The Words of the Winds are Now all Clear

  • Thread starter amar212
Seriously, Sony will be betting the future of their videogame business on a successful E3.
Last year Nintendo showed that an absolutely abysmal E3 will not affect your business.

what are the odds of GT5 at e309? and what were the odds of GT5 being at e308?
There were no reliable rumors or news for E3 08 and Sony wasn't talking about their biggest E3 ever, and taking up three booth spaces. Everything points toward something big, including Sony's own bragging.
I think God of War III will get more attention from Sony then any other game...
If they mean this will be their biggest E3,that musn´t mean that GT5 will be presented...

If amar´s post is really about GT Mobile,that will suck more then anything else...

I keep staying pessimistic and so I will be more excited if they really show something about GT5

In the past we were so often optimistic about PD and their GT5P updates and it was always (in the EU version we already have had the big update included) frustrating to get nothing else than some physic updates... (and 3 new cars wich was be the BIG BIG Spec III Update)...

PD´s marketing is very ********... Mr. Kaz gave us so much hope but gave us nothing from all he sayed... hope we will see something from all that in GT5
Not this again...

Seriously, Sony will be betting the future of their videogame business on a successful E3.

Seriously no... heck even the PS2 and PSP are still beating the 360 in many regards, and despite what you may have heard, the PS3 is selling world wide at a faster sales pace than the 360 (which was also brought up recently in the other cryptic thread by Amar, HERE)... despite the *higher cost.

* Although as many know, an equally equipped 360 costs a great deal more... and it still wont match all the functionality of the PS3, not to mention the free online service versus $50+ a year for XBL.

Sony's gaming division, while certainly not coming close to matching Nintendo's success, is easily beating Microsoft, which has lost several billions of dollars over the years and is still hemorrhaging cash at an alarming rate.

Which is most likely why it was MS, not Sony, that recently laid off a large percentage of their work force from their gaming division, including the head of their PC Gaming division following a massive management restructuring.

That's also most likely why it was MS, not Sony that has been canceling several appearances at most of the major game conferences for more than a year now.

That's also most likely why it was MS, not Sony that canceled high profile games like the Halo MMO game and the closure of some of their first party developer studios like Ensemble Studios (Halo Wars, Age of Empires) and ACES (Flight Simulator series), as well as the closure of their Gamerscore Blog.

And three and a half years later and MS is still having to deal with the RRoD and disc scratching problems, and now it has a new problem with the E.74 issue.

So as already mentioned in threads where this topic belongs, if anything it is Microsoft that is betting the future of their videogame business on a successful E3... although quite frankly, game announcement alone are not going to save MS financial sinking ship that is their Xbox and game division.

They need to launch PSP2/GO and multiple AAA titles that are as yet unanounced.

They have already announced several up coming AAA titles far more than either Microsoft and Nintendo... What has been announced for the 360? A Halo 3 expansion game, Forza 3, and Mass Effect 2... anything else?

What AAA titles have been announced for the Wii?

Come on JAGUAR1977, don't fall into the trap of all the hyperbolic anti-Sony mania. The reality is that unlike MS, Sony's game division is doing just fine considering how much they have spent on developing the PS3 and in the current financial conditions world wide, and the PS3 is not only outpacing world wide 360 sales rates, released more exclusive games in 2008 and based on what's been announced so far, will certainly do so again in 2009, and most importantly, of those exclusive games released so far, more of them have be highly rated by the majority of critics than on any other console.

In addition they need a $50+ price cut

That would be nice.... but even without it, the PS3 is still by far the best value in terms of everything it can do, heck, the free online gaming alone makes it a better deal after just three years.

