybe not the fastest race car, however, it's just fun to drive, and it's open cockpit!!)
4. Audi R15+ (aww wait, I had never understand why this car isn't in the game? it won 24 hours on Le Mans, with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place? Just so disappointed it didn't make it to the game.).
My favorite of the older Group C cars is the Minolta. Fully tuned, it's better than the Sauber Mercedes or any other Group C car in the game.

It's harder to pick my favorite of the newer LMP's, but I like the 908, the GT-One, and the Bentley. However, to me the Audi R10 is the worst of the LMP's and is not worth the money. If you want an Audi, get one of the R8 LMP's instead.
My Top 10 Le Mans Cars

My Top 5 are

1. Sauber Mercedes (Dont have it, but Loved it in GT4 - the only one on this damn list i dont have)... Aaargh
2.Nissan R29CP Race Car '92? or '89?
3.Minolta 88C-V Race Car '89
4.Mazda 787B Race Car '91
5.Audi TDI Race Car '06


1.Mazda 787B Race Car '91

2.Nissan R29CP Race Car '92? or '89?

3.Sauber Mercades Race Car '89

4.Pegeout 908 Team Orcea Race Car 2010

5.Pescaralo Courage C60 '03

6.Minolta 88C-V Race Car '89 (Toyota)

7.Toyota GT-One Race Car (Dont Know Year Sorry ) '99 or '00?????????

8.Pegeout 908 Toatal 2010

9.Audi TDI Race Car '06

10.Audi R8 Team Playstation '05
They do need the r15, but they r18 is probably a more likely add. They should have got the Aston Martin LMP1 car, the RS Spyder, and acouple of the Oreca and Lola cars
I just bought the Panoz and GT5 robbed me!!!!!! I had just over 5 million when I bought the 2 million dollar car but after I bought it I only had 2 million left. It stole an extra 1 million dollars!!!!!! I feel jipped