even more new I.P's

They already have more highly rated IPs than any other console and more coming up, like:
  1. inFamous
  2. White Knight Chronicles
  3. Demon's Soul
  4. Heavy Rain
  5. MAG: Massive Action Game
  6. The Agency
  7. Free Realms
  8. Uncharted Waters Online
  9. Angel Rings
  10. Dark Cloud 3
  11. METRO 2033: The Last Refuge
  12. Quantum Theory
  13. Redwood Falls
  14. Undead Knights
  15. The Wall
  16. WarDevil: Unleash the Beast Within
  17. L.A. Noir

greater PS3 functionality

It already has the most functionality of any console on the market.
  • Home
  • Life with PlayStation
  • Folding@Home
  • Exclusive PSN Store Content
  • Exclusive PSN Video Store Content (NA only)
  • Play TV (EU Only)
  • The most 1080p Games
  • Games with HD Audio
  • Free Online Gaming
  • The most Audio and Video codec support
  • Blu-ray Player
  • HDMI 1.3
  • Bluetooth Support
  • Built-in WiFi
  • Web Browser w/Flash 9
  • Exclusive YouTube Channel
  • LINUX Support
  • Fully compatible with 3rd Party HDDs
  • Support for 3rd Party Accessories, like wheels
  • Controllers with both motion control and rumble

It's make or break for Sony, the PS3 and the PSP, they can't delay major announcements any longer.

I think you have confused Sony for Microsoft. Sony's been highly profitable with PS2 and PSP sales... while MS killed off the Xbox and has no portable console... and as for delaying major announcements, you must not have been following any of the gaming news, as Sony has been making several major game announcements for several high profile AAA titles... something that both Microsoft and Nintendo have not done...

So please let's stop screaming fire in a crowded theater when there isn't even any smoke to be seen, other than the lies and misleading info some people like to spread. :ouch:

If you absolutely have to though, maybe you can do it in one of the many threads where those kinds of posts/discussions are already.
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Well considering that its 2009 I do believe they showed some stuff at E3 08 so 100% for E3 08, and probably 90% for E3 09.

E3 2008 showed off some GTTV at the press conference and on the floor just had the same old GT5P on display. KY did a couple interviews which revealed nothing except possible 2010 release rumours and the fact he wasn't budging with any info (he played dumb).

but pretty much summed up the whole of 2008 GT news after GT5P was released in the US and PAL terriroties.
Not this again...

Seriously no... heck even the PS2 and PSP are still beating the 360 in many regards, and despite what you may have heard, the PS3 is selling world wide at a faster sales pace than the 360 (which was also brought up recently in the other cryptic thread by Amar, HERE)... despite the *higher cost.

I know how quickly the PS3 is selling, but Sony's target isn't the 360, it's the Wii and Nintendo, they're unlikely to topple them, but they need to be far closer. The PS3's launch has been nothing short of dreadfull, only now is the system begining to show what it's capable of. Even then sales haven't taken off, for that to happen we need a major price cut and 2009 releases for titles like GT5.

On the PSP side hardware sales have been decent, software sales terrible, hence Sony moving to a download only future in a move to cut piracy.

All of the above ties into GT5, this E3 Sony has to deliver on all fronts. Some posters appear to be preparing themselves for disspointment, rather than criticise PD, they make excuses for them.

I'm a driving sim enthusiast, Gran Turismo is of interest to me as it's delivered the goods, but if GT5 lacks features and is delayed time and again, I'll call them out for it. I'm quite sure Forza 3 will match if not beat GT5 in most areas, from what I've seen of NFS Shift, and knowledge of the team behind it, I'm quite sure that will also be a major GT5 rival.

GT5 is one game, it will undoubtedly be fantastic, but the competition is not far behind, if PD packed up their bags and walked away from Gran Turismo, the genre would still move forward.
How do you work out that Sony's target for PS3 sales is the Wii?
I know how quickly the PS3 is selling, but Sony's target isn't the 360, it's the Wii and Nintendo, they're unlikely to topple them, but they need to be far closer. The PS3's launch has been nothing short of dreadfull, only now is the system begining to show what it's capable of. Even then sales haven't taken off, for that to happen we need a major price cut and 2009 releases for titles like GT5.

I think you are missing the big picture, the PS3 at launch may not have an all star line up, but even if you go as far as consider it 'nothing short of dreadful' your missing Sony's objective. The console was originally sold at a loss on purchase, which suggests that Sony were looking at the long term. The hardware was, and still is extremely advanced for its time, even with the rate at which computers develop (currently modelled by Moores law), the PS3 has a long life ahead of it whilst remaining competitive.

Sony certainly are aware of the fact the the PS2 is still selling at a considerable rate, despite being almost a decade old. :eek: By making the PS3 as versatile as they have done, and as advanced in terms of hardware as it is, Sony are giving the PS3 scope for a long an profitable future.

The 360 on the otherhand isn't as adaptive and as a result isn't likely to stick around as long but that's merely my speculation.

This is all far off topic, but if you think the PS3 and Sony are struggling, I would argue that isn't the case, and that the future for the big black box is looking fairly good.

Sony appear to be preparing for a big E3, and I expect Sony's biggest gaming franchise is going to be there for some big news. The winds are already whispering. ;)
i don't want to insult anyone's fragile biasism towards any platform or game series but if GT series haven't happened in 98 we would probably still be racing only racecars on racetracks without any coherent structure. also, without many gameplay assets of gt series genre would still be dull as whiteboard. so if pd would pack theirs bags, you can bet that evolution would be pretty much sustained. not to even mention that games such as segagt, enthusia and forza would never exist in their form if there was no gt. so you can pretty much call yourself either ignorant, missinformed or deliberately biased - conclusion remains the same. sorry for capitalisation and formatting, im writing this on web browser of my obscure and overpaid bluray player tha eventually lets me to play games from time to time .

quote taken from page. 2008

IGN: Earlier this year, you mentioned that Polyphony was working on a patch for GT5 Prologue that would add damage modeling to the game later this year. Is that still happening?

Kazunori Yamauchi: Our plans haven't changed, and we're working on it. But this is Gran Turismo, so it might be a little bit late. [laughs all around]

IGN: Lastly, what's the status on the full Gran Turismo 5? Where are you at in production?

Kazunori Yamauchi: Of course after this next update, we're going to have another update later on in the year. There's no plans in the works for GT5 yet - that might be 2009, or it might be 2010... But we're totally focused on getting the updates through for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and that's all we're focused on.

IGN: Thank you!

Might be, Could be, possibly, "But this is Gran Tursimo" more like 2010, but at the end of the day I'll just enjoy GT5p and the great company on here.
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How do you work out that Sony's target for PS3 sales is the Wii?

Yeah, i don't see much crossover between the two systems. Yes they're both 'next-gen' consoles but you can't really compare the two. One is a serious and powerful games machine and media player and the other is the gaming equivalent of a karaoke machine. It's a bit of fun if you're a kid or you have friends round and fancy acting like a kid, but it has no real depth.

Both consoles are great at what they do, but they are essentially different concepts altogether. If people want a PS3 (or X360) they'll get one. If they want a Wii, they'll get one as well - but not instead. Some folk might just want a Wii, but they were probably unlikely to be in the market for an X-box or Playstation in the first place.
I know how quickly the PS3 is selling, but Sony's target isn't the 360, it's the Wii and Nintendo, they're unlikely to topple them, but they need to be far closer. The PS3's launch has been nothing short of dreadfull, only now is the system begining to show what it's capable of. Even then sales haven't taken off, for that to happen we need a major price cut and 2009 releases for titles like GT5.
You are really going to have to back every single bit of this paragraph up. Sony has focused the PS2 on the Wii, not the PS3. The PS3 competes with the 360, which is why recently Sony did some stats juggling (they are right, but it's all in how you look at the numbers) to show that the PS3 has a higher attach rate than the 360.

And how exactly has the PS3's launch been dreadful? They have been selling at the same rate as the 360 when comparing the life of the systems. The 360's overall sales lead has only to do with their one year lead. If the PS3 has had a dreadful launch then apparently so did the 360.

As for the price cut, you are right, that will increase sales. But that is the same as saying the sky is blue. All gaming systems have the majority of their sales after they dip below certain price points.

Sony moving to a download only future in a move to cut piracy.
Why is it that this keeps getting said? I can't argue against it, but it seems counter-intuitive as every other industry claims digital distribution helps piracy. Plus, I thought the rumored UMD cut was because of space constraints as UMDs hold under 2GB.

All of the above ties into GT5, this E3 Sony has to deliver on all fronts. Some posters appear to be preparing themselves for disspointment, rather than criticise PD, they make excuses for them.
Really? Who? If you are talking about D-N he showed facts and stats to back up his statements, you just said stuff. Also, note that I hyperlinked my sources for everything I said.

I'm a driving sim enthusiast, Gran Turismo is of interest to me as it's delivered the goods, but if GT5 lacks features and is delayed time and again, I'll call them out for it.
You are aware that features you feel are necessary are not the same for everyone else, right? If PD promises it and doesn't deliver, that is one thing, but saying you wanted something that isn't there is not PD's fault. And so far, GT5 has yet to be delayed as it has yet to be given a date.

I'm quite sure Forza 3 will match if not beat GT5 in most areas,
Wow, really? Can you link me to their announcements that lead you to believe this? I might have to check it out.
Before we get back on topic... just to further address the long standing myth that the Wii is somehow a direct competitor of the 360 and PS3 (of which both Microsoft and Sony rightfully point out is not true) and that JAGUAR1977 suggest is true...

I know how quickly the PS3 is selling, but Sony's target isn't the 360, it's the Wii and Nintendo

How do you work out that Sony's target for PS3 sales is the Wii?

Yeah, i don't see much crossover between the two systems. Yes they're both 'next-gen' consoles but you can't really compare the two. One is a serious and powerful games machine and media player and the other is the gaming equivalent of a karaoke machine. It's a bit of fun if you're a kid or you have friends round and fancy acting like a kid, but it has no real depth.

Both consoles are great at what they do, but they are essentially different concepts altogether. If people want a PS3 (or X360) they'll get one. If they want a Wii, they'll get one as well - but not instead. Some folk might just want a Wii, but they were probably unlikely to be in the market for an X-box or Playstation in the first place.

Sony has focused the PS2 on the Wii, not the PS3. The PS3 competes with the 360, which is why recently Sony did some stats juggling (they are right, but it's all in how you look at the numbers) to show that the PS3 has a higher attach rate than the 360.

Well said FoolKiller & TheCracker. 👍

Additional evidence that shows just how much the Wii does not compete directly with the 360 and PS3 can be found by looking at popular multi-platform games and comparing sales figures and attach rates.

For instance, just consider for the moment how many high profile multi-platform games are not even available for the Wii, most of which have sold over a million copies... here are just some examples:
  1. Grand Theft Auto IV
  2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  3. Bioshock
  4. Assassin's Creed
  5. Resident Evil 5
  6. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  7. Fallout 3
  8. Devil May Cry IV
  9. Street Fighter IV
  10. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
  11. Soul Calibur IV
  12. Burnout Paradise
  13. Far Cry 2
  14. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
  15. Fight Night Round 3
  16. Midnight Club: Los Angeles
  17. Grid
  18. Army of Two
  19. Prince of Persia
  20. Saints Row 2
  21. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
  22. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
  23. Battlefield: Bad Company
  24. Dead Space
  25. Dynasty Warriors 6
  26. Mirror's Edge
  27. Beijing 2008
  28. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
  29. Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway
  30. Unreal Tournament III
  31. Virtua Fighter 5
  32. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
  33. Turok
  34. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
  35. NBA 2K9
  36. NBA 2K8
  37. NBA Live 09
  38. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
  39. Tom Clancy's EndWar
  40. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
  41. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
  42. Pure
  43. NCAA Football 08
  44. Dark Sector
  45. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
  46. Condemned 2: Bloodshot
  47. The Lord of the Rings: Conquest
  48. Skate
  49. Skate 2
  50. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Not only that, but even when a developer does release a Wii version of a multi-platform game, nearly all of them sell better on the 360 and PS3 like:
  1. Call of Duty: World at War
  2. Tomb Raider: Underworld
  3. Quantum of Solace
  4. Iron Man
  5. Ferrari Challenge
  6. MotoGP 08
  7. Need for Speed: Undercover
  8. Need for Speed: ProStreet
  9. Need for Speed: Carbon
  10. Madden 09
  11. FIFA 09
  12. FIFA 08
  13. PES 2009
  14. PES 2008
  15. NCAA Football 09
  16. NBA Live 08
  17. Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
  18. WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2009
  19. WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2008

Even sports games where you might at least expect the Wii versions to do well, rarely do, especially when you stop to consider that Nintendo has sold 50 million Wii's - more than double the number of PS3's sold and nearly double the number of 360's sold... so even if they had a similar attach rate, they should at least sell twice as many copies as either the PS3 and 360, and yet the opposite is true.

The PS3 version of Madden 09 sold twice as many as the Wii version, and four times as many as the Wii version of FIFA 09, which was also true for NCAA Football 09. The PS3 version of PES 2009 outsold the Wii version by more than 10 to 1 (2 million vs 200K) ... or another way to look at it, for every 10 PS3 sold, 1 copy of the PS3 version of PES 2009 was sold... while for every 250 Wii's sold, only one copy of the Wii version of PES 2009 was sold. :eek:

Not only that, but you'll also find even PS2 versions of games will outsell the Wii versions... which also backs up what FK said about the PS2 being a closer direct competitor to the Wii.

In fact, pretty much the only multi-platform games that sell really well for the Wii are Rock Band and Guitar Hero games. Other than that, what sells well on the Wii are it's first party games that aren't even available on any other system.

I'm sorry JAGUAR1977, but your assessment on the current and past conditions of the console market, and Sony's performance in it is quite flawed based on actual facts, and not just your personal opinion.

Hopefully that helps clear things up, and we can get back to discussing speculation on any upcoming GT5 announcements. :)
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You are really going to have to back every single bit of this paragraph up. Sony has focused the PS2 on the Wii, not the PS3. The PS3 competes with the 360, which is why recently Sony did some stats juggling (they are right, but it's all in how you look at the numbers) to show that the PS3 has a higher attach rate than the 360.
The PS3 competes with the Wii and 360, technology is irrelevant. Sony have moved from a dominant first place last generation, to last this. At this point the 360 is also cheaper than the Wii. It's no coincidence both the PS3 and 360 are rumoured to be recieving new motion controllers.

And how exactly has the PS3's launch been dreadful? They have been selling at the same rate as the 360 when comparing the life of the systems. The 360's overall sales lead has only to do with their one year lead. If the PS3 has had a dreadful launch then apparently so did the 360.
The 360 is also a relative flop, it's an under performing, unreliable cash hole for Microsoft, but they don't care, they want market share, hence the early launch.

As for the price cut, you are right, that will increase sales. But that is the same as saying the sky is blue. All gaming systems have the majority of their sales after they dip below certain price points.

That isn't my point, I'm saying E3 is pivotal to Sony and the PS3's future. The PS3 has underperformed, now's the time for Sony to turn that around. The software has been announced, but firm 2009 release dates are needed, along with a major price cut to push the system on.

Why is it that this keeps getting said? I can't argue against it, but it seems counter-intuitive as every other industry claims digital distribution helps piracy. Plus, I thought the rumored UMD cut was because of space constraints as UMDs hold under 2GB.
The PSP has a 50% piracy rate as UMD's can be ripped with ease, are clunky to operate, and power hungry. Downloads can be controlled with DRM.

You are aware that features you feel are necessary are not the same for everyone else, right? If PD promises it and doesn't deliver, that is one thing, but saying you wanted something that isn't there is not PD's fault. And so far, GT5 has yet to be delayed as it has yet to be given a date.

Why should I care what others want, as a sim racer I want damage, weather, comprehensive online etc., without it GT5 will still be lagging behind the best sims on the market. Gran Turismo is just another racing game, if they insisit on labelling themselves as 'The Real Driving Simulator', expect tough scrutiny of that claim.

Wow, really? Can you link me to their announcements that lead you to believe this? I might have to check it out.

You'll find Turn 10 and the Forza series has already matched or superceded Gran Turismo in most areas, damage, online, mechanical and livery customisation, track list, car list (Porsche, Ferrari, less filler, more quality), engine sounds etc. Everyone's looking at PD to see what they deliver, they have yet to top Forza 2, nevermind Forza 3.

Bottom line, not only do Sony have to deliver a spectacular E3, they also need AAA software on the shelves in short order. E3 2009 will define whether the PS3 will surge forward in terms of sales, or settle back into a comfortable third, likewise the Gran Turismo series will either recapture the excitment and enthusiam for GT1/2/3 or you'll hear the same old comments, 'what, still no damage/weather/Porsche/ etc.'

The PS3 is now into it's third year on the market, the last full GT game was four years ago, and PD have far more resources at their disposal than ever before. All that taken into account, I'm not sure why it's so controversial to expect GT5 to deliver features PC sim racing titles were doing 5+ years ago.
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The PS3 competes with the Wii and 360, technology is irrellevant.
If housewives are buying a Wii and common gamers are buying/using 360 or PS3 they are hitting much different markets, thus why the Wii has the lowest attach rate. Console sales mean little if the game sales don't match.

And after last year's E3 I don't even think Nintendo believes the Wii is competing with the 360 and PS3.

But if we base everything purely on console sales the Wii would have to stop all sales now for the 360 and PS3 to hope to catch up. Nothing at E3 can change that.

Sony have moved from a totally dominant first place last generation to last this. At this point the 360 is also cheaper than the Wii. It's no coincidence both the PS3 and 360 are rumoured to be recieving new motion controllers.
Here you have a legitimate point, but if their games don't compete a new controller still means nothing. At most I would say this is Sony and Microsoft attempting to pull some of the games sales for multi-console owners like me.

The 360 is also a relative flop,
Relative to what? We were discussing launches and the PS2 is the most successful console out with over 100 million sold and the PS3 and 360 had very similar first years.

That isn't my point, I'm saying E3 is pivotal to Sony and the PS3's future.
How so? First of all, Sony can live on without the PlayStation brand. They did it for decades. Secondly, E3 is one show. Sony could not show at E3 at all and still put out a year full of great games while making announcements over time. What E3 has done is lead to this drought of info we have right now that people are complaining about because companies like Sony and Microsoft hold all their good details until E3 so they can have a big show. E3 is just an industry wide media stunt.

The PS3 has underperformed
Explain this. You keep saying it but all you can do is compare it to a system that sold for nearly 1/3 of the price and was chasing the more casual market. The Wii is going after a mostly different market. No one will catch it because it is an oddity, not the trend. The PS3 and 360 are matching industry trends in console sales and attach rates. The Wii has tripled industry trends in console sales and fallen below attach rates.

The PSP has a 50% piracy rate as UMD's can be ripped with ease, are clunky to operate, and power hungry. Downloads can be controlled with DRM.
Where did you get that number? It may seem high, but compared to PC, it is extremely low. Oh, and PC does have DRM, as does music and movies. DRM controls little.

car list (Porsche, Ferrari, less filler, more quality)
I have never made it a secret that I disagree with your synopsis. I prefer the ~150hp cars over a supercar any day.

Bottom line, not only do Sony have to deliver a spectacular E3, they also need AAA software on the shelves in short order.
This argument.....again? I'll let D-N post one of his very, very, very long lists of highly rated PS3 games. EDIT: He already did.

By the way, since the Wii seems to be your benchmark, how many AAA games do they have?

'what, still no damage/weather/Porsche/ etc.'
Considering you now have two less things than you did a year ago (Ferrari, online) I think it is safe to say that the GT series is trying to make changes.

Well so much for discussing GT5...

Off topic, but at least car game related some of you should check out the new Dirt 2 "video tour" @ Codemasters.

Codemasters really seem to have done a great job, lets hope for multiplayer and better handling.
@Sele: No not fanboy, but troll. And i can only see one here (no not you lol).

Codemasters really seem to have done a great job, lets hope for multiplayer and better handling.
Ugh, GRID is the one of the most horrible driving games i played so far, DiRT 1 was better, i hope they dont ruin the 2nd one.
GRID online is punter city. It's where punters can win without driving at all. They stand in the middle of the road and try to total you so they are the only racers left and thus, win the races. The ability to kick players is the only way to save yourself. I was playing GRID demo and i couldn't finish a race without getting punted by those guys. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!!!! Let's hope GT5 doesn't turn into this.
The [Wii] competes with the [PS3] and 360, technology is irrelevant.

That makes as much sense as saying the Honda Civic competes with the Lexus LS and the Cadillac CTS. Yes, they are all cars, yes the Civic sells far better than the LS and CTS, but the Civic has a VERY different target market... and once again, evidence and facts have already been brought to your attention that bare that out.

As for everything else you have said, it's pretty much been covered already.

Look, just as you have the right to express your opinion, you also have the right to be proven wrong, and considering that facts, and not just personal subjective opinions, have already been brought to your attention that don't support your opinion, I suspect is why some may feel you are simply trying continue to spread myths and misinformation.

Now when I first responded to your initial comment I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were perhaps simply a victim of someone else's misleading information (as Lord knows there's plenty of it to be found) and only sharing what you thought was true... but even though facts that fairly clearly show that much of what you claimed was true isn't, you apparently aren't changing your tune in the least... which now makes me feel like rather than being a victim of misinformation, you are one of the culprits. :ouch:
i don't want to insult anyone's fragile biasism towards any platform or game series but if GT series haven't happened in 98 we would probably still be racing only racecars on racetracks without any coherent structure. also, without many gameplay assets of gt series genre would still be dull as whiteboard. so if pd would pack theirs bags, you can bet that evolution would be pretty much sustained. not to even mention that games such as segagt, enthusia and forza would never exist in their form if there was no gt. so you can pretty much call yourself either ignorant, missinformed or deliberately biased - conclusion remains the same. sorry for capitalisation and formatting, im writing this on web browser of my obscure and overpaid bluray player tha eventually lets me to play games from time to time .

:bowdown:....well said Amar....👍

btw:hope you are not cooking any chicken(birds)in your kitchen(oven)....:sly:

keep up the good work and words man,

You'll find Turn 10 and the Forza series has already matched or superceded Gran Turismo in most areas, damage, online, mechanical and livery customisation, track list, car list (Porsche, Ferrari, less filler, more quality), engine sounds etc. Everyone's looking at PD to see what they deliver, they have yet to top Forza 2, nevermind Forza 3.
Yeah... you provide a link to a shootout in which the brain trusts discuss sound quality by comparing the MUSIC. :lol:

Now look, some of your points are valid and worth batting about, but the rest are a string of opinions you elevate to universal truth. And when you do that, you have to know that you're not going to get a warm reception.

While Forza has made a few jumps over the Gran Turismo series, very few, they are nice. Body customization and liveries are very nice, so is the Auction House and online racing structure, when it runs properly. The rest is a mixed bag though. Everything is buggy. The cars are all prone to oversteer. Drifting is too easy. Grip seems excessive. Damage is at the level of a cartoon, and different for different makes. The driver views aren't too good. These and other issues make this far from an ideal racer to hold up as the pinnacle of race gaming. Prologue sold as many copies as Forza 2 in half the time, is missing much of FM2's content, has one-third the cars and one-half the tracks.

Forza 2 is a nice game, as is Ferrari Challenge. As is DiRT and GRiD, as will be GriD 2, Supercar Challenge and Shift. They'll offer us some nice variety, something to give us a bit more to fuss with if GT5 lacks in some area, or if it's delayed.

But none of them are Gran Turismo. None of them will be as cool as Gran Turismo, or sell like Gran Turismo. Even if GT5 lacks a lot of the things we'd love to see in it, it's still going to give us access to many, MANY cars more than other games offer, and be about the best racing experience on the PS3.
i don't want to insult anyone's fragile biasism towards any platform or game series but if GT series haven't happened in 98 we would probably still be racing only racecars on racetracks without any coherent structure. also, without many gameplay assets of gt series genre would still be dull as whiteboard. so if pd would pack theirs bags, you can bet that evolution would be pretty much sustained. not to even mention that games such as segagt, enthusia and forza would never exist in their form if there was no gt. so you can pretty much call yourself either ignorant, missinformed or deliberately biased - conclusion remains the same. sorry for capitalisation and formatting, im writing this on web browser of my obscure and overpaid bluray player tha eventually lets me to play games from time to time .

I love how some people think the O.G.'s are the only people with brains. If they thought of these things, what makes you think it's impossible for anyone else to? Who's really the ignorant one here?
I love how some people think the O.G.'s are the only people with brains. If they thought of these things, what makes you think it's impossible for anyone else to? Who's really the ignorant one here?

Ceteris paribus, bro, look it up.
That makes as much sense as saying the Honda Civic competes with the Lexus LS and the Cadillac CTS. Yes, they are all cars, yes the Civic sells far better than the LS and CTS, but the Civic has a VERY different target market... and once again, evidence and facts have already been brought to your attention that bare that out.

As for everything else you have said, it's pretty much been covered already.

Look, just as you have the right to express your opinion, you also have the right to be proven wrong, and considering that facts, and not just personal subjective opinions, have already been brought to your attention that don't support your opinion, I suspect is why some may feel you are simply trying continue to spread myths and misinformation.

Now when I first responded to your initial comment I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were perhaps simply a victim of someone else's misleading information (as Lord knows there's plenty of it to be found) and only sharing what you thought was true... but even though facts that fairly clearly show that much of what you claimed was true isn't, you apparently aren't changing your tune in the least... which now makes me feel like rather than being a victim of misinformation, you are one of the culprits. :ouch:
All I can say is thank goodness Sony aren't as complacent as some of those around here., i.e. E3's 'only' a trade show. It's a trade show that will define the year ahead and drive the media agenda until Christmas, and the reason why Sony has so many suprise titles under wraps.

Anyone who thinks the PS3 launch has been anything short of dissapointing, many would say disastrous, has been drinking too much cool aid, same goes for anyone who thinks Sony are happy to duke it out with Microsoft for a distant second place. I've followed the PS3's performance closely as part of the Blu-ray/HD-DVD format war, it's no coincidence there have been so many behind the scenes changes at Sony.

If you've kept upto speed with the PS3 you'd know previous mistakes are being rectified, quality first party exclusives are now being lined up, rather than hyped crap like Laier. You'll also have noticed the more expensive, technologically superior, PS3 is now consistently outselling the Wii in Japan, a market that traditionally leads the world in terms of sales trends................then again they aren't rivals are they.

Getting back to GT5, the reaction on this pro GT website will tell you what fans think of the titles E3 appearance, and how that compares to Forza 3, NFS, Dirt 2 etc., it's going to have to be something special.

I believe they WILL deliver the goods, but I'm not going to sit back and try to dampen expectations, while dismissing the competition, just to keep fanboys who've never actually driven a top of the line PC sim, or in many cases an actual real car.
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i don't want to insult anyone's fragile biasism towards any platform or game series but if GT series haven't happened in 98 we would probably still be racing only racecars on racetracks without any coherent structure. also, without many gameplay assets of gt series genre would still be dull as whiteboard. so if pd would pack theirs bags, you can bet that evolution would be pretty much sustained. not to even mention that games such as segagt, enthusia and forza would never exist in their form if there was no gt. so you can pretty much call yourself either ignorant, missinformed or deliberately biased - conclusion remains the same. sorry for capitalisation and formatting, im writing this on web browser of my obscure and overpaid bluray player tha eventually lets me to play games from time to time .

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love my Blu-ray / AVI / MP3 player -slash- Web-browser -slash- game machine... but they really ought to package a full keyboard with it... :dopey:
So, Jaguar, about NFS Shift, EA allready said that the game will be focused on the easy drive and fun gameplay (arcade), so...

In your first post you was with a different discurse, you start saying that you're a simracing fan and GT is a fantastic game, in other post, you said that Forza is better than GT in a lot things an GT sucks(not with the same words), and now you're saying that GT is a good game... i just can't get your point.

D-N used facts and statics, and you ? Only words...
This “battle” is allready lost to you, i don't know why you keep on it, maybe proud or something...

And about Codemasters race games, well, i played Grid and Dirt, and they look the SAME to me(and to some friends that i showed the games). Seriously, i can't understand all the hype around Codemasters games.
Grid, Dirt, V8 Super cars... they all look the same.
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